Every person has a first name, middle name and last name. And if the names rarely surprise with their originality, then the surnames can be very diverse. This obligatory attribute that accompanies a person all his life can tell a lot about his owner. The surname will tell about nationality, belonging to any kind, but most importantly, the surname can tell the story of the family of its owner. In this article, we will look at the origin of the surname Moses, which seems rather controversial due to its similarity with the prophet Moses, but does it really have anything to do with him?
Origin of the surname
The surname Moiseev is considered primordially Russian. Despite the direct connection with the Jewish ancestor Moses. This may be hard to believe. Moiseev is a surname of Russian nationality. In ancient Russia, few were endowed with surnames, only the rich andprivileged persons. The situation changed after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. Then a huge stratum of the peasant population had to be identified somehow. Surnames were given simply - from the male names of the heads of families.
However, the origin of the name Moiseev cannot be called simple and spontaneous. This surname refers to the noble. In Russia, there was a noble family of Moiseevs with their own family coat of arms and a fairly extensive pedigree. The Moiseev family is rooted in the Kursk province. Derived from Ivan Afanasyevich Moiseev since 1654. But this is not the only noble family of the famous family.

In the Smolensk province there are documented data, where in 1817 Konstantin Nikitich Moiseev was also recognized as a nobleman. His family ends its existence during the years of the revolution.
Surname History
The appearance of the surname Moiseev is connected with ancient Jewish history. In Hebrew, Moses means "saved from the water." It is him, saving from the Egyptian pharaoh, in a basket that his mother lowers into the waters of the Nile. Where the boy is soon rescued by the daughter of that same pharaoh. When Moses grows up, he witnesses the mistreatment of the Jewish population and decides to help his compatriot.
So he becomes a prophet and one of the founders of Judaism. It was Moses, according to biblical tradition, who led the Israelites out of Egypt. In the future, many biblical stories will be associated with his name, and his personality will appear not only in the Jewish religion, but also inIslamic and Christian.

That is why the origin of the surname Moiseev is connected with the Old Testament and Orthodox Russia. This surname appeared in Russia with the adoption of Christianity and its roots go back to 988. But the name was very common in the 15-19th centuries, and it was from him that the surname and many of its analogues originated.
Today, the surname Moiseev is very common. It can be easily found among your friends. However, not everyone believes that the surname Moiseev is originally Russian. Because of the Jewish prophet, she is often credited with Jewish origin, which is not entirely true.
Russian linguist Anatoly Fedorovich Zhuravlev compiled a list of the 500 most common surnames in Russia. So, the surname Moiseev is in 122nd place and has an indicator of 0.0975 relative occurrence in Russia. In the first place - Ivanov, then Smirnov, and in the third place - Kuznetsov.
Moses in different religions
Despite the fact that Moses was a Jewish prophet (Moshe), and it is he who is considered one of the founders of Judaism, his name is also strongly associated with Christian culture. The bearers of the surname Moiseev have Russian nationality. Jews consider Moses the founder of the Torah, and Christians - the Bible. In Russian Orthodox history, Moses is a prototype of Christ, on September 17, believers honor his memory.
In Islam, Moses is the interlocutor of Allah and the Islamic prophet (Musa). His name occurs 136 times in the Quran.
The origin of the name Moiseev, of course, is connected with the name,but Orthodox Russian. It has nothing to do with Jewish and Muslim culture. However, so does the Bible. This surname is a derivative of the biblical name, but just like the surnames Larin from Illarion, Pavlov from Pavel, Ostafyev from Evstafy, etc. In Russia, it was customary to give biblical names at baptism, and later surnames were formed from these names.
Famous people
Of course, speaking of the name Moiseev, we immediately recall the star of the 90s - a talented show-ballet dancer - Boris Moiseev. This bright and shocking personality was heard by every Russian, and not only. Today, Boris Moiseev is 64 years old, he rarely performs, and the new generation begins to forget the idol of the 90s.

People's Artist of the USSR, choreographer Igor Moiseev, too, few people will remember. He passed away in 2007 at the age of 101. During his long life, he was awarded a huge number of awards, titles and prizes both in Russia and abroad.

The Russian scientist, academician in the field of applied mathematics, researcher Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev is little known. This outstanding scientist left a huge legacy, he wrote more than 300 scientific papers, his developments in the field of nuclear energy are still being studied in all specialized universities of the country.