Where does the giant monitor lizard live?

Where does the giant monitor lizard live?
Where does the giant monitor lizard live?

This article will focus on one amazing giant animal. Despite its impressive name, it ranks third in size among relatives.

General information

Giant monitor lizard compared to Komodo (among all varieties of lizards has no equal in strength and size) is relatively small. The second place belongs to the striped monitor lizard, leading a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The giant monitor takes an honorable third place along with the crocodile monitor (or the monitor monitor of El Salvador).

Exceeds the giant monitor lizard of its counterparts in length due to its rather long tail, which is why it received such an impressive name. It belongs to the order Scaly from the Varanov family.

For more information about this interesting animal (what is it, where does the giant monitor lizard live, on what mainland) can be found by reading this article.

giant monitor lizard
giant monitor lizard

A case from history

One day (1961) in the Watoga Mountains (New South Wales, Australia), three lumberjacks were cutting down trees. When they were resting, they suddenly heard the crunch of branches nearby. There was a feeling that something of enormous size was making its way through the windbreak. Rising, the lumberjacks saw with horror an unexpected guest. Toa gigantic animal six meters long was approaching him.

It was believed that there were no large land animals in Australia, and the appearance of this monster in men caused a real shock. After some time, the workers rushed to the car. Sitting in a closed car, they saw how a real huge dragon appeared from the thicket. He stepped with his powerful clawed paws and predatory drove around with his head with numerous teeth in his mouth. The animal walked past the car and, descending a steep slope, disappeared into the forest.

Giant monitor lizard (Australia)
Giant monitor lizard (Australia)

Giant monitor lizard: photo

This type of lizard is the third largest in the world fauna.

The upper body of the giant monitor lizard has a coffee color, and the back and sides are covered with black spots. His belly is painted in a light cream color. The belly of a young monitor lizard has a pronounced clear pattern, while in an old one it fades with age.

The head of the animal is elongated, and in the mouth there are very sharp teeth that can gnaw through the flesh of prey. The short powerful legs of the monitor lizard have curved very sharp claws.

The total length of the animal, including the tail, is 2.6 meters, weight - 25 kg. But usually the length of the body of most monitor lizards does not exceed 2 meters. This value was determined by calculating the average length and weight of individuals selected by local zoologists.

Giant monitor lizard: photo
Giant monitor lizard: photo

The color of the giant monitor lizard not only looks quite impressive, it is also an excellent camouflage suit for a reptile: notnoticeable against the background of vegetation dried up from the heat. When running (both on four and on 2 hind legs), a giant monitor lizard can reach speeds of up to 3-4 kilometers per hour. Body temperature depends on the climatic conditions of the environment, it does not tolerate extreme heat.

The rather long tail of this giant animal most often performs the functions of attackers: its blow can knock down not only a person, but also a large animal.


On what continent does a giant monitor lizard live? Australia (the central part of the continent and the western part) is considered to be the birthplace of a large monitor lizard. This is Queensland.

In the Australian desert 40 thousand years ago primitive people were already hunting. On the surviving rock paintings, in addition to other extinct animals, there are also images of dragons. It is possible that this giant predator was part of the menu of the ancient natives.

The vast expanses of this fabulously beautiful mainland have not been explored enough. There is a photograph in which a man is depicted next to a huge dragon, although this is actually unlikely. Although it is known that in cold weather monitor lizards are inactive in the morning, and therefore they react sluggishly to their potential prey. Perhaps the person in the photo took advantage of a similar state of this animal.

The monitor lizards live in the driest parts of Australia: from the western part of Queensland to the western coasts of the continent. Habitats - semi-desert, desert zones and savannas.

What continent does the giant monitor lizard live on?
What continent does the giant monitor lizard live on?

Habits, lifestyle

The giant monitor lizard (Australia) leads only a terrestrial way of life and lives in holes and cracks in rocky terrain. In case of danger, he can safely end up on a branch, quickly climbing a tree trunk.

Baby monitor lizards can be prey to predators, such as dingoes. Man is the only enemy for an adult monitor lizard.


Usually, the Australian giant monitor lizard feeds on birds, various insects, varieties of smaller monitor lizards. Its victims die not so much from being bitten by sharp teeth, but from blood poisoning and various concomitant infections.

Sometimes carrion is included in the diet of monitor lizard. There are also cases of attacks of large individuals on not very large kangaroos.

Where does the giant monitor lizard live, on which mainland
Where does the giant monitor lizard live, on which mainland


Reproduction of these reptiles is not well understood. However, it is known that these reptiles, as a rule, do not create stable pairs. The female lays the fertilized eggs in a well-protected shelter. It can be an abandoned hole, a fallen tree hollow or a termite mound.

Usually, there are about 11 eggs in a clutch, for the successful development of which a temperature in the range from +30 to -32 ° C is required. The incubation period lasts approximately 8 months, after which small monitor lizards are born, with their innate instincts and left almost to themselves in the first days of life.


The giant lizard is not bloodthirsty. He tries to run awaymeeting with a person, and attacks only in exceptional cases, when a danger arises for him. The monitor lizard has practically no enemies in the wild, because it is very difficult to defeat such a powerful and strong opponent.

These animals have very dense strong skin, and they are tenacious, like other lizards. Local residents claim that monitor lizards are not even afraid of the bites of poisonous snakes, but there is no evidence from scientists on this fact. It is only known that these voracious lizards eat a wide variety of snakes quite well, without dividing them into harmless and poisonous.
