The spectacled snake (see photo below) got its name because of the pattern, which is two rings with a bow located on the back of its hood. Such an element is a specific feature of all cobras.

It is a section of the neck that swells when exposed to a certain muscle group. This happens when the cobra is aggressive or scared.
You can meet a spectacled snake in nature only in countries with a warm climate. It lives throughout the entire space from India, Central Asia and South China to the Philippines and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. The favorite places of the cobra are the jungle and rice fields. Sometimes she crawls into city parks and home gardens.

The cobra lives in various places. She can settle under the roots of trees, in piles of brushwood, in ruins and scree. At the same time, she prefers places located near human habitation. Can a snake live high in the mountains, in areas up to two thousand seven hundred meters above sea level.
External description
The Indian cobra, also called the spectacled snake, has a body length of one and a half to two meters. The main color of her scales is fiery yellow, giving off a bluish sheen. The slightly blunt and rounded head of the cobra passes very smoothly into the body. Small snake eyes have round pupils. Large shields are located on the head. Pair of poisonous fangs of a cobra are located on its upper jaw. One or three small teeth follow at some distance from them.
The body of a spectacled cobra, covered with smooth scales, turns into a thin long tail. The color of individuals of this species can vary significantly even among those representatives who live in the same area. The general background of the body are colors from grayish-yellow to brown and even black. The belly of a cobra is yellowish-brown or light gray.
The nature of the coloring of young individuals is somewhat different. Transverse dark stripes are clearly visible on their body. With age, they gradually turn pale, and then disappear altogether.

In the coloration of the snake, the most remarkable difference is the so-called points. This bright clear pattern is especially visible in the case of the aggressiveness of the cobra. The spectacled snake is clumsy and rather slow in its movements. However, she is an excellent swimmer and tree climber when needed.
Behavior in case of danger
When threatened, the spectacled snake raises the front third of its body vertically. At the same time, she spreads eight front pairs of ribs of the cervical region to the side. In case of danger, the cobra holds its head towards the enemy in a horizontal position. The neck in such a situation expands and becomesflatter. It is then that the bright eyed pattern characteristic of this type of cobra appears. The value of "points" for the snake is very high. The fact is that in the event of a predator attack from the rear, they give the impression that the cobra's head is turned towards it. This keeps the reptile enemies at bay.
The spectacled snake mates in January-February. And in May, the females lay eggs. In the clutch, as a rule, there are from ten to twenty eggs (very rarely up to forty-five). Males and females live in pairs not only during the mating period, but also until the moment when the young are born. Egg laying must be guarded by one of the parents.

Eggs develop in seventy to eighty days.
Enemies and victims
The spectacled snake has many enemies. However, the most dangerous for her is the mongoose. This is a small predator that belongs to the viverrid family. The mongoose is capable of attacking a snake of any size. He easily jumps away, avoiding the throws of the Indian cobra, and at a convenient moment he clings to her neck with his sharp teeth. The mongoose has reduced sensitivity to cobra venom. However, he still tries to avoid her bites. The spectacled snake is very venomous. However, it does not pose a threat to humans. The fact is that she first poisons her victim with poison, and then swallows it whole. The snake feeds on various reptiles, rats and mice. Therefore, a person is not of particular interest to her.
In the event that a menacing hiss is heard nearby, anyone can understand thatnearby is a cobra. A spectacled snake warns a person of a possible attack. If the situation is left unattended, then a big disaster can happen. The cobra will begin to defend itself, which means it will bite and poison its offender. Its poison is very strong. After a bite, a person can get sick or die.
Interesting facts
The spectacled snake is revered by the population of India. There are many stories and legends about her. Cobra is used by snake charmers during their performances. She is kept in round wicker baskets. Before the performance, the lid is removed from the basket, the cobra stands in its spectacular pose. The caster plays a wind instrument, swinging to the beat of the music. The snake does not hear sounds. She has no external auditory organ. However, the cobra follows the man, swaying after him. From the side it seems that the reptile is dancing.