Many people ask the question: how many inhabitants are there in Primorsky Krai? In fact, in this respect, it does not stand out from other Russian regions. Primorsky Krai is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, located in the extreme south of the Far Eastern Federal District. It borders on China, North Korea, the Sea of Japan and the Khabarovsk Territory of the Russian Federation. The administrative center is the city of Vladivostok. The region covers an area of 164,673 sq. km. The population of Primorsky Krai is 1 million 913 thousand 037 people. The population density of Primorsky Krai per 1 sq. km. km - 11.62. The share of urban residents - 77.21%.
Geographic features
The region covers a little less than 1% of the area of Russia. This puts it in 23rd place in terms of territory among the subjects of the Russian Federation. The maximum length is 900 km, and the width is 280 km. The total length of the borders is 3000 kilometers, fromhalf of which is at the sea border.
The relief includes both mountains and low plains. Some areas are difficult to access. Most of the territory is covered by the Far Eastern taiga, in the southern part of the region - mixed forest, and in some places forest-steppe. On the mountain peaks - tundra and loaches. Forests occupy 79% of the total area of the region.

Monsoon-type climate with moderate temperatures. Winters are quite cold, with clear days and low rainfall. Summers are humid and not hot. Autumn is sunny, warm and dry. Most of the precipitation falls in summer. In general, their amount is 600-900 mm per year.
The nature of the region has suffered greatly from massive deforestation and poaching. China is the main market for these products.
Population of Primorsky Krai
The population of Primorsky Krai in 2018 was 1 million 913 thousand 037 people. At the same time, its average density was 11.62 people/kV. km. The share of citizens was about 76 percent.
The dynamics of the population of Primorsky Krai reflects its intensive growth during almost the entire 20th century. It was only in the 1990s that this trend was reversed and a decline began, which continues to this day, but is gradually slowing down.
In 1900, the population of Primorsky Krai was 260,000 people, and in 1992 it reached a maximum of 2,314,531 people, after which it decreased annually.
Birth rates fell during the 80s and 90s, and since 2000 have mostly been on the rise. Mortality during this period had multidirectional dynamics. ATBasically, until 2006 it grew, and then it decreased. However, there were exception years.
Natural population growth has been negative since 1995 and continues to be so.
Share of city dwellers from 1959 to 2010 only slightly grown.
Population life expectancy
Life expectancy declined until 1995, and then mostly increased. In 1990, it was 67.8 years, and in 1995 - 63.1. It was minimal in 2003 - 62.8 years, and in 2013 it reached 68.2 years.
National Structure
The bulk of the population (85, 66%) are Russian residents. In second place are Ukrainians - 2.55%, in third place - Koreans (0.96%), and in fourth place - Tatars (0.54%). This is followed by Uzbeks, Belarusians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Chinese. The proportion of those who did not indicate their nationality is quite significant - 7.41%.
In 2010, there were 24,704 residents of the People's Republic of China as temporary migrants in the province. Fewer such migrants were from Uzbekistan, even fewer from Vietnam, and the rest were few. However, according to some reports, there are several times more Chinese migrants. According to many experts, such a situation in the future may even be fraught with the transition of Primorsky Krai under the jurisdiction of China.
Cities of Primorsky Krai by population
In terms of the number of inhabitants, the capital of the region - Vladivostok - is the leader - 606,589 people live here. And in second place is the city of Ussuriysk. Here the number of people is 172,017 people. On the third line - Nakhodka with a population of 149,316 people. On thefourth - Artem (106,692). Thus, in the cities of Primorsky Krai, the population is quite significant.

Economy of Primorsky Krai
The region is part of the Far East economic region. The most developed industries are the fishing industry, metalworking and mechanical engineering, including shipbuilding, as well as the woodworking industry, the production of building materials, coal, light and food industries. Agriculture specializes in crops of cereals, fodder crops, potatoes, soybeans, vegetables and fruits.

Industry accounts for a third of the gross domestic product. Approximately 8 percent of the volume of industrial output is associated with metal processing and the production of machinery. The products of the timber industry used to be of great importance in securing supplies from Primorye. Now it accounts for only 3.4%. This is due to the discovery of other types of resources and the development of various industries.

The coal industry is based on deposits located mainly in the south of Primorsky Krai, the largest of which are Pavlovskoye and Baku. Coal is used for heating in furnaces and boiler houses.
The mining chemistry and non-ferrous metallurgy industries are well developed in the region. For the last resource base are deposits of polymetal ores located in the north of the region.
The electric power industry provides more than 30 percent of Primorye's industrial output.

The food industry is also well developed. 350 enterprises are involved in it. Of great importance is the extraction of honey, which is about 7,000 tons per year.
Natural production
The fishing industry plays an exceptional role in the economy of Primorye. A third of the total Russian fish catch is mined here. Approximately the same share in the domestic production of fish products. Over 400,000 tons per year are exported. The biggest buyers are USA, Japan, South Korea.
Agriculture is most developed in the southern and southwestern parts of Primorye. A little more than half of the volume of agricultural production is vegetable raw materials, and a little less is livestock products. In 2017, production in this sector increased dramatically. So far, the number of people in Primorsky Krai is insufficient for the large-scale development of agriculture.
Cooperation with neighbors
Primorsky Krai, due to its geographical location, develops trade relations with more than 100 countries. The most significant partners are China, and to a much lesser extent, Japan and South Korea combined. In 2017, trade between the region and neighboring countries increased sharply.

Thus, the population of Primorsky Krai is not very large, due to its geographical location. But at the same time, the economy in this region is well developed. It is possible that in Primorsky Krai the population will increase over time due to increasedmigratory pressure from neighboring China. In the end, this may lead to the transition of this region under the control of China. Experts are already hinting at such a possibility.
Various types of industrial and agricultural production are developed in Primorsky Krai, largely export-oriented to China and other Asian countries.