It has long been known that girls are changeable creatures. The beautiful half of humanity is in the process of constant self-improvement and self-search. This applies to both the inner world and the outside. New style, new makeup technique, new songs in the playlist. Changes are normal, so they are usually not given much importance. Unless you're talking about a haircut. Especially when it's four of a kind.
A time-tested pattern says: "If a girl cut her bob, she most likely recently became free." The rule works for both mere mortals and celebrities. The beautiful Selena Gomez is no exception.
No time for experiments
For a long time, the girl, known for her outstanding vocals, good acting and pretty face, was one of the most famous actresses of Disney Channel. The contract with the channel did not allow her to change her hairstyledramatically, because we could see Selena Gomez with bangs, no more. The girl appeared in the frame with the same mop of long brown hair. Signature hairstyle with only occasional changes.
To be fair, Selena Gomez's tattered bangs went perfectly with her teenage style.

From girl to woman
When Selena turned 17, an acquaintance took place in her life, which still actively influences the girl and everything that happens to her. Selena Gomez's mother, and part-time her manager, introduced her daughter to Justin Bieber. The relationship of the couple has been followed by a huge number of fans both in America and around the world for many years.
During this relationship, the girl became noticeably prettier, began to feel more confident, starred in several candid photo shoots and turned from a pretty girl into a beautiful young woman.
As for the hairstyle, the photo of Selena Gomez with bangs speaks for itself - the girl still does not change her style. And why change if millions of fans love her and like that?

The Weeknd on the horizon
In 2017, the beautiful and noticeably matured Gomez begins a relationship with Abel Tesfaye, better known as the Weeknd. The couple strongly supports each other in various endeavors, appears together at social events. Young people in all interviews talk about how this union influenced them. Selena gets inspiredthe creativity of her lover, as evidenced by the number of songs released by her, which is growing noticeably. What can I say if a girl, immersed in a new romance, decides to change her image and sharply shortens her hair. We no longer see the same Selena Gomez with bangs, her place is taken by a fatal lady with an elongated bob. By the way, the new hairstyle suits the girl very well, especially in combination with burning eyes in love.

Do something about it
What to do if you broke up with a guy, but there is already a caret? This question is often found in various women's forums. Unfortunately, after 10 months of relationship, Selena Gomez and Abel Tesfaye decided to leave. It is still unknown whether the girl’s communication with her ex-boyfriend was the reason, or whether Abel’s constant reproaches and his attempts to turn Selena into Bella Hadid were to blame.
Well, the breakup led to the expected consequences: the girl decided to change her hairstyle and dyed her hair blonde. And again Selena Gomez with bangs, yes. This time, the hit is a win-win, because the new image of the singer immediately begins to be actively discussed on the Web. Some notice that the girl has noticeably prettier and fresher, others - that she has become much more daring and attractive. Not without those who did not appreciate the changes in the appearance of the girl. In any case, Selena Gomez with bangs and short hair has become a fashionable topic of discussion.

Not like Hailey
And again Justin Bieber appears in Selena's life. At first, the girl is simply noticed in the company of a young man, after which she breaks up with Abel. This is followed by joint walks and rumors about the resumption of relations with the ex-lover.
Alas, the expectations of the fans did not materialize, as Bieber was repeatedly seen in the company of Hailey Baldwin, the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin. The couple's romance is developing so rapidly and beautifully that it instantly causes a strong reaction from the public. Fans of Gomez are indignant, fans of Bieber and Baldwin watch the young people in awe and post their photos on social networks with the hashtag lifegoal. One thing is clear: Justin is in love and rekindling a romance with Selena is out of the question.
As soon as comparisons between Gomez and Baldwin (also a short-haired blonde) begin to appear on the Web, the singer decides on another experiment with hair. Especially when it becomes known that the former chosen one is preparing for the wedding.
"Is it really a Selena Gomez hairstyle with bangs again?" You ask? Exactly!
Ah, this wedding
To the great regret of fans of the relationship of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber, the singer seriously decided to change his usual way of life and settle down. This news was instantly replicated by the tabloids. A little later, another sensation caught up with her. After a couple of months of observing the preparation of the first love for the wedding, Selena began to notice a deterioration in her he alth. In early October 2018, the girl was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown and exhaustion. After lying in the hospital and carefully considering what was happening, the girl came out and made a decisionchange your life and change your appearance. Again.

With bob and bangs, Selena Gomez appeared before the fans in the new video for the song Back to you. Well, the new hairstyle suits the girl incredibly. Although we will remember her with long hair. With bangs, of course.