Rough terrain is difficult terrain to move around

Rough terrain is difficult terrain to move around
Rough terrain is difficult terrain to move around

Rough terrain is a piece of the earth's surface with difficult conditions for movement. This name, at first glance, does not correspond to the definition or does not quite accurately characterize such a territory. Under the concept of ruggedness, the meaning of the "indentation" of the earth's surface by various neoplasms is used here. They create irregularities, and these are not necessarily recesses. These formations can also rise above ground level.


Locality: definition and properties

Rivers, lakes, mountains and hills, forests and marshes - all this changes the appearance of the earth's surface. Rough terrain is a concept that characterizes such a territory. Dictionaries about the verb "cross" indicate that in this expression it is used in the sense of a quality determinant or property of a particular area. In another way, we can say that in this territory the earth's surface is indented by various relief elements.

Rough terrain suggests that the site contains 20% or more of various kinds of obstacles thator otherwise obstruct simple movement. They can be of natural origin or artificially created objects. If there are less than 20% of such obstacles, then it is customary to speak of a small intersection.

Roads, overpasses, canals and settlements are built by man and belong to the terrain. And everything that is created by nature is called relief. The science of topography studies these individual elements, their combination, and how to display them on maps.

Thus, the terrain is understood as a certain piece of land with natural irregularities on its surface and artificially created objects (objects). If they are less than 10%, then such terrain is considered uncrossed. More than 30% is evidence of strong roughness.

Permeability is a similar property of the territory, giving an understanding of the ease or difficulty of movement on it. Here the main factor is the presence or absence of a road network. It is clear that the presence of ravines, rivers, forests or swamps reduces the permeability. To increase it, it is necessary to carry out engineering work.

Therefore, all off-road terrain is conditionally rugged. Its degree depends on the presence or absence of obstacles on it as a percentage. Allocate easy and difficult areas, as well as areas where there is no possibility of movement.



Rough terrain (its photo is posted in the article) is subdivided depending on the visibility. It is open if the area is goodviewed up to 75% in all directions. When the degree of visibility is less, they speak of closeness. An intermediate value can be characterized by conditional intersection. The determining factor in this case is the presence of forests, gardens, hills, settlements with infrastructure that limit the view.

The soil and vegetation on it also make adjustments. Depending on their types of territory, there are desert, steppe, forest, tundra, swampy, and also transitional types. The terrain may be hilly, flat or mountainous. A flat surface is characterized by heights up to 300 m above sea level. Heavily rugged terrain is most often areas with hilly and more complex terrain. Mountain areas are usually divided into three types depending on the prevailing heights: low - up to 1000 m, medium - up to 2000 m, high - over 2000 m. Hilliness is determined by elevations up to 500 m.



The rugged terrain has an impact on the layout and location of settlements, on the road network. To some extent, the climatic features of the region depend on it. The soil of such places is also often specific. Vegetation cover, groundwater level and the possibility of their use for human needs and agricultural plantings depend on it.

The most fertile are chernozems and chestnut soils close to them. But they are less suitable for dirt roads during an abundance of precipitation. In semi-deserts, sandy and s alt marshes are most common. soils, unlikefrom the soil (fertile top layer), applicable for construction. They, in turn, are divided into rocky, loose and intermediate.

Objects of the area, depending on the purpose, location, shape and origin, can be divided into several types:

  • settlements;
  • structures for industry, agriculture and culture;
  • road network and transport communications;
  • communication and power lines;
  • vegetation cover;
  • hydrographic objects (rivers, lakes) and water structures attached to them (ports, marinas, moorings).

Relief elements

Rough terrain - these are irregularities that determine the type and nature of the earth's surface. They are usually divided into landforms. A mountain is a domed or conical hill. The upper part can be sharp (peak) or flat (plateau). The base of the mountain is called the sole, and the side faces are called the slopes. If the height of the formation is up to 200 m, then it is customary to call it a hill. If it is of artificial origin, then it is a barrow. Several hills located in the same direction form a ridge.

The lowering of the area with a bowl-shaped hollow of a closed type is called a hollow. If it is small, then it is a hole. A hollow is usually called a pronounced lowering of the terrain in one direction with a clearly noticeable depression. If such a formation has steep edges and steep slopes, then it is called a ravine. Between two adjacent peaks of the ridge, as a rule, there is a depression. Suchthe formation is called a saddle.

Cross-country travel

Difficult terrain and obstacles for normal travel are not very suitable. If you have to go in such an area, then it is better to choose noticeable animal paths, potholes and objects that lie securely on the surface of the earth. For climbing uphill, it is advisable to use auxiliary climbing equipment and devices. Screes are especially dangerous, as they can form rockfalls.


Movement on relatively flat areas can be done with a measured and rhythmic step or running (jogging). The presence of obstacles makes you slow down, carefully look under your feet so as not to roll your foot or stretch your ligaments. Forest, swamp, bushes, sand or snow - all this requires the development of a special step.

The presence of luggage on the back, a slope or climbing uphill imposes additional requirements. The descent is sometimes more expedient to produce "serpentine". With a steep rise, put the leg on the entire foot or place them in a “herringbone”, spreading the socks to the sides, and tilt the torso slightly forward.


Rough terrain is a suitable area for competition. They can be organized in different ways. Races on the territory that makes movement difficult are arranged by running, skiing, bicycles, motorcycles and cars. Cross-country running is one of the disciplines of athletics. The first official competitions in this sport (cross) took place in 1837. The World Cup washeld in 1973. Official competitions are usually held in autumn and winter after the end of the main athletics season.

Running on rough terrain effectively affects all muscles and body systems. The route is usually laid in the forest zone or in open areas. The length can be, depending on the complexity of the site, from 3 to 12 km. Natural conditions do not affect the conduct of competitions. Often races take place in rain, snow and strong winds.

Running on rough terrain, in addition to muscle strength, trains endurance, strengthens joints and ligaments, heals the heart and vascular system. Loads when overcoming obstacles effectively relieve stress and act as a strong energy drink.
