Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich is a well-known domestic statesman. Currently represents the administration of the Tomsk region in communication with the federal authorities. Previously, for more than 20 years, he led this Siberian region. Has a PhD in Economics.
Biography of the politician

Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich was born in 1948. He was born in the village of Vlasovo-Dvorino, which is located in the Kostroma region. It belonged to the Palkinsky district, which is now renamed Antropovsky.
His parents were Germans by origin and peasants by occupation. In addition to the hero of our article, they had five more sons and one daughter. While still in elementary school, Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich devoted all his free time to work with his parents at the state farm. He received a diploma of secondary education in the village of Yashkino, which is located in the Kemerovo region.
Work activity

In 1971 Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich received a diploma from the Agricultural Institute in Novosibirsk. From there, according to the distribution, he went to work inTomsk region, where he settled.
The hero of our article was assigned to the state farm "Kornilovsky". At first he became a senior, and eventually the chief agronomist. The young specialist quickly climbed the career ladder. Already in the mid-70s, he headed the Rodina state farm, located in the Tomsk district of the Tomsk region.
Since 1979 Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich has been working in the regional production association "Agricultural Chemistry", which is engaged in agrochemical services for the entire field of agriculture.
With the beginning of perestroika, he received a new appointment, also related to the field of agriculture. Now he is deputy chairman of the agro-industrial committee of the Tomsk region. In this position, he oversaw production issues.
Political career

In the late 80s, Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich was seriously puzzled by the need to start political activity. To begin with, he becomes a secretary in the Pervomaisky District Committee of the CPSU.
At the same time, he improves his education, graduating from the Russian Academy of Management with a degree in political science.
In March 1990 Viktor Kress became a regional deputy in Tomsk. Moreover, a month later he was elected chairman of the local council of people's deputies. At the same time, he takes the prudent position of a "moderate" deputy. He eschewed both radical democrats and conservatives who advocated communist ideology.
During the putsch in Moscow, Kress and the entire regional council inTomsk did not support the coup. Already on August 23, the hero of our article officially announced his withdrawal from the regional party committee, due to the fact that his position was radically at odds with the line of the CPSU.
Head of the Tomsk Region

Kress was appointed governor of the Tomsk region for the first time in 1991 by direct presidential decree. The hero of our article first took part in the national elections in 1995. He managed to win already in the first round, albeit in a bitter struggle. He was supported by a little less than 52% of voters.
In 1999, he was re-elected to the post of governor of the Tomsk region, winning an even more convincing victory.
In 2007, when direct elections of heads of regions were abolished, Kress's candidacy was submitted to the regional Duma by the head of state. Thus, he led the region until 2011.
Work in the Federation Council
In 2012 Viktor Melkhiorovich Kress was sent to the Federation Council as an authorized representative of the administration of the Tomsk region.
He still works in this post, representing the interests of the region in federal authorities.
Cress Scandals

During his political career, Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich, whose biography was closely connected with the Tomsk region, more than once found himself at the center of major scandals.
For example, in 2001, right during a meeting of the regional parliament, a chicken egg was thrown at him. The sabotage was committed by a non-working citizen by last nameAnishchenko. How he got into the hall remains a mystery. However, the strongly excited hater of the authorities could not get into the governor. Tom managed to dodge.
In 2010 Kress was attacked by Sergei Zaikov. This happened during an open meeting of the City Council. He hit the governor in the face, blaming his grandmother for the death. The blow was so strong that the head of the region bled. Shortly thereafter, the district court arrested Zaikov in a criminal case - for using violence against a government official. Supporters of the governor talked about the political order from his direct opponents. Zaikov was first taken under arrest, but then released on bail. In the summer of 2011, the court sentenced him to 2.5 years in a penal colony.
In 2010, Kress Viktor Melkhiorovich, as governor of the Tomsk region, equated terrorists with the opposition, who are dissatisfied with the current government. This happened at a meeting of the Public Security Council, which was urgently held after the terrorist attacks in the metropolitan metro.
Also, Kress became famous for his harsh statements during his communication with journalists. For example, he told the Interfax news agency that if United Russia fails to win elections to the city parliament, this will affect the well-being of all citizens. The city will not receive additional funding, and the governor himself will lose the prerogative to resolve issues important for the region in the federal center. He urged to go to the elections pragmatically, and not vote with the heart, as was done before. This slogan was extremely popular inpresidential elections in 1996, when Yeltsin managed to defeat the communist Zyuganov. Then, by the way, the political career of Kress himself began to develop.
In 2014, already working as a senator in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly, Kress made a scandal at a press conference in the publication "RIA Novosti-Tomsk". The ex-governor entered into a verbal skirmish with journalist Stanislav Mikryukov, who represented the Novo-Tomsk opposition publication, famous for its sharp materials that criticize the work of local authorities. The host asked Mikryukov to leave the press conference. At the same time, the press secretary of the hero of our article, Andrei Orlov, spoke succinctly and sharply in relation to the journalist: "Moron".
Private life

Viktor Kress is married. Together with his wife Lyudmila Vasilievna, he raised two adult children. They now have four grandchildren.
The ex-governor's wife works in the regional committee of state statistics. He holds the position of Lead Economist in the Pricing Department. His daughter Elena went into medicine. She chose the profession of a cardiologist, now she works in her speci alty in one of the clinics.
Kress's son Vyacheslav seriously engaged in legal practice. He heads the Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern District.