Organization as an object of management: its components and processes

Organization as an object of management: its components and processes
Organization as an object of management: its components and processes

Management as a process is defined by a series of continuous, interrelated actions aimed at shaping and achieving the goals of the organization. It also has its own structure, in which, on the one hand, the organization acts as a management body - in this case it is the subject of management, and on the other hand, the management of the organization is considered - where it is the object of management. What does the concept of "organization as an object of management" imply?

Organization as an object of management
Organization as an object of management

This concept of an organization can be interpreted as an element of a social structure that has its own functions and methods, as a result of which all its members, including the environment, are affected. In other words, the organization as an object of management is presented as a coordinated, social association of people, functioning on an ongoing basis and acting in the direction of achieving its goals.

technical and socio-naturalComponents. In addition, such organizations cannot exist without a team, the composition of which, as well as its direction of activity, is clearly regulated by the subject of management. This example clearly shows the organization as an object of management, and it is clear that the object is what the subject manages.

organization management process
organization management process

environment, forming an open system. Through the channels of this system, there is a constant exchange: resources come from outside, and ready-made goods are given back. At the same time, the organization's management process plays a supervising role, maintaining a balance between these processes and mobilizing all resources for their implementation. In general, enterprise management establishes correlating actions to determine goals, form and operate its resources to complete the tasks. Depending on the type of organization (educational, public, business, etc.), its size, type of activity, level of hierarchy, from internal functions and many other factors, the content and set of actions used in the management process may change. But despite this,

business management
business management

any organization as an object of management is subject to the influence of four main functions. These include: first of all, planning - is to develop an action plan and the definition of standard indicators; organization - with the help of which tasks are distributed, and interaction is established between departments and theirworkers; motivation - financial or psychological incentives for performers to materialize the planned goals; control - consists in comparing the results achieved with the intended ones. Thus, using scientific justification, business management becomes a universal process for obtaining the desired profit.
