Life in Brazil: average duration, level, feedback from residents

Life in Brazil: average duration, level, feedback from residents
Life in Brazil: average duration, level, feedback from residents

Life in Brazil is interesting and surprising for almost all foreigners. After all, this is the largest state in South America, about which everyone knows that they love football there, celebrate the carnival and spend a lot of time on the famous local beaches overlooking the ocean. In this article, we will talk about the duration, level and characteristics of life in this country.


Economy of Brazil
Economy of Brazil

Life in Brazil, compared to other countries in Latin America, is not so bad. As of last year, it was the state with the highest level of economic development on the continent. At the same time, Brazil is still classified as a developing country, it still lags far behind the USA and Western Europe.

Besides, with sufficiently high rates for the middle class, there is a class of simply extreme poor in the country. In large metropolitan areas, there are entire blocks of slums that not only visitors, but even locals are afraid to enter.police.

From here one of the main problems of life in Brazil is high crime. The country kills 26 people per 100,000 inhabitants a year. This is a very high figure, especially considering the population and the size of the state itself. The researchers even stated that it is crime that slows down the increase in the average life expectancy in Brazil. Brazilians now live an average of 74 years. This figure is lower than the average for Latin America.

Economic situation

Poverty rate
Poverty rate

It is interesting that the economic situation in the country has recently begun to improve. Thus, the poverty rate has already reached 25%, while over the past few years it has fallen by as much as 67 points. Thus, social inequality in the country reaches its lowest level in recent years.

Today, the Brazilian economy outperforms any other in the region. It is based on agriculture and industry, they provide a high standard of living in Brazil. In recent years, the food industry and mechanical engineering have been actively developing. Gradually, the country is turning from a supplier of raw materials into a high-tech economy. The service sector is growing, in which the main place is occupied by tourism.

Of course, such a transition from a third world country to a developed high-tech economy requires qualified specialists. Therefore, there are so many foreigners in the country who share their experience and train local employees. Compatriots who have gathered not for vacation, but forjob.

Salaries in Brazil

Trade in Brazil
Trade in Brazil

The high level of economic development leads to the fact that prices here are much higher than in neighboring countries. This is especially true for real estate, which is already very expensive compared to the rest of Latin America.

There is a clear division in housing for the poor and the rich, so it is rare to meet a person of a different social status in your quarter. The rental housing market is developed in large cities.

But salaries and pensions in the country are lower than in America and Western Europe, and even some Latin American countries.

The average salary in the country is one thousand dollars a month. At the same time, its value is still volatile, because the exchange rate of the local currency is constantly jumping, within a few weeks it can rise in price or fall in price by 30%.

The standard of living in Brazil, as in many neighboring countries, depends not so much on qualifications and education, but on acquaintances and connections. The level of nepotism here is high in all spheres, as in most countries on the continent.

But due to economic growth and the development of many sectors of the economy, primarily agriculture and industry, the unemployment rate here is one of the lowest. Even in the poorest neighborhoods and slums, residents tend to have some kind of income. At the same time, begging is not considered shameful here, especially among foreigners.

Prices in stores

According to reviews, life in Brazil as a whole is quiteinexpensive. Especially for foreigners who come here to get highly qualified jobs. Of course, the cost of goods depends on where they are produced.

Local vegetables and fruits cost a penny all year round, and the same goes for locally produced clothes and shoes, which are of high quality.

But products from abroad are prohibitively expensive. This applies to the latest gadgets, cosmetics, household appliances. All this costs many times more than in Russia or Europe.

Local education

Education in Brazil
Education in Brazil

The quality of life in Brazil largely depends on what kind of education one manages to get. Until recently, the country had a very high literacy rate, and many poor families preferred to send their children to work rather than study.

The Brazilian education system is divided into five levels: preschool, primary (8 years), secondary (3 years), higher (from 4 to 6 years) and additional (for those who want to specialize in several areas).

Only primary education is compulsory and absolutely free for everyone. Parents have to pay for secondary and higher education, so it is voluntary. The same applies to the preschool level. The cost of educational services is quite high, so not everyone can afford it.

Interestingly, the country's higher education system attracts many international students. There are many really old universities in Brazil, with a history of more than a century. are considered prestigiouspublic universities that have no funding problems and higher requirements for students.

Russians in Brazil

Favorable climate
Favorable climate

According to reviews, life in Brazil for Russians is full of pleasant and exotic surprises. The obvious pluses include the climate: the country has a real summer all year round, so you can safely save on winter clothes and shoes, insulation of the apartment, heating, winter tires for the car.

In addition, due to the hot tropical sun, cheap fresh fruits are constantly sold here, some can be picked for free - in gardens and city parks. With such a life in Brazil for Russians, they immediately forget what beriberi and depression are.

Another obvious advantage is pleasant and friendly people and an unobtrusive state that allows you to develop independently without putting a spoke in the wheel. There is no Nazism in Brazil, so everyone is welcome here without exception, foreigners are always treated kindly. Problems with neighbors are extremely rare.

Favorable relations with the state lie in the fact that tax inspectors, traffic police officers and military commissars do not cause here fear, disgust and the feeling that you are being extorted a bribe. They honestly do their job, ensuring the normal functioning of the state itself and citizens.

By the way, another interesting feature. In Brazil, there are no concepts of registration and propiska, so there are no guest workers by definition.


Among the disadvantages of life in Brazil is the poor level of secondary education, which is free in the country. It is recommended to send your children to private schools, for which you have to pay. Most locals simply don't have the money to do so.

Besides, in Brazil you have to pay for absolutely everything. There are no state subsidies for utility bills, you will have to pay for any breakdown.

True, there is free medicine in the country, but at a very low level. Therefore, if you really encounter he alth problems, then you will have to go to a private clinic or buy he alth insurance in advance.

Animal world

snakes and lizards
snakes and lizards

Many people are afraid of Brazil's too diverse fauna. There are a lot of dangerous snakes, poisonous spiders and scorpions here. All this living creatures are so widespread that individual representatives can be found in the city itself, without leaving the metropolis.

This problem is especially acute in the Amazon forests. In the south of the country, geckos can run into the house, who like to overcome vertical walls, and at night it is necessary to put mosquito nets on the windows, otherwise huge night butterflies will fly into the apartment. Ants can get in the house, which will not be so easy to remove.

Special situation at local dachas. Due to the fact that most of the time they are idle without owners, various living creatures freely settle in them, for example, lizards, toads, spiders, which begin to feel likeHouses. There are times when even anacondas settle in country houses, so you should be especially careful and careful.

Brazilian society

Brazilian cities
Brazilian cities

Brazilian culture is still formed as a mixture of the traditions of the various peoples that make up this nation in our time.

At the same time, the Portuguese beginning remains dominant, because the official language here is Portuguese. Most believers are Catholics. The customs of the first settlers who were colonizers are widespread. The culture of Africans and Indians has a significant influence.

Interestingly, the Tupi-Guarani language is still very common, into which missionaries translated the catechism in the 16th century.
