Where and how to find out when my house will be demolished?

Where and how to find out when my house will be demolished?
Where and how to find out when my house will be demolished?

In most regions of the country, the construction of houses is carried out by leaps and bounds. Specialists and analysts note that these are positive changes for society and the entire state as a whole, however, there is information in the media about numerous disputes between the organizers of the construction of new houses and the owners of old housing. In order not to get into litigation, it is worth finding out in advance the answer to the question: how do I know when my house will be demolished?

What is dilapidated housing

How do I know when my house will be demolished?
How do I know when my house will be demolished?

It is worth noting separately that only buildings that belong to a special, dedicated category called "dilapidated housing" are subject to demolition. A building can be recognized as dilapidated only if it has a certain percentage of wear and tear:

1. For a wooden house, the percentage of wear should be 65%.2. For a stone houseover 70 percent.

In addition, such a building should not meet the established requirements for operation.

What is emergency housing

how to find out when my house will be demolished
how to find out when my house will be demolished

Buildings classified as emergency housing are also subject to demolition. Any building can be recognized as such a building if its load-bearing structures or their parts have various damages exceeding the established norm. If only a certain separate part of the building is in an emergency condition, and its collapse will not affect all other parts of the structure this building is considered to be pre-emergency.

There are times when a building is in good condition, but various natural phenomena such as avalanches and landslides were not taken into account during the construction period. Such a building is also recognized as emergency and is subject to demolition.

Where to contact

what year will my house be demolished
what year will my house be demolished

To recognize my building as emergency and unsuitable for permanent residence or to get an answer to the question of where to find out when my house will be demolished, you need to contact the local interdepartmental commission. As a rule, the call of such an organization is handled by the management company, in whose custody this object is located. You must submit to the commission:

1. Title documents for the house or their copies, which must be certified in a notary's office.

2. Statements.

3. Complaints.4. Letters from tenants that they are not satisfiedthe general condition of the house.

After receiving this package of documents, the members of the commission send a special expert to the place, who, based on the assessment, will be able to confirm the need for such a decision.

If you have a question about how to find out when my house will be demolished, you should immediately contact your regional authorities.

Demolition of emergency housing in Moscow

where to find out when my house in moscow will be demolished
where to find out when my house in moscow will be demolished

Starting from 2005, the process of demolition of five-story buildings, as well as emergency and dilapidated housing, has been actively resumed in the capital. For a complete list of homes being demolished and to see if my house will be demolished, you can go to the website of a specific prefecture in the city or to the websites of property management companies.

The owner of a dwelling has the opportunity to know in advance about the demolition of his house, if it belongs to a certain, so-called intolerable series. The following buildings belong to this series:

1. Ordinary gray panel houses, series 1-515.

2. Made from blocks and related to the series 1-510.3. Brick houses series 1-511 and 1-447.

Residents of these houses may not worry and not be interested in the question of where you can find out when my house will be demolished.

Where to find out the year of the demolition of housing in Moscow

A very popular question is where to find out when my house is being demolished. In Moscow, many local residents are also concerned about the solution of this problem, because small five-story buildings are being actively replaced with new high-rise buildings. There are several options for howfind out when my house will be demolished:

1. The very first and most popular way is to look at your company's website. As a rule, these organizations post all the relevant information regarding the life of their "ward" home.

2. If the company's website did not provide any information regarding the answer to the question of what year my house will be demolished, you can contact the official forum, the head of the council.

3. Another popular way to find out reliable information is to look at the data presented on the website of the Housing Fund.

4. Experts single out the websites of real estate offices as a reliable source of information.5. A popular, but rather inconvenient way to get an answer to a tenant's question about how to find out when my house will be demolished is to contact the BTI. However, there is a high probability that there will be a huge number of such applicants, which means that you will have to spend a fair amount of time in queues.

Protest against house demolition

where can i find out when my house will be demolished
where can i find out when my house will be demolished

If residents of a home become aware that their home is due for demolition, but they can continue to live in it for an extended amount of time, they can file a collective protest. The administration should take into account this document and conduct a special examination. On its basis, a decision will be made that this residential building is recognized as suitable for permanent residence, and the demolition is postponed indefinitely. In order not to miss such a moment, experts recommend constantly clarifyinginformation in the prefecture of the city, otherwise it will be too late to make a decision and fight for your home.

Last but perhaps most important. If the building is still determined for demolition, each tenant has the right to independently choose a new apartment to replace the old one. Forced check-in is considered illegal.
