Jackson's Chameleon is not yet very common among exotic lovers. But judging by his appearance, he still has a long way to go.
This animal is primarily remarkable for the presence of three horns on its muzzle, for which it was called three-horned or horned. Like all Kindred, he has a certain talent for disguise. The Jackson Chameleon breeds well in a terrarium. It is interesting to watch him, he does not require complex care. These reptiles will suit even not very experienced breeders.

External description of Jackson's chameleon
It seems that his emerald skin is embroidered with small beads. This reptile is beautiful despite its peculiar appearance.
Jackson's chameleon has a compact body with a sawtooth back and a long tail, which he uses both as a balancer and as additional support while walking through the trees.
The head is not large. Only males of Jackson's three-horned chameleon have spectacular growths, females do not.
The limbs are strong, with opposed fingers,designed to capture.
The tongue is long and agile, twice the length of the chameleon itself. This body is very well developed, because it is the main hunting tool. At the end is a gland that secretes a sticky secret.

Area, behavior in the natural environment
Scientists identify three subspecies of the Jackson chameleon. They almost do not differ in appearance, but their ranges are located in different places.
- Chamaeleo jacksonii jacksonii lives in Kenya, in the vicinity of the capital Nairobi. It reaches 30 cm in length.
- Chamaeleo jacksonii merumonta is slightly smaller, up to 25 cm. Its homeland is Tanzania, or rather, the vicinity of Mount Meru.
- Chamaeleo jacksonii xantholophus is the largest among its brethren, it grows up to 35 cm. It lives in the peripheral regions of Kenya.
These animals are hunters. The basis of their diet is insects, which they catch by throwing out their tongue moistened with a sticky liquid with lightning speed. Large specimens sometimes prey on small rodents.
Home maintenance: setting up a terrarium
Professional reptile breeders talk about the Jackson chameleon as one of those reptiles that would suit a beginner too. But the content will be successful only with strict adherence to some simple rules.
These are territorial animals. It is absolutely impossible to settle two males in one terrarium. Such experiments never end successfully, the chameleons fight until one of them dies.
It is acceptable to contain a pair, but in this case the chanceget offspring will decrease markedly. Preferably solitary content of chameleons. They do not suffer from lack of communication.
The terrarium needs to be vertical, with a height of at least a meter. Width and depth - about 60-80 cm. Be sure to install a vertical snag or piece of tree bark so that the pet can walk.
Required shading. Chameleons like to hide sometimes. You can get by with artificial greenery, but live greenery looks prettier and regulates humidity. Dracaena or ficus are suitable for planting in the ground (both plants are poisonous, but the pet will not gnaw them).
UV lamp is a mandatory attribute of the terrarium. Jackson's chameleon is viviparous, they require ultraviolet rays. A special lamp for reptiles is perfect, with which you can also solve the issue of heating.

Twice a day, the pet's home should be moistened with a spray bottle.
No substrate needed. You can cover the bottom with plain paper, this will facilitate cleaning.
You can feed Jackson's horned chameleon with fodder insects, bloodworms, special food for reptiles, which includes valuable additives. You can safely treat your pet with local insects: cockroaches, larvae, crickets. It is important that the size of the prey does not exceed the distance between the eyes of the chameleon. By this indicator, you can safely navigate by selecting insects for feeding.
A drinker is required. It is advisable to spend money on an artificial waterfall. Remember: in the natural environment of the Jackson chameleon, it is not uncommontorrential downpours, air humidity does not fall below 50%. Without enough moisture, your animal will suffer, get sick, and even die.
Possibility of breeding and prices
The cost of grown chameleon Jackson can reach 25-30 thousand. Cubs cost between 8-20 thousand.
These reptiles can be bred for profit. But keeping partners together and even in neighboring aquariums is not worth it. The male over time simply ceases to perceive the female as a sexual partner.
You can wake up a little instincts by showing the future father of another male. He starts to get angry, to show activity. In some cases, the same effect can even be achieved with the help of a mirror - the male will react to his own image.
Partners are placed in one container for 3 days. Humidity is especially important here. Spray your reptiles generously with water.

Readiness for mating is marked by a mating dance. Eggs in a soft shell mature inside the body of the female, the first birth occurs 7 months after mating. In the future, the pet will be able to give birth 4 times a year.