The pearl of this magnificent sunny land is an amazing nature reserve, which is a specially protected area and the most unique place not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout Central Asia.
Great treeless and flat spaces without signs of civilization are covered with an endless carpet of wonderful steppe grasses and fabulous lakes that create an unexpected contrast for human perception. All this causes an emotional lift and a feeling of unlimited freedom, enhanced by a peculiar pleasant aroma of the steppe, changing shades depending on the period of the year and the time of flowering of the most diverse vegetation.

Korgalzhyn Reserve is located in the southern zone of the Tengiz depression in Central Kazakhstan. Half of the protected area is occupied by the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn system of lakes, and the other half is a large area of the steppe.
This is one of the two nature reserves of Kazakhstan included inUNESCO heritage list (Saryarka site - lakes and steppes of Northern Kazakhstan).
The protected area is located 130 kilometers from the city of Astana (southwest direction).

History of the creation of the reserve
This virgin reserve was created in January 1958. Its area at that time was 15 thousand hectares. The water area of all the lakes that exist within the current boundaries of the reserve was not included in the protected zone at that time. The abundance of game and constant hunting caused the status of this protected area to be repeatedly reorganized over the course of several years and eventually it was liquidated.
Again, the Korgalzhyn State Reserve was created as a lake, not as a steppe. The official date of formation is April 16, 1968.
Then there was a series of increases in the protected area. After expansion in 2008, its area amounted to just over 543 thousand hectares (including more than 89 thousand hectares - the area of the protected zone).

Today, the Korgalzhyn nature reserve is the largest in Kazakhstan. The Atbasar State Zoological Nature Reserve, with an area of more than 75,000 hectares, has also been transferred under protection.
As a result, the entire area of the protected area of the reserve is 707,631 hectares. This territory is larger than the area occupied by any European country.
Features of the protected area
The territory of the reserve extends at the crossroads of bird migration routes (Siberian-East African and Central Asian-Indian). It is an important wetland of international importance. The main objects of the protected area are two large lakes Korgalzhyn and Tengiz, united by a huge steppe area.

Geographically advantageous position, huge area and the richest forage areas in the Korgalzhyn Reserve are favorable for the breeding of a wide variety of birds. Large water areas provide living space for Asia's largest waterbird population.
Potential food reserves of only one natural reservoir Tengiz can provide food for 15 million birds. The nesting site of the northernmost population of the common flamingo is located here. The number of these birds is about 60 thousand.
Flora and fauna of the Korgalzhyn Reserve
The biological diversity of the reserve, which includes 374 representatives of flora from 60 families, is unique. More than 1,400 species of terrestrial and aquatic animals live here. The avifauna in the reserve is represented by 350 species, including 126 nesting bird species. Wetland inhabitants of the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lakes are represented by 112 species, which is equal to 87% of the birds known throughout Kazakhstan.

More than 60 rare species of plants and animals of the reserve are listed in various Red Books. Animals of the Korgalzhyn Reserve include 43 species of mammals and 14 species of ichthyofauna. not well studied inreserve insects, but today more than 700 species have already been identified that live in this area. It is assumed that their species diversity may be about 5,000.
There are 5 types of plants in the Red Book of Kazakhstan: drooping tulip, Schrenk tulip, Adonis (Adonis Volga), yellowish and drooping lumbago. It should be noted that it is the Schrenk tulip, distinguished by its bright color and large size, that is the ancestor of the very first varieties of tulips, bred in the 16th century in Holland. 40 species of ichthyofauna are listed in the Republican Red Book, 26 species in the IUCN.
In the waters of the lakes of the Korgalzhyn State Nature Reserve, up to 10% of the total populations of the Dalmatian Pelican in the world and up to 20% of the white-headed duck live. Whooper swans and black-headed gulls are concentrated here, spoonbill and white-eyed duck are found. And many other birds.

Lake Tengiz is an important part of the Korgalzhyn Reserve. In translation from Kazakh, its name means "sea". The area of the water surface is 1590 square meters. km. depending on the water content of the year. The greatest depth is 7 meters, the salinity of the water exceeds the mineralization of the World Ocean by about 6 times and is 22-127 grams per liter. The reservoir consists of a deep-sea stretch called the Big Tengiz, and a large bay located in its northeastern part and called the Small Tengiz.
There are approximately 70 islands (large and small) on the lake where birds nest. Tengiz -the largest drainless s alt reservoir in Central Asia. The uniqueness of this lake lies in the fact that its shores have never experienced anthropogenic impact. In 2000, it was included in the Living Lakes international organization.
Korgalzhyn Lake is the exact opposite of Tengiz Lake. It is fresh and its vast expanse of water extends over vast areas of reed beds. The reservoir consists of several large bays, which are separated by dense thickets of reeds. Thus, several lakes were formed: Kokay, Isey, Sultankeldy, Zhamankol.

The proximity of the Korgalzhyn Reserve to the huge metropolis - the city of Astana, international fame (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), unique natural landscapes, the richest wildlife and the largest modern visitor center in Kazakhstan - all this annually attracts thousands to these amazingly beautiful places tourists.
Ecotourism in this region is currently uncommon and relatively new. However, ornithologists come here from all over the world to observe the life of a variety of birds. The small fame of this corner of the earth helps to avoid the deterioration of the local environment. The small town of Korgalzhyn, located near this paradise, is the starting point for tourists to visit the reserve.