The Teberda River is one of the major rivers of Karachay-Cherkessia (Northern Caucasus). One of the left (that is, southern) tributaries of the Kuban River. The total length of the river bed is 60 km, and the catchment area is 1080 sq. km. Teberda flows through mountainous terrain, among high mountain ranges. This is one of the famous tourist areas in Russia.
Not far from the headwaters is the border with Abkhazia. It is also an important tourist region of the Caucasus. And where does the Teberda river flow? You can read about it in this article.

Climate of the region
Teberda flows through the Central Caucasus, the climate of which differs sharply from that of the neighboring Western Caucasus. First of all, there is a higher continentality and less rainfall. The daily temperature range is increasing. More sun, less clouds.
The farther from the Main Caucasian Range (that is, when moving downstream), the drier the climate becomes. This mainly applies to the cold half of the year. In general, the snowiness of winters here is much lower than in the Western Caucasus. Monthly precipitation totalsrange from less than 50 to more than 100 mm. A lot of sun and high altitudes, as well as the absence of pollution, lead to an excess of ultraviolet radiation, and this must be taken into account.

In the Teberda river basin, as well as in neighboring areas, there are no large industrial enterprises. There are also no cities with a population of over a million. This means that there should be no problems with air and water quality here. Of course, the presence of tourist bases in the valley can lead to some water pollution in the river itself, but on those tributaries where there are none, the water will be very clean. However, you should not use water if it is rusty in color or flows from areas with high levels of radiation. This rule applies to any regions of the Caucasus. The absence of anthropogenic pollutants is not always a guarantee that water in a stream or river will be absolutely safe for human he alth.
The Teberda River is a great place where you can breathe clean mountain air and light a fire from environmentally friendly firewood. Of course, the construction of ski bases and slopes causes considerable harm to the local flora and fauna, especially if anti-snow melting agents are used. All this should be consulted with local guides.
Features of the river
The Teberda River originates from the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, after which it flows in a northerly direction, and then flows into the Kuban River. In some places the channel forms gorges. Here is one of the most beautiful gorges of the Caucasus. It is covered with untouched coniferous forest. In the photo, the Teberda River looks enoughspectacular.

The river valley is quite straight, without sharp bends. She rushes to the northeast. This is one of the easternmost tributaries of the Kuban. The next to the east is the Aksaut River, and then the Kuban itself flows. It turns out that Teberda is located almost in the center of Karachay-Cherkessia. Near the river there is a well-known, especially among Russian skiers, city of Teberda. Nearby there are many ski slopes and ski lifts. This is a traditional ski area of the Caucasus since Soviet times. The history of the Krasnaya Polyana resort is incomparably shorter.
On both sides of the Teberda River rise the Caucasus Mountains. The lower parts of their slopes are covered with forests of pines, firs, spruces and some hardwoods. Higher stretch meadows and alpine wastelands. And at the peaks you can meet snowfields and glaciers.

There are also some beautiful mountain lakes. There is no ice cover on the river, and in winter only sludge forms on it. It carries the largest amount of water (up to 27.2 m3/s) in the summer months, which is associated with rains and melting of snow and ice. The channel itself is often clogged with boulders and stones. There are rifts and waterfalls. The bottom is lined with pebbles.
Near the river you can meet numerous tourist and alpine camps, bases. This means that finding a house near the mountain river Teberda will not be difficult. The Military Sukhumi road was laid along the riverbed. In the upper reaches - Teberdinsky Reserve. And at the confluence of it with the Kuban is the city of Karachaevsk.
Features of hydrology
Teberda hasmixed food. Ice and snow provide slightly more than 50% of the total runoff. Hundreds of mountain glaciers give their melted fresh waters to the river. Teberda is usually full of water, and it has a fast current. The water is clean and clear, with a blue tint. Mineral water sources are an additional source of nutrition. The Teberda River has repeatedly inspired poets, it is sung about in the song of Yuri Vizbor.