The black lemur (lat. Eulemur macaco) is a small primate mammal belonging to the Lemuridae family. This animal is notable for its unique and very beautiful color, which is characteristic only of males. Along with other lemurs, Eulemur macaco is endemic to the island of Madagascar.
The black lemur is a "Red Book" species and has a conservation status of "vulnerable". The animal is currently on the verge of extinction. In order to protect the species on the island of Nosy Be, a reserve was formed, in which a small population lives.
General description and photo of black lemur
Eulemur macaco is about the size of a cat. The length of the body of this animal varies from 39 to 50 cm, and the weight can reach 3 kg. The tail is quite large (up to 65 cm). The total length of the body is 90-110 cm, of which 35-45 cm falls on the head.
The whole body of the black lemur is covered with soft long hair. Tufts extend from the ears, forming a fluffy collar around the neck. The muzzle of the animal is narrow, shaped like a fox. Widethe set eyes protrude slightly, giving the black lemur stereoscopic vision.

This species is characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism. The female Eulemur macaco is a black-faced lemur with a brownish body and a white collar around the neck. Compared to the back, the coat on the belly is usually lighter in color. In some individuals, it is not brown, but gray. The chest is usually covered with whitish hair.
In general, the color of females has more variations, which even caused the erroneous division of Eulemur macaco into subspecies. So, the muzzle is not only black, but also brown or dark gray, and the brown hair of the body has many shades (red, red, golden, chestnut, etc.). The limbs are always lighter, and the tail, on the contrary, is darker. In some cases, the paws are dark gray. Males of Eulemur macaco have a uniform black coat all over their bodies, giving rise to the color-associated name of the species.

Black lemurs are tree dwellers. Sharp curved claws allow them to hold onto branches well when moving. The forelimbs of black lemurs are shorter than the hind limbs. As a consequence, these animals do not use the pendulum method as a mode of locomotion. Instead of rocking their torso on their front legs, black lemurs move by running or walking on all fours. Powerful legs are used to jump up to 26 feet.
Black lemurs live on the islands of Madagascar,Nosy Be and Nosy Komba, which are located close to each other. These animals prefer the upper and middle tiers of trees, which is associated with food sources. Sometimes lemurs land on the ground.
Distribution area in Madagascar covers the northwestern part of the island.
Lifestyle & Nutrition
Black lemurs are predominantly herbivorous animals with a fairly rich diet, which is based on mature fruits and leaves. During the rainy season, these animals can feed on fungi, insects, and centipedes, and during the dry season, nectar, flowers, and seed pods. The most favorite dish of Eulemur macaco are ripe fruits, for which individuals can compete fiercely with each other.
Black lemurs live in groups of up to 20 individuals, which occupy a strictly defined area of 5-6 hectares. The controlling role belongs to the female, which dominates the males. Territorial collections and adult exchanges are possible between different family groups.
A unique feature of the lifestyle of black lemurs is round-the-clock activity, which peaks at dusk. Meals can take place both during the day and at night.
Eulemur macaco life expectancy is 20-25 years.
Social behavior
Black lemurs have a developed communication system based on smell, voice and facial expressions. Vocal sounds are of great importance for communication, identification of group members, expression of satisfaction, warning of danger, etc.
A very important role incommunication play odorous marks, which are produced by special glands. These signals are a kind of visiting cards of each individual, they report on the state of the animal.
The reproduction system of black lemurs is currently not well understood. It is known that females not only manage groups, but also dominate mating over males. The latter may fight each other for the right to get priority in mating. However, the choice of mate is always up to the female.
Reproduction of Eulemur macaco is seasonal and is confined to June or July. In zoos of regions other than the natural distribution area, this period may be shifted. So, in the US, the beginning of the mating season falls on October.
Pregnancy lasts from 120 to 129 days. Usually one cub is born, less often two. At first, the newborn is attached to the mother's stomach all the time, and later moves to the back. After three weeks, the cub begins to walk and take adult food.

Eulemur macaco becomes fully independent at 5-6 months, and reaches sexual maturity by two years.
Black and white lemur
The black-and-white vari-bear lemur is the largest member of the Lemuridae family. The body of this animal reaches 100-120 cm in length, and its weight is about 4 kg. Lemur vari has a black and white color, unlike another representative of the genus - red vari. Previously, these animals were considered subspecies. The scientific name of the lemur is Varecia variegata.

The habitat of the species is the rainforests of the eastern part of Madagascar. Like other members of the lemur family, the vari is endemic to the island.