For the manufacture of domestic traumatic weapons, many manufacturers use combat samples of pistols. Among the large assortment of different models, according to many fans, the most effective is the legendary Stechkin automatic pistol.

Created in 1951 and used by some Soviet and later Russian special forces, today the APS is used by a Russian weapons manufacturer as the basis for the manufacture of traumatic weapons. It was on the basis of the Stechkin pistol that the workers of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant created the traumatic MP-355. The non-combat model is completely identical in appearance to the legendary APS, as intended by the manufacturers.

It is precisely due to the presence of external similarity with a combat pistol that this “injury” is so loved today by many connoisseursweapons.
Beginning of design work
The MP-355 traumatic pistol first appeared on Russian arms counters in 2007. In those years, many "injuries" already had acceptable power, sufficient for effective self-defense. This is explained by the fact that firms specializing in the manufacture of traumatic cartridges have improved production. Ammunition was equipped with a sufficient amount of gunpowder, necessary for the bullet to be given the desired speed in the barrel bore.
Requirement for traumatic weapons
During the design work, the Izhevsk manufacturer took into account the provision of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, according to which civilian weapons should be deprived of the ability to fire bursts and steel bullets.
Stechkin as a result has undergone minor design changes. In terms of weight, size and its external design, the “trauma” is absolutely no different from its combat counterpart.
The design of the traumatic MP-355 is very similar to the APS. It has the same impressive dimensions as the Stechkin pistol, which can be used by the owners of these "injuries" in various conflict situations. Directed towards the aggressor, the MP-355 is able to have a strong psychological impact. Due to its large size, this "injury" stands out noticeably from the total mass of traumatic weapons.
Barrel channel device
The Stechkin traumatic pistol MP-355 is a remake of the combat APS,using 9 mm caliber. In the non-combat model, this ammunition has been replaced by 9 mm RA cartridges, which can have a traumatic effect.
Adaptation of military weapons to traumatic cartridges led to changes in the barrel. In the "trauma" the diameter of the barrel bore is less than that of the Stechkin combat pistol. As a result of the adaptation, the barrel in the MP-355 was rigidly fixed to the frame. In addition, the bore is equipped with two special teeth that prevent the firing of hard bullets.
Also, these teeth prevent the use of those ammunition, the bullets of which are capable of speeds higher than allowed by Russian legislation. The size of each tooth is half the diameter of the bore. They are located at a distance of 10 mm from each other. One is behind the chamber, and the second is on the opposite side of the barrel bore.
In addition to these teeth, weapons designers also provide six-millimeter narrowing in the muzzle sections of the MP-355. Feedback from the owners of these traumatic pistols indicates that due to the presence of teeth and constrictions, the weapon has completely lost its ability to shoot a solid bullet.
Models created using the Makarov pistol are also subject to similar modifications. If we compare the "injuries" designed on the basis of such combat pistols as the PM and APS, then in the MP-355, unlike the "Makarych", swelling of the barrel channels and bulging of the teeth from frequent firing were not found.
During an external examination of the muzzle, many potential buyers often have the opinion that the barrel boretraumatic Stechkin is very fat. But it's not. The barrel consists of two compressed main parts containing one barrier. By its design, the MP-355 pistol is more durable than its competitor Makarych.

What remained unchanged in the "injury"?
Adapting the Stechkin automatic pistol for a traumatic cartridge, the designers of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant replaced the barrel and slightly weakened the design of the MP-355. The characteristics of this traumatic weapon, obtained as a result of modernization, exclude its use for automatic fire.
The designers decided to leave the designation “AB” (automatic fire) on the fuse unchanged. As a result, the “trauma” fuse is equipped with a switch with three fire modes, which is equipped with the original Stechkin military weapon. The difference between the APS and the "trauma" is that in a civilian non-combat pistol, the three-mode switch is completely useless and left only as a decoration.
Design of the firing mechanism
The MP-355 Stechkin pistol is equipped with an automatic blowback system. Due to the trigger system, designed for double action, firing from this traumatic weapon is possible in two versions: self-cocking and after a preliminary cocking of the trigger.

Tactical and technical characteristics
- Caliber MP-355 - 9 mm.
- Used ammo: 9mm R. A. and 10x22T.
- The gun has a length of 225 mm.
- The MP-355 is 34 mm wide.
- Height - 170 mm.
- The weight of the MP-355 without cartridges does not exceed 0.95 kg.
- The weapon is designed for single-shot mode.
- Pistol magazine holds 10 rounds.
What is the “injury” equipped with?
The pistol comes with two magazines. With the help of a regular wooden holster-butt for the MP-355 borrowed from the APS, the manufacturer managed to give the “injury” a specific charisma.

The manufacturer, in the process of creating a traumatic model, reduced the volume of the pistol magazine. If the Stechkin combat pistol held 20 rounds, then in the MP-355 their number was halved. The decrease in the volume of the store was carried out, according to consumers, not in the most reliable way. In these "injuries" the rear walls of the stores are equipped with special millimeter rivets.

Their task is to keep the cartridge feeders from going down. If you want to equip a traumatic pistol, like a basic combat pistol, with twenty rounds, simply remove these rivets. In doing this work, one should not forget that these actions are illegal.
Some owners charge in a different way - without removing the rivets. To do this, it is enough to equip the MP-355 magazine first with ten rounds. Then you need to make a little effort and start charging alreadyeleventh cartridge. After the existing obstacle in the store is overcome, it will not be difficult to load the "injury" with the remaining nine rounds.
Many owners of the MP-355 note that after performing these actions in the pistol, problems often arise with the supply of cartridges. This is explained by the difficulties of the reverse feeder. During the operation of the pistol, after its repeated charging and reloading, this problem disappears.
From here we can conclude that the volume of the MP-355 magazine is unlimited. It is up to the owner of this “injury” to expand it or leave it in its previous state.

Pros and cons
The strengths of the MP-355 are:
- Sturdy construction. This is explained by the fact that the "injury" is a successful alteration of a very reliable combat pistol.
- MP-355 has a long service life: 40 thousand rounds.
The disadvantages of this traumatic gun include:
- High cost: 35 thousand rubles.
- Slim fly.
- The presence of a long trigger stroke.
Initially, for this traumatic pistol, Italian-made 10x22T cartridges were provided. However, many owners of these "injuries" prefer to use optimal ammunition 9 mm R. A. AKBS company.
When choosing ammunition for the MP-355, the owner must take into account the peculiarity of this traumatic pistol, which lies in the fact that shooting is weakcartridges can cause reloading problems: the pistol will have to be reloaded after each shot.
Also, in order to prevent ruptures and inflation of shells, it is not recommended to use reinforced ammunition in this traumatic pistol. When firing cartridges marked "Deadly+", the high speed of the bullet-ball will cause it to break during the passage of intra-barrel obstacles.
The best situation is with Magnum ammunition from the manufacturer of AKBS. When passing through obstacles in the barrel, bullets explode much less frequently. However, when using these cartridges, you need to be prepared for the fact that if the ball does burst, you will have to shoot again.
Many MP-355 owners recommend using cartridges manufactured by Tekhkrim. The kinetic energy of these ammunition is 70 J. From this we can conclude that such low-power cartridges as 9 mm R. A. are ideal for the traumatic pistol MP-355 Stechkin. They are very effective for practice shooting. But, due to their low power, they are of little use for self-defense.

Selection of optimal cartridges for this traumatic pistol will take some time. Everyone who is going to purchase MP-355 should be ready for this.
Reviews about the model
Those who have purchased and use this traumatic pistol, speak of it extremely positively. According to the owners of this weapon, the MP-355 has the following strong qualities:
- All pistol parts are large. Behinddue to this, in the process of disassembly-assembly, the loss of individual parts is excluded.
- Convenient location of all controls. As a result, weapons can be used even with one hand in a glove.
- The presence of a third position for the fuse, in addition to giving the “injury” an external resemblance to a combat counterpart, may confuse some owners. This is explained by the fact that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, traumatic pistols are completely deprived of the ability to carry out automatic firing. However, for commercial reasons, the manufacturer did not remove the third position of the fuse from the MP-355 design. If in the APS, using this flag, switching from automatic to single fire and vice versa is carried out, then in the “injury” such switching is completely impossible. This safety lever does not function on the MP-355.
- The weapon is ideal for regular shooting practice. According to the owners, due to the weak power of the cartridges used, this "injury" is not very effective as a means of self-defense.
- MP-355, due to its large size, according to some owners, can be used in the event of a real threat as a means of psychological suppression of the aggressor. However, large dimensions can also be considered a disadvantage, especially if this weapon is worn daily. Firstly, due to the large dimensions, the concealed carrying of this model is completely excluded. Secondly, the weight of this traumatic pistol without cartridges is almost one kilogram. According to the owners, with fullIt is not so easy to carry the MP-355 with a clip all day, especially in cases where the holster is chosen unsuccessfully.
Analogue of traumatic MP-355
Stechkin also became the basis for such a "trauma" as the APS-M (modernized Stechkin automatic pistol). This pistol is a converted military weapon adapted to fire stopping action cartridges. This traumatic weapon is characterized by the following disadvantages:
- Frequent inflation and rupture of barrels and cases when using reinforced cartridges.
- The use of ammunition for which a small amount of gunpowder is provided, as well as low-power cartridges, entails frequent failures of the automatic pistol when reloading. When firing with such cartridges, the sleeve very often jams.
Despite its low cost, compared to MP-355, APS-M is not able to compete with it.
Are weapons being produced today?
Recently, the production of traumatic pistols on the basis of combat has been prohibited. This was the reason for the suspension of serial production of the MP-355 model. But since at one time they managed to adapt a large number of Stechkin pistols to traumatic cartridges, the MP-355 has not yet been removed from the shelves of weapons stores.
According to fans of traumatic weapons, this situation may drag on for several years. After that, most likely, the MP-355 model will still be replaced. No matter how the situation with the MP-355, today this gun is one of the best"injuries".