Practically every person depends on who and how governs the country in which he lives. We are accustomed to blaming leaders for all troubles. But do we understand how difficult the art of government is? It's not like digging a garden or even managing a plant. There are many factors and forces to consider here. Let's take a closer look.
What is it about?

There is a famous work of the same name, written by Margaret Thatcher. In it, she analyzes in detail what the art of government is. This is a massive job. In a small article it is impossible to fully convey its meaning and content. However, the primary concepts are not so complicated. The common man needs to understand how the state works. It's also multifaceted. This "machine" incorrectly ranks only the leaders. The state is an extensive system of various bodies. Managing them does not mean "issuing and controlling orders." Sometimes like thismethods even with a small team will not cope. What can we say about the whole country. “The art of government is politics,” said the former prime minister of Great Britain. She passed on her thoughts to future generations.
What is public administration

With art, most likely, everyone understands. What does "management" mean? To decide, let's understand what the state consists of, what does the leadership influence? In addition to various bodies and services, there are also social groups and strata. The people are the main part of the state. It's even written into the Constitution. Public administration is the process of regulating relations in this extremely complex system. This refers to the adoption of decisions that take into account, to one degree or another, the interests and needs of all "constituent parts". In addition, it is important to be able to foresee the consequences of implementing programs and predict the reaction to them.
But this is not enough. The art of government is the ability to measure desires and possibilities. Every country has a certain resource. On the other hand, everyone wants to live happily and richly. The task of the state is to create conditions for development. This is possible only when any resources are used thoughtfully, for the good.
How the process goes
The system of government cannot be linear, unambiguous. In a democratic society, this is not allowed, since uncontrolled power easily turns into tyranny. To prevent such a turn, they came up with a system of counterweights. That is, organspublic administration do not just interact, striving for the same goal. They also control each other. All this is defined in the current legislation. Each branch of government has its own functions. They also create a system of bodies involved in control. But the policy of the state is to direct all this "colossus" towards the development of the country and society. At the same time, it is necessary to understand how its individual parts work, how they interact, what potential they have.

Any activity is dynamic. This also applies to the state. It does not stand still, constantly changing. The process should be strictly, even scrupulously, controlled and directed.
About politics
It is said to be "the art of the allowable". The process is quite complex and responsible. Politicians make decisions that affect all sectors of society. A mistake can lead to tragedy. What results will the society's activity lead to in twenty or fifty years, the politician answers. The art of government ultimately comes down to the ability to foresee (calculate) the consequences of certain laws, decisions, projects. One should not think that such abilities are given to rulers from birth. Not at all. This is being learned. There are sciences (not just one) that study the development of the state, its economy, politics, impact on society, and so on. Any leader relies on historical trends and experience, both globally and in his own country.
The main goal of public policy
When they start talking about itart, often lose sight of the essentials. This is, in principle, understandable. In fact, government is a very complex thing. Only life from time to time reminds what is the main goal of the policy of any country.

It can be formulated in short: "To survive and prosper." This is especially evident in times of crisis. And they appear in the world more and more often. The twenty-first century is a time when the lives of peoples and states depend on the art of their leaders. All countries face financial and climate threats. Everyone is affected by terrorist threats. The art of politics is to use all these factors for the benefit of one's country. After all, the world is not homogeneous. It has many states, ideas, opportunities. If you introduce not only the best, but the appropriate, in your country, then it will develop. If you do not influence the situation, "go with the flow", then you will not survive. It is in the ability to collect facts, analyze, apply them for the good that the art of government consists.