Politics is, translated from Greek, the art of government, international relations, society.
This is not the only definition that characterizes this concept. There are alternatives:
is the management and disposal of resources;
- one of the areas of activity that is associated with relations between various social groups, determining the forms, tasks and content of the country's activities as a whole;

- a special phenomenon in public life, covering absolutely all forms of interaction in society and activities for the implementation and management of the production process;
- the desire to dominate and influence the redistribution of power in interstate or intrastate relations;
- a behavioral model of the activities of organizations to achieve goals or interests (for example, an organization's accounting policy is a form of government of an organization that determines its accounting).
Foreign policy determines the form of government in the international arena. This definition covers all areasrelationships: from economic activity to art.

Politics is any program of action or any kind of activity to control something or someone.
It can be represented as currents or any movements in civil society. Public organizations and associations of various interests are also politics. These are, for example, parties and the church.
In ancient times, politics was mainly done by philosophers or thinkers who interpreted it as the "royal art" of managing other activities: from oratory to military and judicial activities. Plato said that a properly directed policy can protect and make any citizen the best. Machiavelli considered it from the point of view of knowledge, the essence of which is the correct and wise government.

A little later, another definition appeared: politics is a struggle of class interests. This is how Carl Max viewed her.
According to modern concepts, politics includes both activities in the field of public interest, and a set of behavior patterns, and institutions that regulate social relations and create power control and competition for the possession of power.
There are two approaches to understanding this concept: consensual and confrontational.
Based on a consensus understanding, they want to turn politics into public acts that will be aimed at mutual understanding and joint activities in order toachieving the highest public good - freedom. If we consider this concept from a confrontational side, then politics is the result of the public struggle of various groups of people.
The definition depends on what the main aspect of political activity will be emphasized. Depending on the direction of the actions of the state or organization, social, domestic and foreign policy can be distinguished. If we consider the profile of activity, then they distinguish state, military, technical policy, party policy and other types.