Sausage tree - hello from hot Africa

Sausage tree - hello from hot Africa
Sausage tree - hello from hot Africa

What kind of plants are not on our planet, many of them surprise travelers with their beauty or unusualness. Especially bright representatives are found in hot countries, since the constant lack of moisture affects their appearance. On the Island of Madagascar, as well as in southern Africa, a sausage tree grows, also called kigelia. Europeans met him only in the 19th century and were very surprised by what they saw.

sausage tree
sausage tree

The tree really has a very interesting look. Huge fruits up to 50 cm long and up to 20 cm in circumference hang on long strong strings under a wide crown. They are somewhat similar to large sausages, which is why the plant was called the sausage tree. The photo of kigelia is misleading, because it may seem that its fruits are edible. Of course, some African tribes use the seeds of the plant in cooking during the hunger strike, but use them at your own peril and risk, since they are very toxic and if not used properlycooking can kill a person.

The fruits of the tree are very hard, so you have to use a hatchet or a saw to get to the seeds. Local residents have adapted to use various parts of the tree in folk medicine, for example, the bark is used to prepare a medicine that prevents the occurrence of skin cancer. For animals, the sausage tree is completely safe and even useful. Parrots feast on seeds, baboons and giraffes manage to eat fruits that are hard like wood, and antelopes and elephants pluck flowers and leaves with pleasure.

Sausage tree photo
Sausage tree photo

The plant has perfectly adapted to life in hot Africa. With the onset of a severe drought, the sausage tree sheds its leaves to conserve moisture. During this period, beautiful scarlet flowers appear on the tree, blooming only at night and fading in the morning. They do not emit a particularly pleasant smell, but it attracts small bats and sunbirds that pollinate the flowers. In the rainy season, the plant instantly turns green, covered with young foliage.

In nature, a tree grows up to 12 m in height, and its crown width reaches 9 m. Kigelia is a solitary plant, so only trees of other species can grow near it. It reproduces only by seeds, since the fruits are too hard, sometimes the seeds germinate directly into them. The sausage tree can be safely attributed to exotic plants, so it is grown in botanical gardens, greenhouses and even in city apartments.

The unpretentiousness of Kigelia and the speed of its growth make this plant very popular. roomthe tree, of course, does not grow as huge as in natural conditions, it is only a small copy of its African relative. But if necessary, with proper care, in three to four years, the kigelia will reach the size of an adult tree.

indoor plant
indoor plant

Kigelia will be an excellent decoration for any greenhouse, and in an apartment it will add exoticism and create a special atmosphere. When looking at this amazing tree, hot Africa appears with its unique color, beautiful landscapes and animals. But, most importantly, the plant takes root not only in the tropics, but also in our conditions, it is able to withstand any heat and even a slight frost.
