The guiding star is a goal, aspiration, a landmark and a whole world of dreams

The guiding star is a goal, aspiration, a landmark and a whole world of dreams
The guiding star is a goal, aspiration, a landmark and a whole world of dreams

This article will discuss the meaning of the expression "guiding star". This is a question of the origin of this expression, the meaning of direct and indirect, and, of course, the world of dreams, the symbol of which is and will be the guiding star. “Burn, burn, my star!”: the words of an old song are involuntarily recalled. But first things first, let's get started!

the meaning of phraseology guiding star
the meaning of phraseology guiding star

Polar Star

The meaning of the phraseologism "guiding star" can be explained as "a sure sign of direction in activity or work", this is a kind of "goal indicator". Since ancient times, unknown countries have attracted travelers wandering the seas and deserts, who always found their way home, guided by the sun and stars, and this was back in the days when people did not invent the compass. Observations from century to century were transmitted by generations of sailors who noticed that all the stars, except for one, make a revolution every day, this fixed star, located almost above the North Polecalled the North Star. She was a landmark, it was on her that sailors and travelers navigated, finding the cardinal points, respectfully called her the Guiding Star. It was a sure sign and a reliable ally, every wanderer knew and trusted her.

Thousands of years have passed, but it still shines in the sky, distant and mysterious, attractive and alluring. Its reliability and constancy in the sky has become synonymous with reliability, purposefulness and even love in the life of mankind. People have always loved and will love to dream. After all, dreams create reality. The main purpose of a person's life is to achieve their dreams. The dream is our Guiding Star. The question arises: what is it, this guiding star? And why is it so difficult for people to live without it, to win, to struggle with difficulties and obstacles? The answer to this question is simple: dreams are a powerful stream of motives, which in turn give rise to entire cultures of peoples, form art, and develop science. A figurative symbol is a guiding star, the symbolic meaning of which is clear to everyone living on earth.

guiding star is what and why
guiding star is what and why

Christian myth

All the journey of the Magi was accompanied by a mysterious star, which showed them the place where the son of God Jesus Christ was born. Three magi-astrologers learned from the constellation about this significant event, went on the road to see the baby and give him their gifts. This is how the Christian myth appeared about the birth of the son of God and the appearance of a guiding star as a sign of this event. This is one version.

guiding star is
guiding star is

Meaning of self-esteem

When there is a guiding star in a person's life as a kind of landmark, goal, plan, dream that he is aiming for, it is precisely such a warehouse that a person will not look at the little things under his feet. Unlike those people whom everyone had to meet on their life path, remembering some minor insults or harsh words spoken by them in a fit of quarrel, who do not have a guiding star in life, have no goal, dream, no desire to move forward, do not stopping there without looking back.

It happens that a guiding star is a distant, distant goal that shines so brightly that a person simply falls out of ordinary life, obsessing over the unattainable, and everything else in life seems to him unnecessary and "lower". In fact, its existence is connected with a person's self-esteem. It’s bad when it doesn’t exist, it’s especially bad when it is out of reach, the “golden mean” is the right and true guide. Finding him, identifying him is not an easy task, but sometimes the most important in life.
