The most massive animal that lives on Earth is the African elephant. At the same time, his Indian "brother" has a much more modest size. The maximum height of an African elephant at the shoulders is 4 meters, and the weight of an old male reaches 7.5 tons. Let's learn as much as we can about this animal.

Facts in numbers
The African Elephant is a mammalian animal that is distinguished not only by its impressive size, but also by its psychology and way of life. Wildlife is inhabited by very few individuals - only 600,000, therefore these animals are listed in the International Red Book and are protected by law.
The appearance of this giant is delightful, an adult has the following parameters:
- The body length of the animal ranges from 6 to 7.5 meters.
- The maximum height of an African elephant at the shoulders is 4 meters.
- Tail length - 100-130 cm.
- Body weight - from 3 to 7.5 tons.
- The ears can be up to 1.5 meters long.
- Tusks weigh between 18 and 107 kilograms.
Elephant diver
African elephants –they are descendants of extinct mastodons and mammoths. Based on this fact, it is not surprising what is the maximum height of the African elephant at the shoulders.
Australian scientists, having examined the embryo and embryo of the animal, came to the conclusion that many millions of years ago, elephants were able to … swim! The fact is that the structure of the renal ducts in embryos has a striking resemblance to the same organs of frogs, fish and sea cows. In addition, it turned out that the testicles of the male embryo are hidden inside in the same way as in all marine mammals. Most likely, waterfowl elephants that inhabited our planet many centuries ago swam under water, using their trunk as a scuba diver's snorkel. By the way, when swimming across reservoirs, modern species of elephants also use their trunk for breathing - a short neck does not allow them to keep their heads above the water. Of course, the height of the African elephant at the shoulders allows him to wade through shallow pools with ease. And at depth, the trunk will always help.

Elephant bonuses
No matter what the height of the African elephant in the shoulders (2 or 4 meters), his body from birth covers a great many wrinkles, their number increases with age. Tusks in this species of elephants are possessed by both males and females. In addition, unlike other elephants that have one "finger" on the trunk, the African is the happy owner of two. If this species could be judged by human standards, then African elephants are a kind of aristocracy. In addition, the brain of an elephant is 4 times larger,than a human - thus, this animal has the most impressive brain among those who have ever inhabited our planet.

It's all about the trunk
Perhaps the most remarkable thing in appearance is not the maximum height of an African elephant at the shoulder, but its trunk. It does not have any bones and consists mainly of muscles. There are a lot of them - about 40,000. Few people know that the trunk is nothing more than a hyper-long upper lip, which, in the process of evolution, has grown together with the nose. An elephant's trunk is like a hand for us - it is needed in order to deliver food and water to the mouth, raise dust for bathing in dust baths, get food, make trumpet sounds, cut down trees. It also serves as an olfactory organ, and with its "fingers" the elephant can touch and examine objects the size of a coin. By the way, the trunk is a rather heavy burden, and the elephant often gives himself a rest, putting his anatomical feature on the tusk. Interestingly, tiny baby elephants do not know how to use their trunks and learn this wisdom for several months.
Elephant tusks are highly developed incisors, the length of which, no matter what the maximum height of an African elephant in the shoulders, can reach 3.5 meters. The main enemy of an adult elephant is a person who is ready to kill a huge number of these animals for the sake of the so-called ivory. What are the tusks for? Elephants use them to dig ditches and fight competitors during mating battles.
An interesting fact is that animals with massive tusksare becoming less and less common - apparently, mother nature took pity on her ancient inhabitants, thanks to which evolution occurs, what the African giants are exterminated for is decreasing.

Wonder Locators
Elephants have rather small eyes, with which they see badly. This is due not only to poor eyesight, but also to the fact that they are located on a practically motionless head, which significantly impoverishes the animal's horizons. Even the maximum height of an African elephant in the shoulder does not help to inspect the surrounding world. But these giants have truly magical ears! In addition to the functions of the air conditioner, they work like a radar, capturing sounds that a person cannot hear.
Scout elephants
Despite their impressive weight, elephants can move so silently that special forces would envy them. On the soles of elephant feet are elastic cushions that act as shock absorbers. Thanks to them, elephants walk as if on tiptoe. Their average speed of movement is 6 kilometers per hour, however, in case of danger, they can move at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. These animals cannot jump over obstacles and jump up, but they easily swim across water.
Moms and babies
Female elephant becomes sexually mature at 14-15 years old and mates with males ready for mating battles. Together with the chosen one, the elephant is separated from the rest of the herd to reproduce offspring. Pregnancy of a female lasts longer than a human - about 22months, after which only one baby is born, who is able to move in the herd in a couple of days. By the way, the weight of a newborn baby elephant rarely exceeds 140 kilograms. During the life cycle, one elephant is able to give birth to up to 12 babies.
Elephant cubs are very tasty prey for various predators. They do not have tusks and have not yet grown to the point where the height of the African elephant in the shoulders scares away those who want to eat their meat. In addition, in the first 5 years of life, babies eat mother's milk and are under the vigilant supervision of an elephant. The kid begins to walk separately at the age of 10, and when he becomes a giant, and the maximum height of the African elephant reaches the highest mark, he is not afraid of anyone except man.

In their natural habitat, elephants live about as long as humans - about 70 years. In captivity, these animals most often do not live to old age due to disease, poor living conditions, stress.