Reserves of the Perm Territory - the beauty of untouched nature

Reserves of the Perm Territory - the beauty of untouched nature
Reserves of the Perm Territory - the beauty of untouched nature

Reserves of the Perm Territory, the list of which consists of two state nature reserves "Basegi" and "Vishersky", are among the most valuable and protected areas of the Urals.


This reserve was formed in 1982. It was created in order to preserve and study the diverse flora and fauna, as well as spruce and fir forests, which are located on the slopes of the Basegi ridge.

reserves of the Perm region
reserves of the Perm region

Reserves of the Perm Territory occupy vast territories. "Basegs" are spread out on the western macroslope of the Main Ural Range. Its main line stretches along the Basegi ridge, which consists of three separate mountain peaks: Northern Baseg, Middle and Southern. The highest point is Mount Middle Baseg, it rises to 994.7 meters. The 30 km long mountain range is located between the Usva and Vilva rivers, belonging to the Kama basin.


State reserves of the Perm Territory have preserved untouched nature. The Basegi Range consists ofmicaceous quartzites, phyllites and other metamorphic rocks of Ordovician age. It is the only place in the Middle Urals, untouched by the logging of the taiga. "Basegi" - a kind of shelter for many species of animals and plants in the region. 27 species of plants and mushrooms growing on its territory are listed in the Red Book. Taiga forest species grow on the slopes of the ridge, such as fir and spruce. Mountain tundra, stone placers and subalpine sparse forests formed on the peaks.

reserves of the Perm region list
reserves of the Perm region list

There is a very picturesque nature in the region of the Basegi Ridge. In the local dialect, the word "Basque" is used to describe something beautiful, wonderful. According to V. Dahl, the word means "decoration", obviously the name of this mountain range came from him. Not far away is the famous Mount Oslyanka, which is the highest point in the Middle Urals.

Excursion around the reserve

Reserves of the Perm region beckon with their bewitching virgin nature. There are no land holdings and leased plots, as well as residents permanently living in the reserve. One person lives in the protected zone. 8 cordons and a training and research base located on the territory of the Basegi reserve are visited on a rotational basis during the warm period.

The total area occupied by individual living quarters is less than one hectare. There are two ecological trails in the northern and southern parts of the reserve. With one-time passes issued by the administration of the reserve, it is allowed to take a tour ofreserve, accompanied by state inspectors.

Vishera Nature Reserve

In the upper reaches of the Vishera River, in the northeast of the Kama region, one of the largest reserves in Europe has grown - a land with untouched nature, which is full of fast rivers, taiga forests, picturesque mountains, fraught with a great many fascinating secrets.

This reserve is a real giant, it stretches from south to north for 90 km, spreads out in width for 30 versts and occupies about 1.5% of the land of the Perm Territory.

state reserves of the Perm region
state reserves of the Perm region


  • In the upper reaches of the Vishera, a reference (never been cut down) dark coniferous taiga forest grows. These reserves of the Perm Territory are similar to each other.
  • In the Northern Urals there are unique picturesque mountain landscapes, which include dozens of monuments of original nature.
  • The border of several geographical zones passes through the mountains, where you can see a variety of animals and plants of European, Siberian and northern origin.
  • Reserves of the Perm Territory are a natural reserve for valuable species of flora and fauna. Wild reindeer, fluffy sable, Siberian taimen, sweeping cedar and other rare species of the territory of the European part of Russia are protected in the Vishera Reserve.
  • This land is interesting in historical and ethnographic terms. It is the last region in Europe where representatives of the ancient Mansi people live.

Natural landscapes

Reserves of the Perm Territory namesreceived from their location. The beautiful Vishera stretches like a blue ribbon, she is barely noticeable among the centuries-old spruces, cedars and firs. Slowly and importantly, murmuring merrily on the riffles, she carries her cold waters towards Kame.

reserves of the Perm region
reserves of the Perm region

In summer, on a clear day, from the height of bald mountain peaks, a wonderful view opens up for tens of kilometers around. The majestic beauty of the local nature is immediately acutely felt. It is even hard to imagine that there, far away, million-strong cities and busy highways are noisy. Here, nothing and no one disturbs the pristine peace. The silent peaks of the mountain ranges rise. From a distance it seems that their stone placers consist of small pieces of rubble. But in fact, the huge boulders that make up them, exceeding two meters in diameter. The first unpretentious plants that develop the harsh mountain peaks are kurumniks, they are covered with a multi-colored crust of lichens.

Endless mountain tundra stretches to the north. On a soft blanket of mosses, fruticose lichens and dwarf birch shoots, human footprints are much rarer than the hoof prints of the majestic owner of these latitudes - the wild reindeer.
