Reserves of the Moscow region. Islands of nature

Reserves of the Moscow region. Islands of nature
Reserves of the Moscow region. Islands of nature

No matter how much we love the stone jungle, but nature still pulls. Someone creates green oases in their country house, someone enjoys nature in city squares. And those who want to completely immerse themselves in the secrets of the animal and plant world visit the national parks and reserves of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve Moscow Region
Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve Moscow Region

Green Ring

Some green spaces are located near the very center of the city, for example, the Elk Island National Park, others are relatively close. The green ring of the capital includes reserves of the Moscow region, the list of which is as follows:

  • Oksky,
  • Prioksko-Terrasny,
  • Central Forest.

The rest of the green monuments are national parks: Losiny Ostrov, Ugra, Lake Pleshcheyevo, and Smolenskoe Poozerie.

National parks and reserves of the Moscow region -islands of untouched nature. Thousands of people flock here to take a break from the bustle of the city, to get acquainted with the local inhabitants of flora and fauna. In the Moscow region, four natural territories of federal significance are under special supervision, the remaining 242 are specially protected by the region and the city.

Moose Island National Park

This is the longest forest park in Europe from within the city. The park was created with the aim of preserving nature and creating conditions for cultural and organized recreation. The national park includes six forest parks, two of them are located within the city, and the rest - in the region. The area of the forest park zone is about 12 thousand hectares. Moose and spotted deer, wild boars, squirrels, minks, muskrats and beavers live just 10 km from the center of Moscow.

nature reserves of the Moscow region
nature reserves of the Moscow region

Ecological route

The territory of the national park is unique in that nature has been preserved here in all its diversity. The flora is represented by coniferous, birch, broad-leaved forests with areas of meadows and swamps, the sources of the Yauza with lakes.

Here you will see the largest mammals of the Moscow region - moose. Get to know their life in natural conditions. Ecological excursions offer visitors all directions, you can choose any route. Game programs have been prepared for children.

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve

The Moscow region carefully preserves the unshakable nature of the reserve, whose name is associated with the proximity of the flowing Oka River. Its coastal sand covers limestone andclay almost throughout. Rainwater, passing through the sand, lingers on the clay layers, thereby creating favorable conditions for the nutrition of almost all flora. Chemical processes in the limestones, resulting from precipitation, covered the entire territory of the reserve with many funnels. There are several hundred of them, they were formed as a result of subsidence of the earth. The sizes of funnels range from a few decimeters to twenty meters.


Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve (Moscow region) is rich in plant species that can be found from the southern taiga to the steppes. A little warmer - and flowering in the reserve occurs continuously until late autumn, some plants are replaced by others. In spring, blue forget-me-nots lay on the lawns, corydalis and lungwort bloom in the wooded part. In the clearings, the color of strawberries is replaced by a blanket of herbs, pink carnations open on the hills, and lilies of the valley turn white in the clearings in the forest. In the middle of summer, the air is filled with the scent of lindens. August is the month of lilac heather bloom. The beginning of autumn - and the clusters of viburnum turn red. The reserve is especially beautiful in golden autumn, on sunny days. Rare plant species are under protection.

reserves of moscow and moscow region
reserves of moscow and moscow region


The fauna of the reserve is typical of the Russian Plain. In the Oka zone, there are species that are characteristic of broad-leaved forests: pine marten, bank vole, hazel dormouse, crested tit and others. The taiga fauna is represented by such species as capercaillie, hazel grouse, white hare, black woodpecker, and siskin. Animal species can be foundwhich are characteristic of the forest-steppe and steppe. In forest clearings there are hare, corncrake, hoopoe, quail, vole, little owl and others.

Of the carnivorous animals, seven species live permanently. The most common species is the fox. The usual inhabitants of the forests are not numerous: weasel, badger, ermine, marten. There are many ungulates here, such as moose.

There is a bison nursery in the reserve, it played a fundamental role in saving this species of ungulates. The calves grow in natural conditions, almost without knowing the person, as they are fed by the bison themselves. For all the years of breeding, about 250 purebred animals were taken into the wild. Today, bison live in herds, in areas of their former habitat.

reserves of the moscow region list
reserves of the moscow region list


Reserves of the Moscow region are natural monuments located in the system of territories specially protected by the state. They are essential for relaxation. Nature, like a healing balm, helps the soul tired of the city to restore lost strength. Reserves of the Moscow region will open up an amazing world of untouched beauty and teach you to take care of the environment.
