Features of animals: why the bear hibernates

Features of animals: why the bear hibernates
Features of animals: why the bear hibernates

Once there were many brown bears in nature. Families and groups were distinguished among them. Now they have left only the division on the basis of geographical location. Many people have an idea why the bear hibernates. But it makes sense to figure out if all the "clubfoot" are prone to this? Perhaps there are animals in the southern regions that are awake all year round?

Why does a bear hibernate
Why does a bear hibernate

Distinguishing Features

The brown bear is a large animal. Individuals living in the European part of the continent reach 1.4 - 2 m with a weight of up to 400 kg. Bears of Kamchatka and Alaska can weigh up to 1000 kg. Such a giant, standing on its hind legs, has a height of up to 3 m.

The brown bear's body is powerful. The head is massive, with small eyes and ears, high withers, thick fur, wide set and short tail - a typical appearance of a brown bear. Claws (up to 10 cm long) on powerful five-fingered paws are not hidden.

Bears are plantigrade animals. If necessary, for a short time they develop speeds up to 40-50 km / h. Water obstacles are overcome with ease. Hiding on a tree from an angry bear will not work.

Their diet is dominated by plant foods (by ¾). First of all, thisberries, acorns, nuts, roots and tubers of plants, as well as their succulent stems. It is this feature that is decisive in understanding why the bear hibernates in a harsh time. As for the color, the main color is brown. The shade of wool can vary significantly even in individuals living in the same territory (from black, fawn-gray and gray to reddish-brown).

Why do bears hibernate in winter?
Why do bears hibernate in winter?


Bears determine their territory and fix the boundaries with marks. It is believed that they live settled, although they may make migrations associated with the search for more suitable feeding places. In early spring, they look for clearings where the snow melts and the ground thaws faster. During the period of midge activity, they can leave the thicket to open places. During spawning, they make trips to rivers to hunt for fish in shallow water.

But they cannot move to the southern regions during the winter - this is another good reason in understanding why bears hibernate in winter. They lead a sedentary lifestyle and are forced to return to their traditional habitats. With the advent of autumn, food is becoming more difficult to find - you have to look for a way to wait out the cold.

Why do brown bears hibernate?
Why do brown bears hibernate?

Why do bears hibernate in winter

The ability to fall asleep in the cold is also characteristic of other animals. By the way, not only the winter period causes hibernation. In the desert area, small rodents can enter a sleepy state in the summer, during a period of drought. Under adverse conditionstheir unplanned hibernation may last until spring.

A brown bear cannot afford such a long rest. The period of his hibernation can vary from 2.5 to 6 months. But sometimes it lasts longer if circumstances so require. It is difficult to answer the question why the brown bear hibernates and does not stock up on roots, nuts and acorns for the winter. Apparently, he prefers to store them in the form of subcutaneous fat - it's more reliable, and warmer.

It should be clear why the bear hibernates. This is due to extreme necessity. This is the only way animals can survive in winter. At the same time, it is worth noting that individuals living in the southern regions with sufficient food supply can do without seasonal sleep all year round.

It is also worth dispelling the myth about the alleged ability of bears to suck their paw and thus eat in winter. This habit, according to experts, is associated with the peculiarity of the molting of the soles of bears. Rough skin peels off from them during their stay in the den. This is due to lack of movement and load. Young and delicate skin on the soles freezes. Therefore, the bears warm her with their breath and lick her with a warm tongue.

Why do brown bears hibernate in winter?
Why do brown bears hibernate in winter?

Cranks: why the bear hibernates in winter

What happens if you wake up an animal in a lair? Hibernation of bears is superficial. A disturbed animal will wake up and be able to quickly respond to danger or a sudden change in conditions. As a rule, an awakened bear will look for a new den if the old one is not suitable for sleeping.

BIn this case, why does the brown bear hibernate again in winter, and not wait for spring? This is the easiest way to survive. But there are situations when, for various reasons, animals do not gain enough fat over the summer. They cannot lie in a den in this state until spring. Hunger makes them leave the lair and go in search of food. Roots, nuts, acorns and other edible things cannot be found under the snow. The only way to survive is to engage in predation.

Under such circumstances, the bear decides to attack weakened animals and even predators. He is ready to take prey from wolves and foxes, eat carrion. He can enter the surrounding settlements, destroy apiaries, attack livestock and people. A meeting of a person with a starving rod bear can end sadly - this must be remembered and understood.
