One of the brightest examples of the magical transformation of Cinderella from the provinces into the queen of the capital's show business is the once very famous Russian model Anna Loginova. This beautiful, talented and purposeful girl had a bright future ahead of her. But the tragic death crossed it out, becoming a shock for the whole country … Well, now about everything in order.
Didn't dream of becoming a model
Loginova Anna Valerievna was born on September 3, 1978 on the outskirts of the city of Vladimir, in an ordinary, unremarkable family. After school, she entered the Vladimir State University of Commerce, which she graduated without much difficulty. And, perhaps, her life would have flowed as measuredly and monotonously as that of many thousands of fellow countrymen … If fate had not thrown difficulties.

Initially, none of her relatives and friends could imagine that Anna Loginova is a model in the future. As they say, nothing foreshadowed, and the girl herself never dreamed of such a career.
She became a mother early enough. A newborn son required attention and care. And his upbringing required money, which the young Anya did not have. That's when the first thoughts appeared to take advantage of the chance given by nature and try yourself on the podium.
In his native Vladimir, this profession was not considered very prestigious - on the contrary, many condemned the models, considering them almost confused. But Anna Loginova understood that, having achieved success in the modeling business and getting to the capital, you can earn a lot of money. And then the adored son will not need anything. Yes, she can make her own life. These thoughts became her “trigger.”
First steps as a model
There are many examples when girls “tie up” with a modeling career after having children. But the opposite happens very rarely. Anna Loginova turned out to be one of those exceptions.

After childbirth, she very quickly restored her lost forms, achieving almost ideal parameters - with a growth of 173 cm, the beauty's bust was 86 cm, waist - 62 cm, and hips - 88 cm.
Of course, it was not a sin to try yourself with such data as a model! Working as a bartender in one of the entertainment establishments in Vladimir, Anna Loginova, whose photo very soon began to be recognized by all of Russia, slowly looked at the bohemian life of the local beau monde. Useful connections, valuable acquaintances appeared … After a while, Anna gets on the podium and participates in local fashion shows.
The case is arguable, the girl gets the necessary skills, discovers her modeling abilities - and a year later she is ready for new ups and downs.
I am Anna Loginova. Moscow, meet
Having learned about the casting held by one of the capital's modeling agencies, the purposeful Anna decides to try her hand. And it's pretty easy to qualify! And after some time, a letter comes to her name with an invitation to work in Moscow.

This significant event happened in 2002. The girl at that time was 23 … On the one hand, quite a bit. But to start a modeling career, the age is already quite solid.
Loginova leaves her adored Kirill Dmitrievich (so seriously she always called her son) to her parents and sets off to conquer the capital. Her plans, it must be said, were Napoleonic. And she managed to accomplish a lot…
Reality exceeded expectations
Success in the modeling field somehow immediately came to Anna and did not want to leave her. A charming brunette with perfect forms riveted everyone's eyes and quickly became the favorite of the public. Her portfolio abounded with gorgeous photos, and there were no end of job offers.
Earnings exceeded all expectations - it was enough for Loginova to live comfortably in the capital herself, and to send money to Vladimir to her parents and son. Anna could not take the child to her - the tight schedule did not allow. But I consoled myself with the thought that this was not forever. Kirill Dmitrievich will grow up a little, and then … About the belovedthe model did not forget her son for a second and missed him very much, which she often told friends and colleagues about.
A stunning success
The success of a girl from Vladimir in the Moscow beauty industry is, of course, an extraordinary case. But even this was not a real breakthrough … Once the pages of the capital's newspapers were full of headlines: "Anna Loginova is a world-class fashion model." And the journalists did not deceive - after all, the Russian woman became the face of the world-famous BMW and Chanel! Only select models achieve this for sure.

Find yourself
Many in her place would probably revel in glory and proudly reclining on their laurels, reaping the fruits of success. But not Anna … She belonged to the type of people who are constantly in a creative search. Such, as a rule, are not satisfied with what has been achieved in one area, but are trying to conquer more and more peaks.
At some point, Loginova got the idea to realize herself in the field of cinema. And she got a small role in the movie "Stiletto". She also appeared in the video of the Comet team and at a press conference dedicated to the release of the picture Moor, where the public saw her next to the famous boxer Kostya Dzyu. She also had other projects, undertakings and plans.
Anna Loginova - bodyguard
But perhaps the most unusual case of Anna Loginova was the security agency that the star opened in her native Vladimir. It is noteworthy that only girls worked in it. And it was new not only for the province, but also for the capital, and for the country as a whole.

And Anna's idea to go into the security business was born when, collaborating with BMW, she took extreme driving courses. She liked the feeling of adrenaline in her blood. In addition, Loginova met at the courses with a person who owns an economic security agency, and learned from communication with him a lot of interesting information for herself, which would be useful to her in the future.
On the way to the goal, the model took bodyguard courses, and soon her company thundered throughout the district. The case, as usual, was arguing in the hands of the beauty.
Anna's personal life
They say if you're unlucky in business, you'll be lucky in love. Anna Loginova was extremely lucky in business. But what about personal life? Unfortunately, the beauty did not manage to become a happy wife and mother of a large family in her short life.
In one of the interviews, she admitted that she dreams of meeting her soulmate. About a man who will be stronger than her, will become support and support. But so far this has not been found … Although there is a close person, and Anna values \u200b\u200bhim. Who this friend was remains a mystery. The model tried not to flaunt her personal life.
Tragic death
A young, beautiful, extreme-minded woman, who became the face of one of the world's auto giants, had a weakness for good cars and enjoyed driving.

I did not use the services of personal drivers and security guards. What for? After all, she coped with both functions perfectly well! Butlife has shown: such independence for a girl can be dangerous. And there were warning signs. It’s just that Anna didn’t betray them…
She told reporters with a smile that she was attacked several times by robbers who tried to steal a car. And always a professional bodyguard managed to repulse them. The villains retreated at lightning speed after several successful tricks from the girl.
And on that tragic day, January 27, 2008, something went wrong… Fortune turned away from the usually lucky Anna Loginova.
According to the main version of the investigation, a young woman arrived in her Porsche Cayenne to Novomaryinskaya Street, where a kitten was being sold on an ad. She wanted to buy it for her son.

At the crossroads of Novomaryinskaya and Lublinskaya, Anna stopped the car. And not far away, a silver “ten” “slowed down”, from which a man jumped out. In a matter of seconds, he was near Loginova's Porsche, opened the doors of her car, threw the model onto the road, got into the driver's seat himself and pressed the gas.
But Anna wouldn't be Anna if she didn't try to fight… She jumped up, grabbed her car door tightly and didn't let go even when the car started moving. The rapidly accelerating Porsche pulled its owner along the asph alt. At some point, she fell, hit her head and died…
Seven-year-old son and elderly parents were inconsolable. Friends and acquaintances could not recover from the shock for a long time. Model Anna Loginova, whose cause of death shocked notonly them, but the whole country, will forever remain in the memory of those who knew her, a beauty with an iron will, a dazzling smile and a huge heart full of motherly love.