The happiest country: rating and list

The happiest country: rating and list
The happiest country: rating and list

Surely some of us thought about the question of what a person needs for a happy life in his country. It is not difficult to answer it, because all that is needed is a high and high-quality level of education, a good he alth care system, wage growth, trust in government and a clean environment. It is by these factors that the happiest country is determined. Let's see which one comes first.

the happiest country
the happiest country

Happiest Countries 2017

More recently, sociological surveys, as well as individual studies, named Sweden and Switzerland among the first in this list. But today the situation in the world has changed dramatically, and these countries no longer occupy leading positions. It is interesting to find out who pressed the more recent favorites? The top three will look like this: Norway, Denmark and Iceland. And now let's try to figure out why these countries are located in this way in the ranking of the happiest countries in the world and what elsestates are among the leaders.


This is one of the highly developed economic powers of the world. The majority, namely 70-80 percent of the working-age population, have a permanent job. And the average income can hardly be called small, since Australians earn about $32,000 a year. Many of the inhabitants of Australia work in their speci alty, and foreigners often move here because of the high level of education. In addition, Australia has a large number of architectural heritage, which attracts many tourists here. Australians trust their government, which is why they take an active civic position. And the average life expectancy can only be envied, because it is approximately 82 years.


Most recently, namely: 2 years ago, Sweden ranked second in the ranking of the happiest countries, and now only ninth. Why did it happen? Let's try to figure it out. Most voters trust their government, as evidenced by a recent opinion poll. But less than 50% of the working-age population has a paid job. At the same time, the literacy rate in this country reaches almost 100%. Also, the Swedes are very lucky with the environment. And life expectancy here is the same as in Australia.

ranking of the happiest countries
ranking of the happiest countries

New Zealand

For many years this country has been confidently on the list of the happiest countries. There is a very high level of personal freedoms, but, unfortunately, there are he alth problems. A levelunemployment is so low that it is no more than 7 percent. Yes, and New Zealanders are confident in the support of the state, if they suddenly lose their jobs.


This is one of the most livable countries in North America. Still, because the average annual income here is very high. That is why the crime rate is low. In addition, literacy in the country is almost 100 percent, and high-quality and almost free education attracts many migrants here. Canadians are also not afraid of being left without work, because the government is developing all sorts of programs to support the unemployed. This country has very clean air due to the abundance of trees. There are many nature reserves and parks in Canada.

list of happiest countries
list of happiest countries


About 80 percent of the working-age population in Holland has a permanent job, and the average annual income can reach $26,000. Approximately this amount remains with the Dutch after paying taxes. This country has a high level of education and literacy of the population. The government also provides good social support to citizens and provides high-quality and affordable he althcare. And the nature here is simply amazing, which attracts many tourists here. That is why the life expectancy of the Dutch on average reaches 81 years. For these reasons, the Netherlands is included in the list of the happiest countries in the world.

happiest countries in the world 2017
happiest countries in the world 2017


This year, the Finns managed to climb to 5th place. And helped them to do this:a quality education system, affordable medicine and improved working conditions. In Finland, primary and higher education is completely free not only for Finns, but also for EU citizens. This country has a very friendly atmosphere, as residents love to communicate and help people, which has been proven more than once by social surveys. Here, the he alth of pregnant women and women with children is very clearly monitored, as evidenced by the low level of maternal mortality. Finns have the same life expectancy as the Dutch.


Unfortunately, it lost its first place in the ranking of the happiest countries and dropped to 4. Although it maintains an efficient economy and unconditional trust in the government, and the unemployment rate does not exceed 3 percent. Education is cheap in the country, but experts have questions about its quality. Despite this, the locals themselves are satisfied with him and almost do not show any complaints against him. In addition to beauty and neatness, Swiss cities have a low crime rate at any time of the day. Citizens receive quality medical services, paying for them through insurance.

ranking of the happiest countries in the world
ranking of the happiest countries in the world


The country has a unique nature, traditions and culture. Employment of the able-bodied population reaches 80 percent. And it is much easier for a woman to get a job here than in many European cities. Quality and affordable education raises the literacy rate in the country by almost 100 percent. The Irish are not afraid of being robbed, because there is a very lowthe level of crime, and they treat criminals here in a completely different way. People receive support not only from law-abiding citizens, but also from the government, which does not prevent them from getting a normally paid job. This country has a fairly high level of medicine, due to which infant mortality is very low, and the average life expectancy reaches 82 years.


It ranks second in the list of the happiest countries. Denmark gets here thanks to such indicators as the he alth care system and education. It is rightfully considered a country with a high level of gender equality and political activity of citizens. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and is considered one of the cleanest cities in the world. Despite the fact that taxes are very high here, the system of free medical care and education is considered the best in the world.

list of happiest countries in the world
list of happiest countries in the world


It is she who leads among the happiest countries in the world. Norway attracts not only with a high level of income, but also with a low unemployment rate. The government of the country is trying to protect all sectors of society and provide quality education to all citizens. And most of the hospitals are state-owned, thanks to which Norwegians receive medical services for free. In addition, the nature of Norway captivates with genuine beauty, there are a lot of lakes and you can even see the northern lights.
