In any country in the world, the highest executive power, in fact, is the Cabinet of Ministers, although this body can be called differently. In the Soviet Union, the cabinet of ministers is the Council of Ministers, and in Russia now it is the government. In a number of countries, for example, in Israel, Latvia, Japan, Uzbekistan, the government is called just that - the cabinet of ministers. All the main functions of managing the current activities of the country lie with this supreme executive body.
Main Functions

The Cabinet of Ministers is the collegiate supreme body of executive power in the country. The cabinet may include line ministers and ministers without portfolio (a government member who does not manage a ministry or other government body). The cabinet is led by the prime minister, who is appointed by the head of state and/or parliament. The head of government forms the cabinet of ministers, whichits entire or individual members (for example, deputy prime ministers) must be approved by the head of state or parliament. The main tasks that are delegated to the Cabinet of Ministers are:
- foreign policy, although in many countries it may be largely the prerogative of the head of state;
- domestic policy, including being responsible for state policy in the field of culture, science, education, he alth, social security, ecology;
- state and internal security, including enforcement of laws protecting citizens and fighting crime;
- national defense;
- economic policy, including developing and executing the country's budget, managing state property.
In the field of defense, foreign policy and state security, the head of state forms the policy, and the Cabinet of Ministers provides measures for its implementation. Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers are taken by voting and formalized in the form of a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers. What exactly the cabinet is responsible for is usually determined by a special law.
The first cabinet of ministers in the history of Russia

The history of Russia also had its own cabinet of ministers during the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna (1731-1741). Then this supreme state body of the empire existed as a council under the monarch. The Cabinet of Ministers, and it was an advisory body consisting of two or three cabinet ministers, was supposed to facilitate the adoption processdecisions by the empress and increase the efficiency of state administration. The cabinet prepared draft decisions of the head of state, announced her nominal decrees and resolutions. However, gradually he began to perform full-fledged functions of the government. In the administration of the ministers were the military, police and financial services.
Where are offices in Russia
Since Russia is a federal state, each subject of the federation (regions, territories, national republics) has its own government. In some republics, the government is the cabinet of ministers. For example, in Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea. The activities of the cabinets of ministers of the republics are determined by the laws of the Russian Federation and the local law on executive bodies. Regional, regional and republican offices deal mainly with socio-economic issues, including the formation and execution of the local budget, economic and domestic policy, foreign economic relations, within the limits specified by Russian legislation. In general, with the exception of defense, security and foreign policy (partly) does the same as the federal government. Decisions made by the government are formalized in the form of decrees of the cabinet of ministers of the republic, region, etc.
The most unusual office

Japan for us is a country of all sorts of interesting, beautiful and sometimes strange customs and things. So the Cabinet of Ministers of the Land of the Rising Sun is very peculiar. Now the Japanese government includes 12 branch stateministers and 8 ministers without portfolio. According to the constitution, they must be civilians and the majority must be members of parliament. But usually the cabinet of ministers is only deputies who are more busy with affairs in parliament, and officials manage the ministries. Sometimes a deputy can also head two ministries. The prime minister is nominated by the parliament from among the deputies, which is then approved by the emperor. The work of the Cabinet of Ministers is conducted on the basis of customs and precedents, there is no law regulating the procedure for meetings and decision-making. All decisions are made by consensus, not by vote.
UK has two cabinets

Life on an island, even a big one, probably has a strong influence on customs. Another example of a peculiar understanding of the state structure is Great Britain, which also occupies a group of islands, and they also have a constitutional monarchy. However, here the cabinet of ministers is a collegiate body of the government. The government itself is about a hundred people appointed by the queen from among the members of parliament. The prime minister, according to the constitution, is appointed by the leader of the ruling party, who recruits the cabinet of ministers, about twenty people. The leader of the opposition party forms a shadow cabinet that oversees government activities. In the United Kingdom, this is an official body. The head of the shadow cabinet and some of the members receive remuneration.