Denis Vasiliev, biography, personal life, photo

Denis Vasiliev, biography, personal life, photo
Denis Vasiliev, biography, personal life, photo

Denis Vasiliev is a well-known Latvian figure skater, whom everyone knows as a wonderful person, a patriot of his country. But the most important quality of this athlete is his desire to win, no matter what. It is this that makes many admire and look up to Denis as future skaters of our country.

Denis Vasiliev
Denis Vasiliev

Denis Vasiliev, biography briefly

The figure skater was born on August 9, 1999 in Latvia. The family of the future athlete was no different from the rest of the standard of living. But their son from early childhood dreamed of performing at international figure skating competitions. Despite the fact that Denis Vasiliev chose not the most masculine profession in the future, his parents supported him. It is thanks to this, according to the skater, that he reached such heights.

Perfectionist Skater

Today Denis is one of the young skaters who have taken a strong position among the fifteen leaders of world figure skating. But he does not intend to stop, but plans to surprise the world even more. Now Denis Vasilyev is training with the famousSwiss figure skater Stephane Lambiel. According to the skater, he is not just a coach for him, but one of the closest people. Stefan is very caring and helps Denis during training, as well as in other matters related to life and education.

In Latvia, as in many other countries, women's figure skating is more developed. But this does not stop the athlete, he plans to implement his plans not only at home, but also far beyond its borders. During a speech at one of the competitions, Denis was asked if he was satisfied with the way he performed. To which the skater replied: “Yes, I rode well. But to be honest, this is one of my best rides in all my training and performances. I myself did not expect such a result!”

performance in competitions
performance in competitions

Denis Vasilyev also admitted that he is an avid perfectionist and requires only smooth, 100% perfect performances from himself, which pleased his fans.

Skater performance quality

In one of his interviews, Denis said that now many skaters are trying to “slap” a quarter jump into their number. He, as everyone knows, helps to raise his ratings. However, due to inexperience, many perform this element damply and not professionally. What I would not like to repeat.

Skater Denis Vasiliev practices this jump at every training session. He admits that he still needs time for a more refined execution of the element. He also said that he understands his positions in the ratings. According to the young skater, they are not strong enough to riskgo out on the ice with raw numbers. This is especially true for complex elements.

Denis after the performance
Denis after the performance

The financial side of figure skating

Before, Denis turned to sponsors for help in order to afford training and performances, since figure skating has always been not the cheapest sport. Now he does not resort to such measures. Denis claims that moving to Switzerland, where he now lives and trains, costs a pretty penny. However, this does not stop him.

After the figure skater's high performance, Latvia has pledged to bear most of his expenses, including travel, flights, training and performances. Of course, it cannot do without the help of Denis's family. They always support him (including financially).

More than coach and athlete

Recently, Denis admitted that he considers his coach a close person, and not just part of his profession. Stefan partly replaces his family when the skater is away from home. He gives him good advice and guides the young athlete on the right path in life.

figure skater and coach
figure skater and coach

Stefan admits that Denis is far from a child, despite his 18 years. Denis Vasiliev has no time to lead a personal life, and it will only interfere with his career. Therefore, the guy is fixated exclusively on the profession. Also, the coach of the Latvian skater noted that it is not always easy with him, as it seems. Like all young athletes, Denis is very temperamental and active. He stubbornly defends his point of view, and he sometimeshard to convey the truth. However, Stefan succeeds, and so far he is doing it with great success.

Denis, in one of his last interviews, received an unexpected question from journalists about whether he had received offers to change citizenship. To which the skater replied: “I didn’t even think about it. But if I get such an offer, I will definitely refuse it. Because I am a patriot of my country and can’t imagine that I compete in competitions other than Latvia.”
