Scientists have long found out that for high labor efficiency, a person needs regular and proper rest. Without this, one should not expect great labor feats from the worker. But you can also relax in different ways: someone just lies on the couch and watches TV, while someone takes out his backpack and goes hiking. In the latter case, the recreational resources of the world, or in other words, the resources for recreation and tourism, are of great importance.
What is recreation?
It is believed that the term "recreation" came to us from Latin: recreation - "recovery". There is such a word in Polish - recreatja, which means "rest" in translation. It is worth noting that the world still does not have a single and generally accepted scientific definition of this concept.
It can be said that recreation is the process of restoring a person's vitality (physical, moral and mental), which were used up in the process of work. At its core, recreation can be tourist, medical, resort, he alth, sports, etc. Types are also distinguished by timeframework: short-term, long-term (with or without interruption from work), seasonal. Recreation can also be organized and unorganized (so-called wild recreation).

Basic concepts
From the definition of the term "recreation" one can derive other important concepts: "tourist and recreational resources" and "recreational activities". The second term means a special type of economic activity aimed at restoring human strength. At the same time, the word "economic" in combination with the word "activity" suggests the possibility of generating income.
The study of these and some other related concepts is carried out by such sciences as recreationology and recreational geography. Among the scientists of these disciplines one can meet geographers, and biologists, and economists, and psychologists, because they were formed at the junction of several fields of knowledge at once. In particular, recreational geography studies the features of the distribution of recreational resources and objects throughout the territory of our planet, as well as individual countries. The recreational resources of the world and their study are also within the competence of this science. They will be discussed further.
Recreational World Resources
They began to worry scientists and researchers around the middle of the twentieth century. It was then that the first serious scientific developments in this area began to appear.
Recreational resources of the world is a complex of recreational facilities (created by nature or man) that are suitable fordevelopment based on their recreational activities.
What can be a recreational object? Yes, anything, as long as the object has a recreational effect. It can be a waterfall, a mountain peak, a medical sanatorium, a city park, a museum or an old fortress.

The main properties of such resources include:
- attractiveness;
- geographic availability;
- significance;
- potential supply;
- how to use and others.
Recreational resources of the world still do not have a single classification. Each of the researchers has their own view on this issue. Nevertheless, the following types of recreational resources can be distinguished:
- Recreational and curative (treatment).
- Recreational and he alth-improving (treatment, rehabilitation and spa vacation).
- Recreational and sports (active recreation and tourism).
- Recreational and educational (excursions, cruises and travel).
This classification looks the most successful and understandable. Although there are many others, according to which the world's recreational resources are divided into:
- natural (created by nature);
- natural-anthropogenic (created by nature and modified by man);
- historical and cultural (man-made);
- infrastructural;
- unconventional.

Very interesting is the last group, which combines the resources needed todevelopment of unusual or extreme types of recreation. These can be ancient cemeteries, dilapidated castles, underground catacombs, abandoned mines, etc.
Recreational and medical resources of the world
They are designed to organize, first of all, the treatment of a person. It can be both a complex therapy of the whole organism, as well as individual organs and systems.
Recreational and medical resources of the world include the following objects:
- mineral water springs;
- healing mud;
- mountain resorts;
- sea coasts;
- s alt lakes, etc.

Recreational and he alth resources of the world
This group includes all resources on the basis of which treatment can be carried out, as well as the improvement of the body (for example, after major operations). Such resources include resorts and resort areas (sea, mountain, ski, forest, etc.).
Among the most popular resort areas in the world are the following:
- Hawaiian Islands;
- Seychelles;
- Canary Islands;
- Bali Island;
- Cuba island;
- Goa;
- Côte d'Azur (France);
- Golden Sands (Bulgaria) and others

Recreational-sports and recreational-educational resources
Majestic mountain systems (Alps, Cordilleras, Himalayas, Caucasus, Carpathians) attract a huge number of active tourists and extreme sportsmen. After all, there isall the necessary recreational and sports resources. You can go on a mountain hike or conquer one of the peaks. You can organize an extreme descent along a mountain river or go rock climbing. The mountains have a wide range of diverse recreational resources. There is also a huge number of ski resorts.
Recreational and educational resources include many different objects: architectural, historical and cultural. It can be fortresses, ancient castles, palace complexes, museums and even entire cities. Thousands of tourists annually visit countries such as France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Austria, Switzerland and others.
The most famous museum in the world is, of course, the Louvre, which contains the richest collections of exhibits. Among them you can see ancient Assyrian bas-reliefs and Egyptian paintings.
One of the largest and most elegant palace complexes in the world is Peterhof, located near St. Petersburg. A large number of tourists go to India to see the miracle of world architecture - the Taj Mahal, or to Egypt to see the famous Egyptian pyramids with their own eyes, or to Croatia to wander through the narrow streets of medieval Dubrovnik.

Recreational and tourist potential of Russia
Recreational resources in Russia are very rich and varied. Thus, the Black Sea, Azov, B altic coasts, as well as the Altai Mountains have a huge potential for the development of resort tourism and medical recreation.
Historical, cultural and educational recreational resources of Russia are also widely represented. In this regard, such regions of the country as the North-West, the North Caucasus, the Kaliningrad region, as well as the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kostroma, Tver, Kazan have the greatest potential. Eco-tourism and recreation can be successfully developed in Kamchatka, Sakhalin Island and Lake Baikal.
In conclusion
Thus, the recreational resources of the world are very diverse and rich. These include ancient cities, amazing architectural structures, high mountains and rapid waterfalls, museums and castles covered in legends.