Alluring crab: description and photo

Alluring crab: description and photo
Alluring crab: description and photo

There are a lot of varieties of crabs. Some use in cooking, but no more than seven types. The rest live quietly in nature. They all have a different look, size and color.

There are huge crabs, from one to three meters in length, and there are small ones, like a beckoning crab. He is considered one of the most interesting representatives of his family.

Crab habitat

The beckoning crab lives in a colony of crustaceans like him. He is very loyal to his neighbors, which cannot be said about strangers who have entered his territory.

Regular crabs can be found anywhere, but alluring is found in the western side of the Atlantic Ocean and Africa. This creature is accustomed to a certain climate, warmer. Therefore, it can be found at the bottom of the Indian and Pacific oceans. The alluring crab is also found here, you can meet it in Russia.

appearance of a fiddler crab
appearance of a fiddler crab

Appearance description

These creatures are very small. The body reaches a size of about 2.5 cm, with claws up to 10 cm. But more often they can be found smallersizes. They look like ordinary crabs - a head with a breast and an abdomen divided into segments. The beckoning crab (photo below) has a strong shell that protects it. But he still has a feature - this is a very large right claw. Because of her, he moves strangely, as if luring, hence his name.

The length of the claw can reach the length of the entire body of the crab. The left one stays the same size. This feature is only found in males. The females have the same claws. This huge male claw has several purposes. For example, the fiddling crab scares away enemies, protects its home and attracts females. Everything else he does with his left limb, such as eating.

These crabs have a regenerative function. They are able to re-grow their huge claw, if for some reason it has fallen off. After a certain period of time, it will grow back, and may also increase in size relative to what it was before. During the period when the right claw is still small, the crab tries not to crawl out of its mink, so as not to endanger itself.

Fiddler crab is another name for the fiddler crab. During the mating season, this representative of the fauna actively begins to move his claw, which resembles playing the violin. Crabs like to be active in the evening or at night, when it is completely dark. In this case, their claw is not visible. Therefore, crustaceans begin to knock on the ground or trees with it, thereby luring females. Thanks to such a large limb, the crab closes the entrance to its dwelling during sleep so that no one can approach it.climb in.

The yellow-white-red claw stands out against the bright short-tailed crayfish. Crabs can be gray, red or black. Having a small size, the crab becomes conspicuous due to its color. He may be blue, but with a claw like that, he can always protect himself.


fiddler crab
fiddler crab

These representatives of the fauna are heterosexual creatures. Male reproductive organs are located at the fifth pair of walking legs, and female - at the sixth. During the breeding season, the male tubules fill with germ cells and fertilize the female orifices. After that, the female attaches the resulting eggs to her legs and bears them until they hatch.

How many pairs of walking legs does a fiddler crab have?

Many crustaceans have 8 pairs of limbs, the first 3 of which are mandibles. With them, the crab captures its prey, and also helps to move it to the mouth. The remaining 5 pairs of limbs are used for movement. The first of the five limbs are auxiliary, designed to grab food, they develop small claws. Almost all crustaceans have asymmetric front claws.

Color change and other features of this type of crustacean

fiddler crab behavior
fiddler crab behavior

One of the features of the alluring crab is that it can change its color throughout its life - from bright red to pale gray. Being in a bright color, he risks his life, becomes noticeable to birds.

During the mating season, males are very resourceful and hardworking. They build bigsand castles. And the larger the castle, the more likely it is that the female will choose it. Castles, of course, are not real, but they look like a hill. The building is located near the crab hole.

These creatures feed on similar creatures and algae. They live mainly on land, only for food they can go into the water. They also build their own housing on the ground.
