At the beginning of the 19th century, new breech-loading primer shotguns appeared. According to experts, at that time, one of the most promising weapons systems was considered to be a needle chambered for a unitary paper cartridge. In Germany, the first rifle unit to use this system was the Dreyse needle rifle. A German weapons designer developed it in 1827. Information about the history of creation, device and technical characteristics of the Dreyse rifle can be found in this article.
In 1809, the German designer I. N. Dreyse worked in France at the arms factory of Samuel Paul, where he saw many different types of small arms. Dreyse's attention was drawn to the needle rifles. The cartridge was ignited with a needle. In 1814, the German designer returned to his homeland and began to work on creating his own rifle model. howexperts say, Dreyse took advantage of the idea of Pohl, deciding in his product to also use unitary paper cartridges and glowing with a primer needle. The Dreyse rifle entered service with the Prussian army in 1840. The combat qualities of this rifle unit were highly appreciated by the military. For this reason, all information about the new Dreyse weapon was strictly classified for a long time. In the technical documentation, the rifle was listed as Leichtes Percussionsgewehr-41. Thanks to the unitary paper caseless cartridge and the sliding bolt, the rate of fire of the rifle has been increased by five times.

The Dreyse rifle is a single-shot rifled weapon that fires a projectile through the muzzle. The breech is locked by a tubular bolt that slides in a horizontal plane. By means of a combat larva (front part), the bolt rests against the edge of the barrel, due to which its reliable obturation is ensured. The place of the mainspring was the inner part of the shutter. In the rifle, the German designer decided to use a long and thin striker that could reliably pass through a paper cartridge, pierce the spiegel and prick the primer. The receiver was connected to the breech cut of the barrel with four screw rifling. Mounting the barrel to the stock is made by means of special mounting rings. A rifle with a solid wooden stock, buttstock and forearm. The material is walnut.

The handguard is equipped with a ramrod for cleaning the barrel. A weapon with a smooth trigger guard containing a special interception for the shooter's fingers in the back. Due to the presence of a long detachable bayonet, the rifle is quite effective in close combat. The front and rear sights are used as sighting devices. Additionally, the design of the gun has folding shields that increase the aiming range by a couple of hundred meters.

Operation principle
The explosive composition was ignited by means of a long needle, which was equipped with a rifle trigger. After pulling the trigger, the needle, which was part of the lock, pierces the primer. As a result of the ignition of the shock composition, a shot occurs. Powder gases act on the spigel and compress it into barrel rifling. Thus, the bullet is compressed, which, as it moves from the barrel, is transmitted torque.
About specifications
- The weapon is of the type of needle rifles.
- Weighs no more than 4.7 kg.
- Total length is 142cm, stem is 91cm.
- The bullet weighs 30.42g and the ammunition weighs 40g.
- The rifle works with a bolt action.
- The gun can fire up to 12 shots within one minute.
- The fired projectile moves towards the target at a speed of 305 m/s.
- A rifle with single-shot ammunition is effective at a distance of no more than 600 m.

About modifications
The Dreyse rifle served as the basis for the creation of the following models:
- Zundnadelgewehr M/41. Is aninfantry rifle 1841 release. It is a fairly original model.
- M/49. The Draysy rifle (Model 1849) includes design changes that have affected the bolt, sight, and obturation device. In addition, this shotgun has a short barrel.
- M/54. 1854 rifle.
- M/57. This version of small arms is a dragoon (hussar) carbine, which does not provide for the presence of a bayonet.
- M/60. Structurally, the weapon practically does not differ from the base model. Only the length of the rifle has been changed.
- M/62. A shortened version of the 1942 shotgun.
- M/65. The gun was designed specifically for rangers.
- U/M. The sapper rifle began to be produced since 1865. The design of the weapon is the same as in the 54th model. There is a shorter barrel and a new bayonet.
- M/69. The model is a sapper rifle with minor design modifications.
In conclusion
According to experts, after the appearance of the rifle developed by the German designer, many European countries switched to needle guns. Military personnel used such weapons until the 70s of the 19th century, until rifle models for ammunition with a metal sleeve appeared. The Dreyse rifle itself was replaced with an 1871 Mauser.