Igor Levitin was born on February 21, 1952. Place of birth: Tsebrikovo village, Odessa region, Ukraine.
The question of its origin is debatable. Some media sources have information that he has Jewish roots. However, Igor Levitin, whose nationality is listed as "Russian" in official sources, never commented on this.

In military service
In his school years, Igor Evgenievich devoted a lot of time to sports, and in particular to table tennis. He achieved significant success in this field, more than once becoming the winner of city and regional championships. His coach was the famous Felix Osetinsky.
Having reached the age of majority, he went to serve in the army, after which he firmly decided to become a military man. He studied at the Leningrad Higher Command School of Railway Troops and Military Communications. M. V. Frunze. Having received a diploma of education, for three years (1973–1976) he served in the railway troops on the territory of the Odessa military district (Moldavian railway).
From 1976 to 1980 he served in the militarylocation of the Southern Group of Forces in Budapest. Upon returning to his homeland, Levitin receives another education in the speci alty "Engineer of Railways". Igor Levitin received a diploma of graduation from the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport in 1983. After that, for two years he was a military commandant on the territory of the Urgal railway section and at the station of the same name on the BAM. He was an active participant in the Golden Link docking.
Further Levitin moved closer to the capital. He began to serve on the Moscow Railway, where, as part of the activities of the military communications authorities, he served as a military commandant of the section. After some time, he took up the post of deputy. chief in the bodies of military communications.
Business activity
When 1994 came, Igor Evgenievich Levitin left the ranks of the country's Armed Forces. The place of his work during the year was the Odessa transport and forwarding open joint-stock company "Phoenix Trans Service".

Starting from 1996, he worked in the apparatus of the Irkutsk State Duma. There is information that around the same time he became the owner of several companies, including the well-known closed joint-stock company Dormashinvest.
Unexpected appointment
Levitin joined the Russian government in 2004. In February of this year, the government chaired by Mikhail Kasyanov was dissolved, and Mikhail Fradkov was appointed as the new prime minister. The government he formedtheir work on March 9th. Igor Levitin became the head of the created Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Russian Federation. The reasons for this rapid increase are not known for certain. However, the fact remains. In this position, he regulated the issues of transport engineering, was engaged in air and rail transportation, and supervised the work of seaports. In addition, he was a shareholder in a number of companies.
This government did not last long. V. V. Putin, re-elected for a second term during the presidential elections, dismissed him. Igor Levitin in the newly formed government, chaired by the same Fradkov, headed the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

When Viktor Zubkov was appointed prime minister in 2007, Igor Evgenievich was retained in his previously occupied position. The same thing happened in May 2008, when Vladimir Putin, who became Prime Minister, formed a new composition of ministries.
In October 2008, Levitin was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aeroflot, and some time later he also headed the Board of Directors of Sheremetyevo International Airport.
Businessman or politician?
He was one of the members of the Public Council under the government commission, engaged in reforming the railway transport.
Dormashinvest still belonged to Levitin. The joint-stock company was constantly supplied with numerous state contracts from those structures that Igor Evgenievich was in charge of. That is, he successfullyaffiliated the activities of his CJSC with several dozen legal entities. persons who worked in the transport sector, and their interests were connected with the Ministry of Transport subordinate to him.
When at the beginning of 2011 there was an explosion at Domodedovo, Igor Evgenievich Levitin, apparently, did not feel his responsibility for what had happened. On the contrary, he made a proposal to remove Gennady Kurzenkov from the post of head of Rostransnadzor.
“Minister of Disasters”
The crashes of Tu-134 near Petrozavodsk (06.22.2011) and Yak-42 near Yaroslavl (07.09.2011) that happened almost one after another required at least intelligible explanations from the Minister of Transport about the state of the domestic air fleet. However, his explanations were so vague and unconvincing that it was not possible to conclude that there were problems in the labor industry. But he was still left at his former post. After that, the people often began to call him the "Minister of Disasters."

There was no place for him in the new government formed by Dmitry Medvedev (2012-21-05). The former reception room of Igor Evgenievich Levitin was now occupied by the new Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov.
May 22, 2012 Levitin is appointed Presidential Adviser. A little more than a year later, or rather, since September 2, 2013, Igor Levitin is an assistant to President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The day after this appointment, he also holds the post of Secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation.
25.09.2013 he became deputyChairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports.
May 2014 was marked for Igor Evgenievich by his appointment to the post of Vice-President of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Olympic Committee of Russia".

He is one of the members of the working group under the President, engaged in the restoration of various architectural objects included in the cultural heritage of religious purposes.
Occupying the post of assistant to the president, Igor Levitin, whose biography proves his enterprise and success, also participates in the regulation of housing and communal services.
On December 25, 2013, the President signed a decree on the appointment of I. E. Levitin to the post of chairman of the commission for the development of general aviation. The purpose of creating this structure is to organize activities to coordinate the work of executive authorities (at all levels of the federation) responsible for the formation of a unified state policy in matters of GA, for the development of strategies and programs for the further development of GA.

Igor Levitin's wife's name is Natalya Igorevna, she is a housewife. The couple has a daughter, Julia. She is an assistant professor of sociology and political science at the Moscow State University for the Humanities. M. A. Sholokhova. For several years, Yulia was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, was the founder of such well-known transport companies in certain circles as Milikon Service and St altechinvest.
IgorLevitin, whose biography demonstrates his success in various fields of activity, is today one of the most significant figures on the domestic political Olympus.