Women have always given birth, give birth and will give birth. This process does not depend on the season. But there are months in which the largest number of children are born.
The peak of births abroad falls on other months than in Russia. If we turn to the statistics of the USSR, we can see something interesting.

Global fertility
English doctors assure: the peak of the birth rate in their country falls on September. And to be completely accurate, then on the 16th. On this day, 9% of the total number of babies are born.
Great Britain is not the only one to enjoy a prolific September. In Western Europe, it is no less popular among newborns. They prefer to be born in September.
In what months are the most babies born yet? In European countries it is August.
Birth rate in Russia
Russia is different from the West in everything. Including peak birth month. In which month are more babies born in our country?
If we look at the statistics compiled in the USSR, we will find an interesting point. The peak birth rate from 1956 to 1973 is in January. And two years later, starting in 1975 and ending in 1988, July becomes the most popular month.
What month has the most babies been born since 1990? The first place is shared by January and July. They alternate with each other. It happens that the peak of the birth rate "leaves" for the next months. In 2015, for example, it fell on August.

What is fertility related to?
We found out in which month the most children are born in our country and abroad. These are January, July and September. A little less - August. And this is happening in Western countries and in Russia.
English doctors have figured out why the birth rate peaks in the first month of autumn.
- Seed is more active in winter.
- In the winter season, the human body is at its peak of activity. Minerals and vitamins "collected" in the summer are having an effect.
The first cold month of the year in England is December. People prefer home gatherings. Mutual attraction grows at home.
What's in Russia?
In which month the most children are born, we now know. This is July and January. Why is this happening? The past speaks when weddings in Russia were played in October-November. This was due to the end of the harvest. Then it was time for the weddings. The baby born in July was the fruit of an October wedding.
In Januaryspring babies are born. April is the month of their creation, when spring comes into its own. The first grass appears, the sun begins to warm for real. Everything comes to life, and this awakening affects the human body. People say that hormones are starting to play. And couples just can't resist them.
Fertile day
And again we will return to foggy Albion. British doctors are very scrupulous. They took on the task of calculating the fertile day of babies born on September 16th. It turned out that the babies were conceived on December 11th.
Our doctors have not reached this point yet. And no one has figured out a specific number. There are just peak birth months.

After the collapse of the USSR, there was a sharp decline in the birth rate. In 1992, the death rate for the first time exceeded the birth rate in our country. Such a sharp decline is primarily due to fear. In the dashing 90s, they were afraid to have children. There was no confidence in the future.
Statistics suggests that there is population growth in Russia. Since 2015, it has been slowly moving up.
In 2015, the largest number of babies were born in August. The eighth month of 2016, on the contrary, was marked by the lowest birth rate.
As for 2017, October, oddly enough, leads in terms of the number of babies born.
We found out in which months the most children are born in Russia. We also found out the statistics of foreign countries.
Actuallyfertility is difficult to predict. Statistics are calculated on average. Once upon a time, as they say, you don't have to.