Komodo lizards: description and photo

Komodo lizards: description and photo
Komodo lizards: description and photo

Komodo monitor lizard is an amazing and truly unique animal, which is called a dragon for a reason. The largest living lizard spends most of its time hunting. It is the pride of the islanders and the ongoing interest of tourists.

komodo monitor lizards
komodo monitor lizards

Our article will tell about the life of this dangerous predator, its behavior and characteristics characteristic of the species.


The photos of Komodo monitor lizards given in our article help to understand why the locals called this reptile a land crocodile. These animals are really comparable in size.

Most adult Komodo monitor lizards reach 2.5 meters in length, while their weight barely exceeds half a centner. But even among the giants there are champions. There is reliable information about the Komodo dragon, the length of which exceeded 3 meters, and the weight reached 150 kg.

Only a specialist can visually distinguish a male from a female. Sexual dimorphism is practically not expressed, but male monitor lizards are usually slightly more massive. But to determine which of the two monitor lizards is older, any tourist who arrived on the island for the first time will be able to: the young are always colored brighter. Moreover, withwith age, folds and leathery growths form on dull skin.

The monitor lizard's body is squat, stocky, with very powerful limbs. The tail is mobile and strong. The paws are topped with huge claws.

The huge mouth looks menacing even when the monitor lizard is calm. The nimble forked tongue that now and then emerges from it is called creepy and frightening by many eyewitnesses.


Giant monitor lizards on Komodo Island were first discovered in the early twentieth century. Since then, scientists have continued to study the species.

It has been established that the history of the development and evolution of monitor lizards is connected with Australia. The species diverged from its historical ancestor about 40 million years ago, then migrated to the distant mainland and nearby islands.

komodo monitor lizard photo
komodo monitor lizard photo

Later the population shifted to the islands of Indonesia. Perhaps this is due to natural phenomena or a decrease in the populations of species that are of food interest for monitor lizards. In any case, the fauna of Australia only benefited from such a resettlement - many species literally escaped extinction. But the Indonesian dwarf elephants were not lucky: many scientists associate their extinction precisely with predators of the Varanus genus.

The largest lizard of our time has successfully mastered new territories and feels great.

Features of behavior

Monitor lizards are diurnal and prefer to sleep at night. Like the rest of the cold-blooded, they are sensitive to temperature extremes. The hunting time comes at dawn. Leading solitary monitor lizards are not averse to join forceswhile chasing game.

It may seem that Komodo dragons are clumsy fat, but this is far from the case. These animals are unusually hardy, mobile and strong. They are able to reach speeds of up to 20 km / h, and during their run, as they say, the earth trembles. Dragons feel no less confident in the water: it is not a problem for them to swim to the neighboring island. Sharp nails, strong musculature and a balancer tail help these animals to climb trees and steep rocks perfectly. Needless to say, how difficult it is to get away from the monitor lizard for the victim he has his eye on?

Dragon life

Adult Komodo monitor lizards live separately from each other. But once a year the flock converges. The period of love and creation of families begins with bloody battles in which it is impossible to simply lose. The fight can end either in victory or death from wounds.

monitor lizard komodo dragon
monitor lizard komodo dragon

No other animal is dangerous for a monitor lizard. In their natural habitat, these animals do not know anyone stronger than themselves. People don't hunt them either. Only another dragon can kill a dragon.

Mating Titans

The monitor lizard that wins the opponent can choose a girlfriend with whom he will have kids. The couple will build a nest, the female will guard the eggs for about eight months, which can be encroached upon by small nocturnal predators. By the way, relatives are also not averse to enjoying such a delicacy. But as soon as the babies are born, the mother will leave them. They will have to survive on their own, relying only on the ability to disguise and run.

giant monitor lizards of the islandkomodo
giant monitor lizards of the islandkomodo

Monitor lizards do not form permanent pairs. The next mating season will start from scratch - that is, with new battles in which more than one dragon will die.

Komodo monitor lizard on the hunt

This animal is a real killing machine. The giant monitor lizards of Komodo Island can attack even those who are much larger than them, such as buffaloes. After the death of the victim, a feast begins. Monitor lizards eat the carcass, tearing off and swallowing huge pieces.

It is noteworthy that most predators prefer one thing - either fresh meat or carrion. The digestive system of the monitor lizard is able to cope with both. The giants are happy to feast on the carcasses brought by the sea.

Komodo monitor lizard killed a woman
Komodo monitor lizard killed a woman

Death Poison

Powerful jaws, musculature and claws are not the monitor lizard's only weapons. The real gem of the arsenal can be called a unique saliva. It contains not only huge doses of pathogenic microflora (probably obtained by eating carrion), but also poison.

For a long time, scientists were sure that the death of a bitten victim comes from banal sepsis. But recently the presence of poisonous glands has been established. The amount of poison is small, causing instant death only in small animals. But the dose received is enough to start irreversible processes.

Little lizards are not only great tacticians, but also amazing strategists. They know how to wait, sometimes loitering around the victim for 2-3 weeks and watching her slowly die.

Coexistence with man

Arisinga legitimate question about whether a Komodo monitor lizard can kill a woman, a man or a teenager? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. The lethality of a lizard bite exceeds 90%. Poison is especially dangerous for a child.

But modern medicine has an antidote. Therefore, in case of an unsuccessful attempt to make friends with a monitor lizard, you should immediately go to the hospital. The death of a person from a bite in our time is not such a common occurrence. As a rule, it occurs if a person hopes that he will be able to cope with an indisposition. Doctors strongly recommend not to take risks, human immunity is not designed for such loads as the poison of an exotic lizard.

This should be remembered not only by tourists, but also by those who decide to settle an unusual pet at home. The intensive care unit of a district hospital may simply not have the necessary antidote, so prior consultation with a competent breeder is essential.

monitor lizards of komodo island
monitor lizards of komodo island

Varana in the reserve

No matter how sad it may sound, a formidable predator takes its place in the Red Book. Monitor lizards are protected at the state level. But the islands of Komodo, Flores, Gili Motang and Rincha have created huge reserves in which the giants live for their own pleasure. Despite the security and the work of a team of professionals, cases of attacks on people are sometimes recorded. Often this is due to excessive human attention to eating or fighting predators. Camera flash or noise can trigger an attack.

Therefore, if you intend to admire the Komodo monitor lizards, observethe rules of the reserve and listen to the advice of the instructor.
