Tattoos of the Airborne Forces: meaning and features

Tattoos of the Airborne Forces: meaning and features
Tattoos of the Airborne Forces: meaning and features

Army tattoos occupy a special place in one of the oldest arts. As a rule, they are applied not in professional salons, but directly at the place of work. The peculiarities of the work of the master in artisanal conditions make themselves felt: often, instead of professional tattoo ink, stationery ink or a similar pigmenting substance is used. Each branch of the military has its own special distinctive elements, is proud of them, honors established traditions. Paratroopers are no exception; Airborne Forces tattoos carry their own unique symbolism and unique images. And God forbid to get such a tattoo to someone who did not serve in the Airborne Forces!

Historical digression

It is noteworthy that the first soldier's tattoos appeared under Tsar Peter I. Later, Red Army soldiers came up with the idea of insignia directly on the skin - they poked out a five-pointed star on their forearms. During Soviet times, army tattoos were banned - it was believed that they could declassify a fighter. In modern Russia, the attitude towards tattoos is quite loyal, and even military intelligence officers are allowed to decorate their backs and shoulders with the image of a bat.

airborne tattoos
airborne tattoos

Symbolics of paratrooper tattoos

The main sign by which you can identify a VDV officer is an open parachute canopy. Images of airplanes and helicopters are not uncommon. As in other branches of the military, symbols such as images of machine gun cartridges, flying ribbons with a part number, army dog tags with a blood type and Rh affiliation are common in the Airborne Forces. The effectiveness of writing the group and Rhesus is in doubt. The soldiers themselves are sure that this can save a life in case of injury, but military doctors are rather skeptical about such signs, preferring to double-check the information.

Those landing units that are directly related to military intelligence also use the image of a bat for the image.

You can often meet other animals: tigers, lions, cats, wolves, dressed up in airborne berets and grinning. The symbol of the skull, sometimes with wings, often becomes another motif for landing tattoos.

And, of course, the motto "No one but us!"

airborne tattoos on the shoulder
airborne tattoos on the shoulder

Localization on the body

Most often you can meet airborne tattoos on the shoulder. This is not surprising - after all, in the summer this part of the body is often open to the public, and there is plenty of space here - there is where to roam. In addition, the pattern so favorably emphasizes the expressive muscular relief.

Often, army tattoos of the Airborne Forces adorn the mighty backs of fighters, ankles, necks, and wrists. The knuckles and ribs of the palms are not so tempting for drawing art, but are the best place for concise lettering."For the Airborne Forces".

Airborne Brotherhood

First of all, airborne tattoos are not meant for decoration. This particular group of tattoos, rather, serves to ensure that you can always and everywhere accurately identify your own. Increased decorativeness was not originally an obligatory element of army tattoos, rather, they were of an informative nature. Although you should not think that among the handicraft army tattooists there are only amateurs! Some manage to create real masterpieces with the help of hastily assembled cars and improvised paint. And yet, even an absolutely ascetic inscription with the number of the DShB will be the same source of pride as the three-dimensional image of the landing group against the backdrop of the rocky mountains.

airborne army tattoos
airborne army tattoos

Army tattoos of the Airborne Forces allow retired soldiers to accurately recognize their own. The main signs will be images of parachutes and the inscription "VDV". But, as the warriors themselves say, they recognize each other first of all "not by their uniforms and chevrons, but by their eyes." So expressive tattoos for many of them are, rather, a tribute to the memory of the times spent in the unit, a reminder of military operations, a thread that forever connected front-line comrades.
