Even someone who has never flown a plane knows that it is always a comfortable temperature, no matter how cold it is outside. And what is the temperature in the luggage compartment of an aircraft when it flies at an altitude of more than 10 km? Today we will clarify this issue a bit.
Why are passengers concerned about this issue?
Many transport medicines, animals, flowers and food that require a certain temperature regime. If the plane is cold, all this can be lost.

Passenger airliners fly at great heights, where the temperature is much different from that on the ground. For example, if the air below is warmed up to +25 degrees, then at an altitude of 8-10 km the temperature can drop to -40 degrees. The higher the plane, the lower it is.
As a result, passengers have the following questions, to which they cannot always find answers:
- What is the temperature inin the luggage compartment of an aircraft when flying in spring, autumn, or at other times of the year?
- What to do if you need to take a dog or a cat on a flight? After all, they hand it over to the luggage compartment, and at such a low temperature, the animal will definitely freeze.
- Food and medicines will also freeze during transit?
What is the temperature in the luggage compartment of a foreign and Russian aircraft
Passengers have no reason to worry, because on modern airliners in the luggage compartment the temperature is always above zero. What is the temperature in the luggage compartment of the aircraft during the flight? Here are some examples for you:
- On a Boeing it's always a comfortable 15-20 degrees.
- In the place where luggage is stored in Airbus, the air is heated to about 25 degrees.

But what is the temperature in the luggage compartment of aircraft of Russian manufacturers:
- On the plane TU-134 and TU 154 the temperature range is from 12 to 15 degrees Celsius;
- IL-86 and IL-96 - +10…+15 degrees.
Heating systems are missing only on cargo planes and some older passenger models.
As a result, if you will be transporting cargo on aircraft of this type, then find out in advance about the availability of heating systems and minimum temperature indicators at a particular altitude. Perhaps the cargo will be allowed to take to the salon.
Airbus A-319 and A-320
Has several luggage and cargo compartments (hereinafter BGO): front (without heating systemand ventilation), rear (equipped with a ventilation and heating system, suitable for transporting animals), rear (has only a ventilation system).
As a result, animals can only be transported in the rear compartment, where the air temperature will always be positive.
Airbus A-321
All Airbus A-321s (except VP-BPC, VP-BPO) have luggage compartments without heating. Therefore, when buying a ticket and the need to transport an animal, it is better to clarify what the temperature is in the luggage compartment of an aircraft of one type or another.
Boeing 737-800
Has a front and rear BGO without a heating and ventilation system. What is the temperature in the luggage compartment of an airplane when flying in summer?
During transportation, the temperature regime in the BGO ranges from 0 to +5 degrees, so it is not recommended to transport animals on Boeings of this type. But in Boeing 767 and 777, the air temperature even in winter reaches +15…+20 degrees.
Embraer E-170

Equipped with two BGOs (front and rear). Both of them are airtight, have smoke detectors and fire suppression systems, but there is no temperature control system in the rear. But the front BGO is heated from the passenger cabin from the outside along the contour, so animals can be transported in it.
What is the temperature in the luggage compartment of an airplane when flying in winter? Even in winter, the temperature will be at least +12 degrees.
Can an animal freeze: passenger reviews
Even if you know what the temperature is inbaggage compartment of the aircraft, you need to know the rules for transporting animals. Some passengers tell horror stories about the intolerable conditions in which they are transported.
Someone says that the temperature in the place where luggage is transported is too cold, and other people claimed that they themselves saw frost on animal cages.
As already mentioned, the minimum temperature in the luggage compartment on most airliners does not fall below +12 degrees. In more modern aircraft, there is a manual setting of the desired compartment temperature.

But if the animal was placed in the wrong compartment (where there is no heating and ventilation), this is already a mistake of the staff, and the employee will be punished.
Although now there is total control over everything that happens at the airport and on the runway, so all errors are minimized. Also, the personnel who carry out registration, transportation, reception and processing of animals undergo training and have a valid certificate.
At all stages of service and air transport, animals must be protected from smoke, noise, cold surfaces, drafts, precipitation, high and low temperatures. As a result, airline personnel must place the animal in a warm cargo hold.
All living beings have priority over other cargo, so they are served first.
How to transport animals correctly?

Pets weighing more than 8 kilograms need tomust be transported in special containers and with all necessary documents. The container must be impact resistant, with a waterproof bottom and material that absorbs moisture well.
It is important to securely close it so that the animal cannot free itself. He should be comfortable, the size of the cage should allow the dog or cat to calmly turn around and stand in full growth.
The maximum weight of a living creature that is transported on a passenger airliner must not exceed 52 kilograms. European countries limit this figure to 32 kilograms.
If you need to transport a heavier animal, then use the appropriate vehicle for this. What is the temperature in the luggage compartment of this type of aircraft? It must have positive indicators so that a living creature does not freeze.
Small-sized animals and birds can be transported in the cabin with passengers in specially equipped cages that are placed under the seat. Only the cage must be covered with a black cloth. You must have all the documents and a veterinary first aid kit with you.
Interesting facts
One funny incident happened with Alaska Air, or rather, with one of the loaders who fell asleep in the luggage compartment of a Boeing 737. A quarter of an hour later, the airliner had to land because of this, but, fortunately, nothing happened to the man.
Despite protection against temperature extremes in the luggage compartment, animals often die from heart failure. Not everyone can tolerate strong pressure drops and noise duringtakeoff and landing.

Yes, not all airliners have soundproofing in the luggage compartment, so animals hear an eerie rumble when the plane is flying. Here, any person can die of fear, although he will understand that this is only the noise of the engine. And a living being does not even understand what it is and where it is in general.
Therefore, you should think twice whether it is worth risking the life of a defenseless animal like this.
In conclusion
Now you know what the temperature is in the luggage compartment of an airplane when flying in autumn and at other times of the year. The luggage compartment is airtight, positive indicators are maintained in it, there is ventilation - in general, comfortable conditions are provided for the flight of any living creature.
So you don't have to worry about your luggage and your pet, who are flying in the luggage compartment of a modern airliner.