It is not uncommon to read a book, a newspaper, or just pay attention to events broadcast on TV, you can hear words that seem familiar, but until the end their meaning remains incomprehensible. These terms include: execution, escalation, estrogen and many others. In this article we will analyze such a popular word as landscape. The ear-piercing term can often be heard in conversations and seen in articles of various content.
What is landscape?
From textbooks on geography, you can learn that a landscape is a separate, specifically taken area in a certain area of the globe. This complex has its own unique name. The nature of its origin is different. As well as the immediate purpose of its use. What could be the landscape? This is the use of the complex for agricultural purposes (growing cultivated plants and trees), this is the construction of various facilities (settlements, factories, etc.), etc. Therefore, all these territorial areas are divided by type.
Views of landscapes
Depending on the location, on the purpose of use and on the nature of appearance, landscapes are divided into types and subspecies. So, for example, by origin these complexesdifferentiated into natural and anthropogenic. It is believed that these types of sites have a huge impact on the ecological situation in the world.

Natural landscape and its subspecies
A natural landscape is a land complex that has been formed as a result of natural processes and has not been influenced in any way by the human mind. In turn, this species is divided into three subspecies:
- A geochemical landscape is an area that has been singled out as a separate whole based on the uniformity of its composition, as well as the quantity and characteristics of the chemical elements that enter it. At the same time, one of the indicators of the stability of such a complex in relation to external influences is the rate and method of accumulation of mineral and organic substances, as well as the time spent on self-purification of this natural unit.
- The next terrain type is elementary. If the site has a similar type of soil, flora of the same nature, equal depth of groundwater and rocks of the established type, then this is the named landscape type.
- Belovezhskaya Pushcha is an excellent example of the third link. The landscape map of this type is characterized by the absence of any artificial changes. The ban (or the establishment of strict regulations) on the conduct of economic activities of any kind in any natural area joins this site to the group of protected complexes or landscapes.
However, today scientists around the world believe thatthere are no truly preserved natural areas on land. Anthropogenic areas predominate here. However, the latter are sometimes amazingly natural.

Anthropogenic landscapes and their subspecies
Anthropogenic landscape is a site of once natural natural origin, which over time has been subject to economic impact. This group includes zones of the following purpose:
- Agricultural or agricultural complex, on the territory of which the flora is represented to a greater extent by cultivated plants and their garden companions.
- An technogenic landscape is a site that has traces of powerful human impact (industrial emissions, destruction or change of land cover, etc.).
- Urban is a complex that includes territories with buildings, gardens, parks and artificial lakes, etc.

There is another type of landscape that harmoniously combines these two main types - cultural.
Currently, the creation of artificial complexes with similar properties of the elements contained in them is gaining more and more development. These include patent, business, nano and other landscapes.