Klimov Ivan: biography

Klimov Ivan: biography
Klimov Ivan: biography

Russian boxer, master of sports of international class Ivan Vladimirovich Klimov was born in the village of Malinovka, Tyukalinsky district, Omsk region on January 22, 1989. From 2009 to 2010, he played for the national team in the first heavy weight category. His weight is 90 kg, height is 191 cm. In the arsenal of the boxer, the bronze of the championship of Russia and the youth sports and athletics. He became a three-time champion of Siberia and a winner in the international tournament "Golden Glove". At the competitions of the Russian Student Sports Union, he sat in the judging committee as chairman.

Ivan Klimov is a fairly well-known young boxer who tragically died on November 23, 2013. But before his murder, another significant event took place, which will be discussed below.

klimov ivan
klimov ivan

Athlete Career

Professional boxing - that's what Ivan Klimov always dreamed of. His biography indicates that he started in a sports club in the city of Kogalym, where his family moved for a while. His first coach was V. S. Yakovlev. Later, Ivan Klimov (whose photographs are presented in the article) becameengage in the club "Amur" under the guidance of N. S. Makarov. Then the young man graduated from the Specialized Children's and Youth Olympic Reserve School No. 21 and went to study at the Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports.

The first glory came to him in 2009, when Ivan Klimov won the heavyweight championship of the Siberian Federal District. A year later, he repeated his success and won bronze in the Russian Youth Spartakiad.

The most significant and successful in his sports career was 2011, where for the third time Ivan Klimov became the gold medalist in the championship of Siberia. Then he won bronze in the Russian championship and gold in the Golden Glove tournament in Serbia. Thus, he passed the norm for qualification in the master of sports of international class.

So the career of a young and by that time already quite experienced athlete developed very rapidly and successfully. A new champion has appeared - Ivan Klimov. Russia was just starting to promote his name, but the athlete had a black streak.

Ivan Klimov
Ivan Klimov

An unexpected twist

He got into serious trouble on March 3, 2013. He and three of his friends, closer to midnight, came to rest in the Angar nightclub in the city of Omsk. A couple of hours later, a conflict broke out on the dance floor between local gypsies and Klimov's company, and a mass brawl began. The guards of the establishment immediately ran up to the excited crowd and pushed all the brawlers out into the street. The confrontation continued already in the yard. One of the instigators, the 23-year-old son of the Baron of the Gypsy Diaspora, Yan Lebedov- in the hands was a lightweight Saiga rifle.

Then there were tough showdowns that took place right under the CCTV cameras, so the club's security guards did not interfere and gave the young people the opportunity to figure it out on their own. The action was heated up by the fact that the guy with the gun began to curse and provoke Klimov's drunken friend Stanislav Navatsky with threats. Then this guy, hearing the first shot and sensing the dangerous situation, ran to the entrance steps to take cover in the club premises (you can watch the video on the Internet).

Deranged with rage, Yan Lebedov, unexpectedly even for himself, first fired his rifle into the air, then into the crowd, unfortunately Ivan Klimov turned out to be there. The boxer did not immediately understand what had happened to him, the bullet ricocheted off the asph alt and hit Klimov in the groin, who immediately fell to the ground. Yan Lebedov and his friends immediately fled in a Zhiguli-Lada car in an unknown direction after the incident.

Ivan Klimov Russia
Ivan Klimov Russia

Recovery period and death

Then Klimov Ivan, having been wounded, barely survived due to a large loss of blood. But the he althy body of the athlete coped and recovered, after three months Ivan began training and decided to resume his boxing career again. Nerves were on edge, he understood that the road to big sport remained in question.

However, on the afternoon of November 23 of the same year, on Dianov Street, in the courtyard of the house where his car was parked, he was attacked by an unknown person who inflicted two fatal blows on him, first inliver, and then into the throat, after which the boxer died.

Eyewitness testimony

There is a possibility that Ivan was first tricked out of the house. According to an eyewitness - Gennady Ponomarev, a certain young man who was standing near his Chrysler and waiting for Klimov to come out, approached him and stabbed him somewhere in the chest area and immediately ran away. The athlete clutched his chest, fell to his knees and screamed to call an ambulance. Almost dying, he managed to dial a friend's phone number and say that he was stabbed to death. Ivan fought for his life with the last of his strength, but when the doctors arrived at the scene, he was already dead.

Ivan Vladimirovich Klimov
Ivan Vladimirovich Klimov

Evil rock

On this occasion, a criminal case was opened, the motives of the crime and the identity of the killer began to be established. The residents of Omsk themselves did not stand aside and collected 30 thousand signatures to appeal to President V. V. Putin with a request for personal control of this sensational case.

Representatives of Russian boxing expressed condolences to the family and friends of the famous athlete. The head coach of the Russian national team Alexander Lebzyak spoke of his ward as a normal, decent, cultured person and a good boxer.

Chairman Ivan Klimov
Chairman Ivan Klimov


Almost a month after the fateful event, on December 12, 2013, the joint work of the investigating authorities gave positive results - the operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Interpol officers in Kyrgyzstan, in Bishkek, was detaineda certain citizen named Rinat Yusupov, who had fake documents. In fact, he turned out to be a Russian citizen, the same gypsy Yan Lebedov, born in 1990, who shot Ivan in the Angar nightclub on March 3, 2013 and fled the scene of the crime. He was preparing to fly to one of the EU countries when the police overtook him.

The investigation lasted 9 months, and after the proceedings he was extradited to Russia. In March 2015, a trial was held in Omsk, at which Yan Lebedov was sentenced to 4.5 years for intentionally causing grievous harm to Ivan Klimov, and compensation of 100 thousand rubles was awarded. the parents of the deceased.

The investigators allegedly sorted out one case, only one question remained open: who killed Ivan Klimov? They continued to look for the killer, but Yana Lebedov is still under suspicion.

Ivan Klimov boxer
Ivan Klimov boxer


Federal channels periodically discussed the circumstances of the death of the Omsk athlete. On the channel "Russia 1" in the "Live" was attended by relatives of Lebedov and the deceased Klimov. Ivan Klimov's parents believed that the gypsies only washed away their grievances with blood, and they were simply sure that Lebedov was completely guilty of the death of their son.

However, not very pleasant and compromising facts about the athlete began to emerge. The sister of the convict, Anzhela Shevlyakova, who defended her brother, for the first time publicly stated in the media that illegal drugs were found in Klimov's apartment during a search. This topic came up when links were mentionedYana with drug dealing. The sister stated that her brother had nothing to do with this business, unlike the athlete. She also stated that Klimov had already been prosecuted more than once for fighting (everything ended with the reconciliation of the parties, and he had no criminal record).


Even before, the media put forward the version that the attack on the athlete could be a redistribution of the Omsk drug market.

Given the increased public interest in this resonant case, the governor of the Omsk region Viktor Nazarov took it under his personal control. For providing any valuable information that will shed light on this dark matter and help find the killer, the regional boxing federation was awarded a reward in the amount of 1 million rubles.

Interesting facts

The investigation considered the version that Lebedov could be involved in the murder of Klimov, he even passed a lie detector test, and the results made it clear that he knew something, but was hiding it. However, you cannot use this as evidence - just help the investigators.

One anonymous source told the investigation conducted by Komsomolskaya Pravda that the conflict in the club was largely provoked by Klimov's company. When they started beating the gypsies, they tried to jump out into any cracks, and on the street it came to shooting (it is clear that Lebedov is to blame, no one denies this).

But here's what's interesting: after the incident, Lebedov himself wanted to reconcile with Klimov and offered him compensation of 500 thousand rubles, but this amount Ivan did notarranged, and he first asked for 2 million, then - 5 million, and then all 15 million rubles. Yang, of course, refused to pay him such a sum. This ended the bargaining, but Klimov got a taste of it and told Lebedov that he would deal with him differently, after which a real raid began on the gypsies, strong guys approached people with a gypsy appearance and beat them, one even broke his arm.

The case almost immediately took a national turn, as a gypsy shot a Russian who allegedly defended either a defenseless girl or a guy in a vest from gypsies.

The local gypsy diaspora became very worried and began to ask Lebedov to immediately resolve his issues. Therefore, it is possible that Lebedov could have sent a man with a knife to Klimov.

Ivan Klimov photo
Ivan Klimov photo


In fact, there is nothing heroic and rosy here. Of course, it is difficult for parents to believe this. But Klimov Ivan did not work anywhere, he lived in someone else's apartment, he bought his prestigious car on credit.

There is evidence that Ivan and his fellow athletes were used by criminal circles as bouncers, for example, they knocked out debts from dishonest entrepreneurs and then received their commissions. However, these are all just assumptions, the investigating authorities should find out the real truth.
