Ivanovskoye Cemetery is a burial place located in Moscow, Eastern District. The area of the entire territory is about 1.4 hectares. At present, new burials cannot be carried out, since there is no way to increase the boundaries, but related graves can be used. The cost of a place is 40,000 rubles. In addition to the cemetery itself, there are many related buildings here: a church, as well as RitualStone, a workshop for the production and installation of monuments and fences. Exact address: st. Stalevarov, 6.

History of occurrence
Ivanovo cemetery was formed several centuries ago. The first mention of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, which is located on its territory, dates back to the 17th century. Accordingly, the first burials began around the same time. The place where the Ivanovo cemetery was located was part of the palace possessions of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - the village of Ivanovskoye. Hence the name.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the temple was restored - it was rebuilt from wood to stone, in style related to early Russian classicism. Later, from 1990 to 1992, there was another restructuring of the church, but with the aimincrease in its area. The last restoration of the temple was in 1996

How to get there
This can be done in several ways. The most convenient way is to take the metro to the Ivanovo cemetery. Butovo is a large area, and the burial place is located on its outskirts. You need to get off at the station "Teply Stan", which is part of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line. After that, you need to change to bus number 577 and keep on your way to the Voskresenskoye state farm. Further to the cemetery remains 1.5 km. You can walk or change to local transport and drive closer to it.
Second option: get to the metro station "Novogireevo" and there transfer to bus number 237 or number 247, reaching almost to the appointed place.
To get to the cemetery by car, you need to go along the Kaluga highway. 7 km from the Moscow Ring Road, turn to the Voskresenskoye state farm and continue moving in that direction for another 12.5 km. There are other detours, but this one is the most obvious and simple.
Beautification of the territory
Ivanovskoye cemetery is one of the most well-groomed in Moscow. There is a lot of vegetation here, which gives this place more charm. You can see solid, neat graves, with marble, statues and wrought iron fences, and sometimes there are completely abandoned tombstones. However, looking at their venerable age, one can only be surprised. Such ancient burials remind visitors of the frailty of life and the elusive time. An unusual silence reigns here.
The Ivanovo cemetery has everything you needamenities: toilet, trash cans, parking, a place where you can get water. You can visit it at any time of the year during the established hours: in summer, the opening hours are from 9.00 to 19.00, and in winter - from 9.00 to 17.00. At night, the territory is guarded by specialized services, which protects the place from any kind of hooliganism.

Despite the fact that this cemetery is one of the smallest in Moscow, many famous Russian artists, scientists and other prominent people are buried here. Also, in some places, tombstones made of white stone dating back to the 19th century have been preserved.