Teleology is a doctrine that is based on a whole complex of philosophical disciplines. Through the latter, the essence of God as a single creator is studied, the hidden essence of his words and actions is determined. Teleology in philosophy is also a set of definitions that explain what kind of work people should do on themselves in order to get as close as possible to the knowledge of religious meaning.
The origin of teleology

Teleology is a set of provisions that were used to explain the structure of the world around in the mythology and philosophy of Ancient Greece. Aristotle himself was involved in the development of the doctrine.
In the 17th century, the doctrine began to gravitate towards the use of chemical and physical knowledge to determine the true divine essence. But as practice has shown, such an approach turned out to be ineffective for explaining some things related to the question of the origin of man, some phenomena in nature and processes that occur in society.
ForFor teleologists, faith has long been a global truth that does not need to be substantiated. However, this doctrine continues to use the methods of other sciences, in particular philosophy and logic. Thus, teleologists have formed a whole system of objective, in their opinion, arguments that are used to reinforce religious norms, to combat alternative false teachings and opinions that are considered heretical by believers.
What is the difference between teleology and philosophy?

Philosophical teachings allow some variation of thoughts in relation to the same problem. Teleology in philosophy is rather the assumption that God actually exists. When studying a question, thought can develop both in one direction and in the opposite direction.
Directly teleology in its true manifestation is a more dogmatic teaching. Here, the fact that God exists is initially accepted as the truth. Moreover, such a dogma is beyond doubt. That is, in the course of comprehending the teaching, a person is maximally involved in its provisions.
Religious studies and teleology are defining differences

As you can see, teleology is by and large the science of God and the search for questions about the expediency of being without a higher creator. In this case, how does it differ from the same religious studies?
It is worth noting that religious scholars analyze all kinds of forms of divine teaching. First of all, they consider things related to God as a phenomenon.culture. All this is studied in the context of historical events. On the contrary, teleologists study only the dialogue that takes place between God and man, according to information from sacred treatises.
The study of teleology in higher education
In 2015, the government of our country adopted a resolution on the introduction of teleology into the general education program of universities. Later it was decided that the introduction of such departments in institutes and universities would take place exclusively on a voluntary basis.
Teleology is a science that today is studied in special, narrowly focused educational institutions, in particular, places where clergy are trained. As of today, the introduction of such programs in universities seems difficult due to the lack of a sufficient number of qualified teachers, literature and teaching aids.
What is ontology?

For the first time this concept was introduced by the philosopher Goclenius in the treatise "Philosophical Lexicon", which was written in 1613. Ontology in philosophy is a doctrine that tries to define everything that exists as such. The questions of what ontology studies were once partly de alt with by the ancient Greek philosophers Plato, Heraclitus and Parmenides.
The specificity of the presented doctrine is the desire to consider the problem of being, the features of the functioning of all things and processes that affect human life. These tasks were resolved differently in certain historical periods:
- In antiquity, ontology in philosophy is primarily the search for primary principles, both material and spiritual, from which everything that exists.
- In the medieval period, ontology already tried to consider the superexistent being. In other words, medieval philosophers believed that the existence of the laws of nature and man is impossible without a higher creator.
- In modern times, the ontological doctrine shifted towards the search for ways to obtain scientific knowledge to explain everything that exists. However, the central pillar of science still remained God.
In closing

As you can see, teleology, along with ontology, is the doctrine of the expediency of being. The dogmas here are built on the study of the words of a single creator. God is seen as the beginning, alpha and omega, and the end of everything.
The One Creator in teleology is not an invisible cosmic energy. God is presented here as an omnipotent being endowed with will and reason. Through it, the truth, the nature of all things, is revealed to man. The study of teleology involves not only the search for the essence of the surrounding world, but also the knowledge of the creator, his glorification, the development of a sense of obedience in oneself.
The Teaching sees the world as a rather painful place, filled with a whole host of troubles and disappointments. Based on this, rejecting teleology, a person dooms himself to suffering without realizing a specific direction in life. According to the apologists of the doctrine, without teleology, we waste our lives, and at the end of itlosing souls.