Terms of the autumn draft into the army

Terms of the autumn draft into the army
Terms of the autumn draft into the army

Military has always been in demand in all parts of the world. Technology is developing very rapidly, but still the main thing on the battlefield is the soldier. After all, the most high-precision weapons are unable to function without human intervention. The countries of the world have different armies, for some it consists strictly of contract specialists, for others, like modern Russia, there is also an urgent service. The government of our country is sure that every man should be able to defend his homeland.

autumn recruitment dates
autumn recruitment dates

2014 Fall Conscription Deadlines

From October 1, 2014, the autumn conscription began. In Russia, young men aged 18 to 27 are taken as recruits. The order on conscription for military service is signed personally by the President of the Russian Federation. This year, 154,000 people will be recruited, and local authorities are responsible for this. Unlike previous years, 2014 recruits are waiting for some innovations. The terms of the autumn draft allow men who have higher education to independently choose whether to serve a year of military service or two years on a contract. Naturally, a contract soldier receives a good salary in the army. Apart fromTo this end, the leadership decided to increase the number of scientific companies that are engaged in military development from five to eight. The terms of the autumn call are the same as for other calls - 3 months.

autumn call 2014 dates moscow
autumn call 2014 dates moscow

Respite from the army

In recent years, there have been much fewer draft evaders from the army, because the service makes men out of boys, and in general it has become prestigious to serve. But there are people who cannot go to the army for an objective reason, and they need a delay. Such a procedure is prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and some of the conscripts missed the autumn call-2014. Moscow fixed the terms in a separate law "On military duty and military service." It also indicates the reasons why a conscript can receive a deferment, and they are:

  • Men who are temporarily unfit for service, namely for he alth reasons.
  • Men who are guardians of their close relatives in need of constant care.
  • Men who raise children on their own.
  • Men who have two or more minor children.
  • Men with a disabled child under 3 years of age.
  • Men who are candidates for deputies or already deputies - for the period of office.
  • Men who have a minor child or whose wife is more than 26 weeks pregnant.
  • Government employees.
  • Men who study full-time in state-accredited institutions. The deferment is valid only for the period of study.
  • Men who are studying in graduate and master's programs on a full-time visit. The deferment is valid only for the period of study.

Today, the State Duma is still thinking about how to improve this list.

autumn recruitment deadlines
autumn recruitment deadlines

End of 2014 Fall Conscription

The call each year lasts only 3 months, it starts on October 1st and ends on December 31st. Until that date, a sufficient number of recruits will be recruited into the army, all of them will be sent to training centers located throughout the country. Some men may be at a fairly large distance from their home, and some will remain to serve not far, here how lucky the conscript is. The autumn conscription-2014 is taking place throughout the Russian Federation, Moscow has given everyone the same deadlines, although some regions do not always have time to fulfill the plan. But already this year, the authorities predict an improvement in the situation. Still, the government believes that the military registration and enlistment offices did a good job and conducted the autumn and spring conscription excellently. Their terms were sufficient to recruit the required number of recruits.

Why join the army?

Not so long ago, many young people, especially those who for some reason did not join the army, criticized the existence of military service: all the strong countries of the world have only contract service. They pay good salaries, they feed and clothe the soldiers well. Contract soldiers abroad have the newest and most technologically advanced weapons. On the one hand, this is true, but the Russian Federation also spends onWe have billions of dollars of weapons every year, we have the latest tanks, aircraft and military systems, and most importantly, our own production. Do not think that we are sacrificing something to other countries, rather the opposite. Since our country has huge borders, all men need to undergo military training. Everyone should remember that the army is a school of life, and the skills it will give you will never be superfluous.

autumn recruitment dates
autumn recruitment dates

Army Evasion

As soon as the autumn draft dates come around, some draft-age men who are in good he alth but have no desire to serve in the army start thinking up different ways to avoid getting the subpoena. Some try to escape abroad, others run to the village to relatives or to other cities. Do not forget that the evaders will face responsibility, and besides this, it is not so easy to hide every year and twice. At the first violation, you can be fined 500 rubles, the amount is not large, but the tick for evasion will already be ticked. With further attempts to hide and "slope" from the army, the violator will face a fine of 200 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for up to two years. Therefore, many people believe that when the deadline for the autumn draft into the army has come, it is better to come to the military enlistment office, serve what is necessary, and continue to live in peace and not hide.

2015 Fall Conscription

As every year, the Decree on conscription is signed by the president, and all experts are sure that there will be an autumn conscription-2015. Timing it likealways, will be the same as in previous years. Men who have reached the age of 18 and not older than 27 will be recruited into the army. The only exceptions will be the following conscripts:

  1. Residents of the Far North, their draft will start a month later.
  2. Villagers - recruitment will start on 15.10.
  3. Teachers - they will not be called up in the fall.
autumn and spring call-up dates
autumn and spring call-up dates

What will be taught in the army

No wonder they came up with a saying that the army is a school of life. It teaches a particularly valuable lesson to young and unformed individuals. For example, if a young man of 18 years old goes to the army, then from there he already comes as a real man. One of the most positive qualities of a person who served is responsibility, the ability to be responsible for one's words and actions. In the army you will be taught discipline, and this is simply irreplaceable in everyday life. In addition to all this, the main function of the army is military training. Wherever you go, you will definitely be taught to defend your homeland. Many remain after military service on a contract, because today the salary of the military is good, there is also a housing program. Therefore, we can say for sure that the army gives a lot to the soldier, regardless of whether he remains in it or not.

What awaits the Russian army in 2015

In 2015, the Russian Federation plans to continue the modernization of the army and increase its defense capability. The government has formed a state defense order for this year, and it needs to be fulfilled. In 2015, 701 armored vehicles should be delivered to the troopscar, 126 new aircraft, 88 helicopters, 5 warships, 2 brigades with Iskander-M missile systems and 1,545 multi-purpose vehicles. All this says only one thing: the army is developing and growing.

autumn and spring call-up dates
autumn and spring call-up dates

Every man in the Russian Federation should serve in the army, except for those who really cannot. Today it is a prestigious and well-paid job, the leadership appreciates the soldier, the state provides housing and good living conditions. Recruits do not have to worry that it will be too hard, know one thing that you will go through the school without which life will be very difficult.
