How many proverbs and sayings there are in Russian with the word impudence: "Impudence is the second happiness", "Give free rein to the impudent one - he will want more." This word is mentioned several times even in the Bible, but what does it mean?
Meaning of the word
The noun "impudence" is a word derived from the adjective "impudent". Means a character trait akin to impudence and audacity. It manifests itself in a direct look at point-blank range, raising the voice or tone, an attempt to confuse the interlocutor in any way. Most often it is the result of impunity and a sense of security, a sense of superiority over others due to high social status, self-confidence or despair.

In other people, arrogance causes contempt, irritation or a desire to resist.
The word "impudence" came from the old Russian "impudence". The meaning of the word then was somewhat different - "quick, fast." Knowing this, you already look differently at the established expression: “Look, how fast!” You can safely say: “Look, how arrogant!” – and the value will not change.
The main signs of impudence
Who is most often called insolent?After all, this quality has very wide and blurred boundaries. Some call arrogance impudent, while others call it overconfidence.

So, an impudent person is someone who is characterized by the following qualities:
- complete disregard for the opinion of society, the norms established by it, if the latter get in the way of the goal;
- without a shadow of embarrassment, a person can take what does not belong to him if he wants;
- insolent puts his interests above all else. Behind him is not seen respect for elders, love for children or women. If a person needs it, he will "go over their heads";
- if a remark is made to an impudent person, he will remain silent or start being rude, but will not change his tactics of behavior;
- no shame at all, don't care what you think;
- persistent and demanding, there is also the expression "takes it in stride";
- constantly interferes in the affairs of others, while imposing a point of view, even when not asked.
Is it good or bad to be arrogant?
Of course, if arrogance is something like lack of shame or self-confident impudence, then it is bad for those around you. But today, when the world belongs to self-confident people, the word "impudence" also means complete confidence in the actions performed by a person. The main thing is not to be arrogant towards opponents. In this vein, this concept has a positive connotation.

The antagonism of "positive" impudence will beself-doubt and fear to take a step towards changing life. At its core, arrogance and self-doubt are sides of the same coin.
Uncertainty and impudence: are they close?
So what does the word "arrogance" mean? Its meaning becomes more understandable if we decompose arrogance as a manifestation into its components. It immediately becomes clear that an insolent person is often just an insecure person. Only in order to prove to himself and others that this is not so, an insecure person begins to show impudence.
He has an exaggerated sense of "importance", and in order to confirm to himself that he is irreplaceable and priceless, an insolent (read - insecure) seeks to humiliate others in order to ex alt himself in his own eyes. Someone to humiliate? And the locker will come, let's kick it, there is nothing to stand in the way of such an "important" person. And the insolent asserts himself out of fear of humiliation. Note that an insolent person will never humiliate a person if he feels strength and power in advance. The instinct of self-preservation slows him down.

When arrogance comes into conflict with wisdom, it's like a meeting of an elephant and a Pug. A wise elephant does not need to assert himself, he is confident in himself, in his strength. That is why he is so calm. And the mongrel always barks, but inside her every hamstring trembles. She overcomes her fear and asserts herself.
One insolent person cannot understand for himself that the “strength” that rests on the “weakness” of others is worthless. In fact, strength lies in the ability to achieve one's own without pressure and humiliation of others, weaker ones. impudence -it is a complete misunderstanding of yourself and your needs.
Why do we get annoyed by other people's impudence?
It is an irritant for everyone that lives in us and we do not like or are forbidden. In other words, the impudence of another person irritates us because it lives in ourselves. We ourselves would be happy to assert ourselves at the expense of others, but we do not like it when they are approved at our expense.

But being insolent is not so bad, if we hold back this trait in ourselves, suppress it and let it out in the form of confidence. As soon as understanding of ourselves comes, someone else's impudence, the meaning of which becomes clear to us, ceases to irritate us.
What good can
If you have a “positive” impudence, it can even help you in some way. There are five aspects of the positive impact of this quality on you and your life:
- Your self-esteem will increase. Often, public opinion and cliches hammered in in childhood prevent a person from starting to act. And if there is also a lack of self-confidence, then the fear of getting the opinion that you are just an insolent person is holding back a person from moving forward. Spontaneous actions help increase self-esteem (the main thing is that actions are not directed to the detriment of another person).
- Your situation will improve. Having committed a rash act, we then often reproach ourselves, feel guilty, but time passes, and we understand that this rash act was the most correct. So arrogance is what helped solvea situation that was simply unrealistic to solve in any other way.
- Life is starting to change. Read the stories of successful people, and you will notice how many examples there are when such “impudent”, thoughtless, actions taken on intuition led to a radical change in the entire course of life. Career began to go uphill, prosperity grew, success came. And people just did what others considered unacceptable. That is, they were insolent.
- The desired is achieved. Often people discuss other people's requests. It so happened that in our time it is considered: to ask means to be humiliated, and if you ask also for yourself, then this is simply unacceptable arrogance. But successful people look at the request in a completely different way. You just need to ask the right people in the right way.
- The emergence of persistence in action. Often, our perseverance is taken by others for arrogance. But is it right? Even the Bible says, “Knock, it will be opened to you.” And if the desired result is obtained and you celebrate the victory, then is the opinion of others so important?

Should I be cheeky?
If we consider the word "impudence", which is defined from the point of view of the above aspects, then the word "impudent" thrown at the back will no longer sound like an insult, but like a recognition - you are on the right track, moving towards your goal. And people have always judged and discussed those who stand out from the crowd.
If you know that you are acting for the good (your own) and do not harm others, then what do you care about someone else's opinion? Just move towards your goal anddon't be afraid to take risks.