In the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation, the territory covered by the raging fiery element occupied 1,180 square kilometers. The fire in Siberia turned into a real disaster, which rescuers and firefighters fought.

Spooky Spring 2015 Reports
The County Department of Forestry provided statistics. According to the report, since the first spring days, 969 fires have been recorded in different places in the forests of Transbaikalia, the Republics of Buryatia and Tyva, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Chita and Irkutsk regions - a total area of 336,300 hectares.
The number of victims was 30 people. There are dozens of settlements that were completely destroyed by fire. As a result of the disaster, 5,000 people now have no roof over their heads. The fiery front rapidly swept through neighboring Mongolia and approached the borders of the PRC. Wildfires in Siberia have been particularly devastating.
How did events unfold?
On April 12, it became known that fires were rapidly spreading across Khakassia, acquiring alarming proportions. It all started with the fact that the localsold habit burned last year's dry grass. As a result, the fire quickly spread to the buildings of nearby settlements. A strong wind contributed to the rapid spread. During just one night, 1,200 residential buildings burned out, while 15 people were listed as dead. The fire in Siberia was extinguished by all fire departments, and rescuers worked.

The rate of increase in the area covered by fire was tens of thousands of hectares per day. Aviation, designed to extinguish the fire, could not be involved due to the powerful wind. The situation became so serious that the authorities were forced to introduce a state of emergency until May. All attempts to eliminate the fires by the forestry protection service could not be called successful. As soon as they managed to extinguish in one place, a fire immediately arose in another.
Causes of fires in Siberia
A number of factors, including dry air and strong winds, explain why wildfires break out in Siberia every year. As already mentioned above, the inhabitants of agricultural areas have become accustomed to burning dry grass with the advent of spring. The lands are adjacent to forests in which various tree species grow. Therefore, ignition occurs quite easily, and not necessarily from smoldering logs or cigarette butts left by tourists, but even from lightning.
Although in this case, the Russian president was offered a version according to which the arson was staged by saboteurs from the political opposition. Nonewants to admit that the fire in Siberia was due to human negligence.

How is Siberia saved?
Forest protection specialists (almost 3 thousand people) and fire equipment (more than 500 units) were involved in extinguishing fires. In addition, they were assisted by army units and aviation. The huge area of fires in Siberia caused panic among local residents.
The authorities promised the fire victims to compensate material damage in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. to each person who applied for help, which, in terms of foreign currency, slightly exceeds 1,000 “green”. This money began to be issued a month after the signing of the relevant decree. Literally seven days have passed since humanitarian aid arrived in time for the victims. In order to prevent fires, as well as to prevent unnecessary casu alties, the following measures have been introduced:
- strict ban on the sale of liquor and hiking in the forest;
- military-age boys will not be temporarily drafted into the army;
- Providing a preferential right to enroll and study in universities for children who have lost their parents due to a fire.
By the end of summer, 2,000 houses were built in Khakassia. Residents of the affected areas were explained that they should not wait until special services or military personnel cleared the rubble. There were proposals to organize a subbotnik.

Causes of chaos
From years of experience, people are not trained in the basics of firefighting. No concept of compliancefire safety. Life, as they say, teaches nothing. As soon as trouble breaks out, rescue work is carried out in an extremely unorganized, chaotic manner. In most cases, the population is evacuated out of time. People are left alone with the elements. That is why the area of forest fires in Siberia was so massive.
Be that as it may, fires continue to blaze every year (spring and summer), although by common efforts they manage to limit them and reduce the area. The population each time places great hopes on intense rain. The culprit of the fires in 2015 has already been identified. It turned out to be Ruslan Balagur, who led the State Forest Service in Transbaikalia. He was detained in the city of Chita and charged with negligence.

Attention from the President of the Russian Federation
The head of state personally got acquainted with the situation, he did this on April 21. Putin spoke with those who were left homeless due to the fire. They were given the opportunity to temporarily stay in a shelter, which was also visited by the president. This event was covered by the First TV channel. All of Russia sympathized with the families of the dead. Siberia put out the fire with all the forces that were sent from all regions of the country by order of the president.
Vladimir Putin, in particular, focused on the responsibility of leaders, and guilt was to be established on the basis of a thorough investigation. In a relaxed atmosphere, talking over a cup of tea and enjoying homemade pies, the head of the country urgedrecommended that representatives of the local administration simplify bureaucratic schemes when restoring documents. The unsatisfactory state of fire protection measures was pointed out. Despite the fact that large-scale fires occur every year, the necessary conclusions have not been made.
On the eve of his departure, the president instructed the leaders of the Trans-Baikal Territory to provide permanent housing to all who need it until September. Moreover, the main purpose of the next visit will be to verify the fulfillment of the order. Today, the fire in Siberia has been stopped, but it is possible that the situation may repeat itself next year.