Many people want to know the future of the world. In the modern world, where information is the most important and expensive resource, there is such knowledge that remains invaluable - this is knowledge about the future of all mankind or its individual parts. Of course, there is no guarantee that the information received from the prophets is reliable, but we have no other, and the only way to be sure of the reliability of this data is the previous successful predictions of this person. Fortunately, there are a lot of such people, so from their words we can at least roughly predict the near future of the world.
Gene Dixon (Pythia)

Gene Dixon throughout her life has repeatedly shown herself to be a reliable predictor, as a result of which the highest ranks of the United States and other countries of the world trusted her words. She predicted that at the beginning of the 21st century, a fairly large number of various natural disasters will take place, entailing various global disasters, but it is Russia that will suffer the least from them, and this especially applies to Siberia. Thus, the country will have the opportunity to extremelypowerful and rapid development. The hope of the world, as well as its revival, will come from Russia, and there will be no connection between this and communism. It is in Russia that the most authentic and great source of world freedom will appear.

Zarathustra is a well-known prophet who lived before our era. He predicted the future of the world and Russia in such a way that the era of the interweaving of Evil and Good will completely end in 2003, after which the Russian Empire will enter the era of the undivided rule of Good, which will end with a complete victory over Evil. In this regard, Evil is, although necessary, but still a temporary stage in the development of Russia and the world, but after a certain time, Evil will be completely exterminated.

Paracelsus saw the future of the world as follows: there is a people that the great Herodotus called the Hyperboreans, but today it is customary to call them Muscovy. Do not trust in any way the terrible decline of this people, even if it continues for several centuries, because then they will know a huge flowering. In this country, which no one even perceived as a country where something truly great could happen, the Great Cross will appear over the outcast and humiliated people.
Alice Bailey

Alice Bailey during her life wrote a lot about Russia, as well as about how the glob althe future of the world. In particular, she said that the main task of Russia was born and constantly nurtured by progressive idealists, regardless of which regime was in power, and when all the deadlines are fully fulfilled, it will be determined in all its strength and glory, bringing good to the whole world.. The spiritual motto of this people is "Unification of the two paths", because its main task is to form a close connection between the West and the East.
On a global scale, Russia is a kind of student who comprehends a new consciousness, as well as a unique inner understanding of life. After this most internal training is completed in Russia, it will surpass other countries by an order of magnitude, transferring esoteric achievements to other peoples with new methods, not trying to impose, and also use violence.
However, Russia is not yet ripe for this, it is too young from a spiritual point of view to carry out the great mission entrusted to it. Old and mature nations have little opportunity to shine in the life of the new ages because they are too obsessed with the old world and cannot properly perceive the new one.
Russia, due to a number of different upheavals, is constantly becoming a new nation, which needs to create life, customs, worldview, as well as its own image of relationships with other nations from scratch. The Russian people are growing and consolidating quite quickly, so they will soon show what they can provide to other countries of the world.
The revelation thatRussia will provide the rest of the world - this is brotherhood, because this great nation will be a synthesis of West and East. But she must learn to manage people without cruelty, excluding the suppression of the free will of each person.
John of Jerusalem
John of Jerusalem predicted the future of the world in this way: people will change their perception of the world, they will open their eyes in the new millennium. They will no longer be chained in their own heads and cities, they will be able to see from any distance and they will understand each other without hindrance.
They will understand that if a certain thing hurts someone, it will hurt another. People will turn into one big creature, and each of them will be its tiny particle. Together, they will represent the heart of this being, using a single language used by all. This is how a glorious humanity will emerge.
The millennium that follows will be an age of illumination - that is how John of Jerusalem predicted the future of our world. People will always love each other, share among themselves, and if someone dreams, then his dreams will come true. Thus, a person will have his rebirth. First of all, the mass of people will be based on a spiritual principle that unites people in brotherhood, representing an era of new faith power. Days of jubilation will follow through the days of ignorance, and one will be able to find the righteous path again.
Roads will appear connecting one end of the sky and the Earth with the other, the forests will again be filled with dense trees, andthe desert is irrigated with clean water. The earth will turn into a huge garden in which man will take care of every living being, and he will be able to clean up everything that he has polluted for a long time. Everyone will begin to understand that the Earth is their home, and will always be sane about tomorrow.
Predictions of the future of Russia and the world look in such a way that a person will know absolutely everything on Earth, and first of all he will understand his body. Diseases will be completely cured even before they appear, and everyone will try to heal not only themselves, but also other people. After long days of greed and secrecy, man will fully open his own heart and wallet to the poor to start a new era.
After a person learns to share and give his own, the bitter days of loneliness will disappear, because everyone will be able to believe in the spiritual principle. However, to achieve this, humanity will have to go through a huge number of fires and wars. After the towers of Babel are burned, a new era will reign.
Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is a blind woman who was recognized as a saint and at one time accurately predicted many events that took place in Russia. Despite the fact that other prophets also spoke about the future of the world and Russia, it was she who was the most accurate.
Literally a year before the Great Patriotic War began, she predicted its beginning and the death of a huge number of people, which would be the price of the victory of the Russian people. She knewthat Russia would have to go through times of absolute unbelief, but at the same time she said that the Lord would not leave this people, and later better times would come. The matron said that there would be very few believers, and the people would be under the hypnosis of terrible power. Previously, people constantly visited temples and wore a cross, protecting their homes with lamps and images, but over time, life will get worse and worse. After a certain time, you will be forced to choose between bread and a cross.
If in the future the people do not repent, then in any case they die and completely disappear from the face of the earth, but Russia has existed at all times and will continue to exist in the future. The main thing is to pray, ask and repent, and then the Lord will not leave you, preserving the holy land.
Seraphim of Sarov

Seraphim of Sarov spoke about the execution of the entire royal family, a revolution and difficult wars that would take millions of lives, but great glory awaits Russia. The great prophets predicted the future of Russia and the future of the world in exactly the same way.
In 1903, it was decided to open the grave of the elder, as a result of which he was canonized. In accordance with his prophecy, exactly one hundred years after the “acquisition of his relics” takes place, the revival of Russia will begin. In our time, this era began in 2003.
The Lord will lead Russia through suffering to great glory, but this can only happen after all the people repent. In the letter of this prophetit is said that God loves the Slavs because they always retain their true faith in him, so they can be rewarded with God's great blessing by creating an omnipotent language and the most powerful kingdom on earth. In other words, over time, Russia will rapidly become a world leader.
Lavrentiy Chernigovsky

The future of Russia and the future of the world Lavrentiy Chernigovsky predicted as follows: Russia, as well as all Slavic peoples and lands, will become a powerful kingdom, while all heresies and schisms will completely disappear in Russia. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Russia for the fact that all that terrible happened in it in the time before Christ. A great regiment of martyrs and confessors will shine, who will beseech the Lord God, and you need to know for sure that Russia is the lot of the Queen of Heaven, who cares for her and purely intercedes.
The famous Italian fortuneteller Mavis also predicted the future of Russia. The future of the world and Russia will be closely intertwined, but it is Russia that is an extremely interesting country with an interesting future. Today, the Russians are the most spiritual people, not only by origin, but also by purpose, so they will initiate the rebirth of all mankind, creating new trends and teachings.
Up close, the procedure for the rebirth of the world is almost imperceptible, and only after a few centuries it will be possible to understand that it really took place. At the moment it will start graduallythe attitude to life will change, as well as the people themselves, and first of all the Russians will change. Over time, the people will develop a different mentality, and in the end, the spiritual principle of people will change dramatically, which will cause multiple changes, including even everyday ones.
At the same time, it is worth noting that the financial future of the world will be somewhat ahead of Russia, but this will not last so long. A fundamental change in people's consciousness will cause significant changes in economic processes. Of course, money will not cease to be significant, but the principles of the economy will become completely different. No one can even imagine how much things will change.
St. Petersburg will not be flooded, but it will be completely transformed, and it will no longer be possible to make a second capital out of it. Moscow will become smaller and quieter, but these changes will only be for the better, as life will become calmer, and far fewer people will want to get into it. The provinces will need to revive, because a large number of cities will appear on the periphery. Prophecies about the future of the world say that Russia will stop looking back at America, because its inhabitants will realize their own path and understand that it is no worse.
Practically none of the current political figures will remain in power, and despite the fact that Russia still has a very long way to go, it will be able to reach heights that no other state can imagine now. This will happen already in the 21st century, that is, our children will already be able to see it. Russia should not be equal to otherscountry, because it has a special future, and over time, everyone will be drawn to it.
Mavis on the future of humanity
Today, only one path of development is known, but in fact there are more than a thousand of them. An absolutely new turning point in development has come, and the previous paths are being replaced by new ones, as yet unknown. Just completely change the worldview of people, and with it will change their way of life. Do not think that something terrible awaits us in the near future, because humanity is not a small child that will need to be led by the hand. The confessional future of the world promises us only good changes.
There is a high probability of serious outbreaks of viral diseases absolutely unknown to our time in the southern regions, and political unrest will appear in Russia, but they are normal for her and will not have catastrophic consequences.