Pegasus is a winged horse, first mentioned in the myths of Ancient Greece. This creature was endowed with nobility and mystical power. Remarkably, despite its venerable age, Pegasus is often mentioned in contemporary art.
Ancient Greek legends about Pegasus

There are two versions of the origin of Pegasus. According to the first of them, the winged horse jumped out of the body of the Gorgon Medusa along with the warrior Chrysaor at the moment when Perseus cut off her head. Other legends tell about the appearance of Pegasus from the blood of the Gorgon that fell to the ground. A mythological version is widespread, according to which the father of the winged horse is Poseidon himself. The lord of the seas was fascinated by the beauty of the Gorgon Medusa, and it was because of the connection with him that the beautiful girl was turned into a monster. Pegasus was the fruit of this connection. The winged horse was born at the source of the Ocean, he received a name that literally translates from Greek as "stormy current".
Pegasus was as fast as the wind, according to legend, most often he was in the mountains, mainly on Parnassus in Helikon and Phocis. The winged horse also had a stall in Corinth. According to many myths, Pegasus is the favorite of the muses. He is also known as an assistant to Bellerophon. With the help of a winged horse, the hero was able to hit the Chimera from a bow. FriendshipPegasus and Bellerophon lasted long enough. Once the hero was too proud of his accomplished feats and wanted to fly up to the very sky. According to one version, Bellerophon was frightened of a swift flight and fell off the back of Pegasus. According to another, the horse threw off the rider from his back at the behest of Zeus. The wrath of the god of thunder was caused by the pride and arrogance of Bellerophon. After participating in numerous exploits, Pegasus began to deliver thunder and lightning from Hephaestus to Zeus on Olympus. Subsequently, the winged horse was placed in the sky in the form of a constellation.
What does a winged horse look like?

Most often, Pegasus is depicted as a large snow-white horse. The animal is distinguished by its ideal thoroughbred constitution and noble features. From the back of the horse grow two white wings covered with feathers. Their scope exceeds the length of the body. Pegasus is a horse endowed with supernatural powers. It has massive hooves that can strike sparks. Sometimes depicted with a golden or silver-bluish mane. The winged horse is often depicted free, and sometimes in a bridle and full harness.
Pegasus - a symbol of inspiration

In world culture, Pegasus is a symbol of inspiration and the patron of all creative people. According to one of the ancient Greek legends, a winged horse knocked out a source with a hoof on Mount Helikon. This spring, located near the Grove of Muses, was called the Key of the Horse. It was believed that everyone who drank from it would experience a surge of inspiration and gain the ability to compose poetry. It is from this myththere was a stable expression "Saddle Pegasus". In a creative environment, it means to catch your inspiration. For many centuries, a horse with wings was found on the coats of arms, personal signs and seals of many recognized creators in Europe. Sometimes Pegasus is also considered a symbol of noble strength, justice, wisdom and divine providence. Decorated with a winged horse and the coat of arms of the Templars, as the embodiment of glory and eloquence. Some modern historians believe that it is legitimate to consider Pegasus as a symbol of the life cycle and the interconnections of all living things.
Modern history of the winged horse

Today, the mythical winged horse often appears in modern fairy tales. Pegasus can be seen in science fiction films based on ancient legends and even on the pages of children's books. Sometimes the winged horse is depicted as a unicorn, with a long horn on its forehead. Do not forget that on the modern map of the starry sky, Pegasus is a constellation discovered at the dawn of world civilizations.
One of the mythical qualities of the winged horse is the ability to fly and develop great speed instantly. It is for this reason that in the modern world it is often depicted on the emblems of air carriers and aeronautical clubs. Creative people do not forget that their patron is Pegasus. The symbol of something divine and boundless inspiration is often found on the signs of associations of poets and writers today. The city of Zlatoust boasts the image of a winged horse on its official coat of arms.