Ekaterina Balashova - fabric artist

Ekaterina Balashova - fabric artist
Ekaterina Balashova - fabric artist

Have you ever dreamed of turning your favorite business into a profitable and interesting business? It doesn't matter if you love cooking, photography, writing or drawing - such thoughts have probably crossed your mind more than once. Then you will be interested in what the fabric artist Ekaterina Balashova did.

Author's jeans
Author's jeans

Short biography of Catherine

Ekaterina was born on April 4, 1988 in the Moscow region. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of drawing. It was thanks to this desire that she became a professional artist, and later a master of painting on fabric. Since 2011 Ekaterina has been giving master classes. Her Sun Kat brand has been around for more than six years. She started with small toys and "fragrant hearts", she also sewed decorative Tild dolls.

Now she paints denim jackets, sweatshirts, T-shirts with acrylic paints, is the founder and organizer of the art project and handmade fair "Women's Things". Balashova Ekaterina very rarely answers questions related to the process of her work, however, at rare webinars she is happy to shareexperience and helps with advice to budding artists and textile artists.

Magical city
Magical city

Sun Kat Brand

"You don't have to be a designer to bring your ideas to life" - this phrase was guided by Ekaterina when creating her brand. This is now her motto. When someone asks her about how to start a business, she admits: “I'm not the best business advisor. You just have to love what you do.”

Orders are booked weeks in advance, because each item is created exclusively for one person. Nevertheless, Catherine easily manages to combine work and family life. She is a happy wife and loving mother of twins.

Playing rabbits
Playing rabbits

Each thing painted by Ekaterina is unique, because the idea is created together with the customer, there is no idea that the artist cannot bring to life.

Sweatshirt with poppies
Sweatshirt with poppies

Handmade - "made by hands" in literal translation, things made by hand.
