Tatyana was born on February 28, 1947 in Leningrad. Her parents were strict and forbade the girl a lot. So, the father of the actress said that the creative profession can not bring anything good: no happiness, no money. Because it is not a serious profession. But still, Vasilyeva studied in literary and theater studios from childhood. Having gone to enter the Moscow Art Theater, Vasilyeva told her parents that she was going to Moscow on an excursion. When the girl's parents found out the truth, they were shocked. And the father of young Tatyana Vasilyeva wanted to take her documents, but nevertheless, succumbing to the persuasion of her daughter and the rector, he decided not to do this.
The beginning of Tatyana Vasilyeva's career
After studying at the Moscow Art Theater, Tatyana Vasilyeva began her career in the theater of satire. The first performance with the participation of the actress was the production of "At time in captivity". In 1972, she made her film debut in the romantic comedy Look into the Face. This film did not bring her success, as Tatyana Vasilyeva recalls.
The films that came out a little later became fateful for the actress. In 1975, the film "Hello, I'm your aunt!" was released. In 1978 - the comedy "Duenna". The image of the duenna Dorothea, created by Vasilyeva,very fond of the audience. In 1985, the film "The Most Charming and Attractive" was released, which made the actress famous throughout the country. In the film, the spectacular heroine Vasilyeva tries to convince her friend of her exclusivity and attractiveness and teaches the secrets of self-confidence. However, in life, Vasilyeva was not at all satisfied with herself and her appearance. She was worried because of her height, rough features, low voice. But still, over time, she realized: her features allow her to attract the attention of the audience and keep it as long as possible.

Crisis of the nineties
In the 90s, the actress starred a little. Vasilyeva took on any role in order to stay in the profession. With her participation, the films "Womanizer 2", "I Want to America" and "W altzing for sure" were released, but they did not become memorable in the life of such a bright and famous actress as Tatyana Vasilyeva. The films in which she played in the 90s only allowed her to be heard.
Actress now
Having survived the nineties, the actress not only remained in the profession, but also became even more popular. Films with the participation of Vasilyeva are being released in large numbers now. In 2012, the feature film "Happy New Year, Moms!" with an actress. In 2011-2012, the successful series "Closed School" was shown on STS. One of the main roles in this drama also went to Tatyana Vasilyeva.
The number of performances with her participation is large, and there are always many who want to become spectators at theatrical performances withparticipation of Vasilyeva.

Tatiana Vasilyeva: awards
In 1992 she was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, in the same year she received the Nika Award for her role in the film See Paris and Die.
In 1993, Tatyana Vasilyeva received an award in the nomination "Best Actress" at the Kinotavr festival.
In 1997, Vasilyeva received the theater award "Kumir". And again received the title of "Best Actress".
For the film "Pops" in 2005, Tatyana Vasilyeva was awarded the "Golden Aries" award.
In 2013, the actress received an honorary order.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: personal life
Back in 1973, the actress met her first husband, actor of the satire theater Anatoly Vasiliev. In this marriage, the actress had a son, Philip, who was born in 1978.
In 1980, in the same theater, Tatiana met her second husband Georgy Martirosyan. In 1983, both moved to the Mayakovsky Theater, in the same year they legalized their relationship. In a marriage with Georgy Martirosyan, Tatyana Vasilyeva had a daughter, Lisa. Children became the meaning of life for the actress, but personal happiness did not work out. The marriage with Martirosyan broke up in 1995. And the actress never got married again. She didn’t want to, as Tatyana Vasilyeva herself admits.
The actress is interesting not only for her bright roles in cinema and theater, but also for her he althy, ascetic lifestyle. In order toalways stay in good shape, feel a surge of energy, the actress adheres to a strict diet, goes in for sports for several hours a day and travels exclusively in public transport.
Many people wonder why the actress should limit herself so much. To which Tatyana Vasilyeva only smiles and says that this is a necessity for her. In addition, she is interested in such a lifestyle: there are only natural, he althy products, go to the gym. This helps her to remain he althy, young and delight the audience with new works today. The actress is not shy about the fact that she uses the services of plastic surgeons. She is always ready to discuss this issue in various interviews.

During her life, the actress has played in more than one hundred and twenty films and TV shows. Also on account of the actress a huge number of theatrical roles. She is an actress of various genres, but comedy still dominates the list of her works. She has worked with film legends such as Andrei Mironov and Karen Shakhnazarov and many other great actors.