The domestic submarine of project 633 was developed by the Central Design Bureau under the leadership of Deribin Z. A. Subsequent activities for its creation were controlled by A. K. Nazarov and E. V. Krylov. The model belonged to the diesel-electric types of submarines, manufactured by order of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union No. 1454-808 dated 1955-09-08. During serial production, several dozen copies were produced, which are not only in service with the Soviet army, but also in other countries of the world.

History of Creation
Trial project 633 submarine, the photo of which is given above, was presented in the spring of 1955 in two versions. These options received code names in the Navy database (project 633 and I-633). For technical implementation, a special commission chose the second option.
The laying of the prototype of the submarine under serial number 331 was carried out at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Gorky. Launching was carried out at the end of May 1958. Sea testing of the submarine was carried out from October 22 to December 20 of the same year. State tests were held in the next half of the year in the Black Sea. Later, the submarine received duty number S-350 and was sent to the Northern Fleet for further inspection.
According to some reports, it was planned to build at least 500 boats of this series. In reality, only a little more than two dozen cars were built. Export versions were produced in the second half of the 60s of the last century.

Design features
The project 633 submarine belongs to the double-hull submarines, in terms of dimensions it is close to the analogs of the project 613, and in the configuration of the hull - to 611. The shape of the hull was chosen taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of the submarine along the White Sea, B altic and Volga routes without the need for batteries.
The configuration of the submarine is made to ensure optimal seaworthiness when diving. The body itself is made of durable steel by welding, its length is 59.4 meters, the layout includes several cylinders of different diameters. As a protective coating, a material was used that corresponded to the technical documentation of TsKB-112 (1960), type - PL NPPRK-7.
The calculated protection against a medium nuclear explosion was:
- In a reinforced case at a distance of 1.6 kilometers.
- Main ballast tank - up to 1.6 km.
- In the superstructure - 1.0 km (air burst).

SubmarineProject 633 Romeo is equipped with a power plant similar to No. 613 with a pair of propeller shafts. Diesel engines produced by the Kolomna Plant, have a capacity of two thousand horsepower, the number of revolutions per minute is 500. The design of two-stroke units is of standard action with direct-flow valve-type scavenging and a compressorless six-cylinder block.
The assembly is blown by a pair of rotary blowers. Stable operation of the propulsion unit is guaranteed with water waves up to four points on board with up to 400 liters of water (at the minimum design speed). Also, the propulsion unit includes two propeller electric motors PG-101 (1350 “horses”, 420 rpm). Their configuration - units with swivel frames, water-cooled bearings and a pair of anchors. Additionally, two economical electric motors with a power of 50 kW each, developing 420 revolutions per minute were used.
The Project 633 submarine diesel boat has two low-noise propellers with six blades in the mechanical block. The variable pitch of the elements is 1600 mm, they rotate in ring nozzles, they came to replace the unsuccessful experimental four-bladed predecessors.

The submarine is controlled by means of a guide, stern and bow rudders. They are equipped with a hydraulic controller activated from a central position. Spare drive - electric, aggregates with aft horizontal rudders. Control of this node is possible from the chassisbridge in the superstructure. Here the steering wheel has a mechanical connection with the working mechanism. The energy block consists of 224 batteries, united in two groups of 112 pieces.
Rescue system and weapons
The Project 633 submarine is equipped with rescue equipment, including torpedo tubes. They allowed the crew with special equipment to leave the submarine from a depth of up to 120 meters. Evacuation was carried out by locking. From depths of up to 200 meters, the rescue operation of the team was carried out using a special bell from the stern. The central post and the cabin also made it possible to evacuate from depths of up to 100 meters with ISP equipment. To extinguish fires on the submarine, an air-foam system of the VPL-52 type is provided.
The crew of the project 633 boat consists of 52 people, the number of beds is 55, the average living area in the compartments is 0.8 sq. m, volume - about 9 cubic meters. Submarine Armament:
- six 533 mm bow torpedo launchers;
- pair of similar guns aft;
- combat stock - 14 torpedoes;
- control of firing - PUTS "Leningrad-633";
- deep torpedo drive - manual type.

Technical plan parameters
Project 633 submarine characteristics:
- length/width/draft - 76, 6/6, 7/5, 07 m;
- displacement under/above water - 1, 72/1, 47 t;
- fuel weight - 252 tons;
- surface/underwater speed to the maximum - 15, 3/13, 8node;
- travel range - 14590 miles (maximum over water);
- maximum diving depth - 30 m;
- autonomy - 45-60 days.
Among the equipment for direction finding and passive protection on the submarine are the GAS Arktika-M, noise direction finding Svet-M, Flag detection, search for MG-15 mines. The package also includes a radio reconnaissance station, a direction finder, radio stations, attack and anti-aircraft surveillance periscopes, a hydrological all-round visibility system.
The project 633 submarine device (photo below) is almost identical for several modifications. Among them are:
- Model I-633 (draft design developed in 1955).
- Serial basic project.
- Experimental submarine from the Central Design Bureau "Lazurit" under the leadership of E. Krylov.
- Modification of the S-350 (medium special) with increased body streamlining.
Experimental projects differed from basic analogues by the presence of nine centrifugal pumps, an additional vertical stabilizer, the absence of spare ammunition, and a maximum immersion depth of up to 100 meters.

Submarines of the type in question were widely exported to the fraternal countries of the Soviet Union. Project 633 submarines were in service with the Egyptian, Bulgarian, Algerian, Chinese, Korean, and Syrian navies. One of the latest modifications in the composition of the domestic fleet is located in the South Bay of Sevastopol. The boat proved to be quite decent for that time, both technicallyequipment, so in terms of armament and speed parameters. All built copies for the Soviet army were withdrawn from the navy until 1987. Chinese designers used Mark 633 as a prototype for building their own submarines.