Bamboo is a symbol of perseverance, longevity, happiness

Bamboo is a symbol of perseverance, longevity, happiness
Bamboo is a symbol of perseverance, longevity, happiness

Bamboo occupies a special place in Asian and Oriental culture. The value of this plant is multifaceted, which makes it possible to use it as a remedy for the treatment of diseases and the establishment of human energy. Bamboo is an evergreen, hardy plant. Well, let's try to explore with you the main oriental symbols of bamboo, why this plant is worth keeping at home and what it attracts to the owner. You will also learn where and how bamboo grows, how it is used. It will not hurt you to learn about an interesting animal - the bamboo bear. Then go…

Oriental display of happiness and spiritual truth

Growing bamboo is a symbol of undying love, fidelity, reliability, good luck in the family. It symbolizes constant growth, power, good he alth of the whole family. This is a very powerful display of longevity, the ability to pass through any obstacles.

bamboo plant
bamboo plant

At the same time, this plant is associated with grace, constancy, flexibility and plasticity. This evergreen handsome man reminds of blooming old age, long-term friendship, longevity.

Bamboo is a symbol of resilience in China

Oriental cane grows everywhere in China, even in northern Beijing. It has become a symbol of longevity and resilience here due to its strength. After all, it is a grass that sometimes grows taller than any tree. It can grow anywhere in China. Bamboo is not afraid of either heat or cold. There are more than 140 kinds of powerful reed grass in China.

Indoor bamboo stays green all year round. Home care allows you to observe this wonderful plant for a long time. In nature, it is also an evergreen plant. Its flowering occurs in winter, which gives the grass a special hardiness and protection. Bamboo thickets protect Chinese settlements from strong winds in winter. The plant is so flexible that under the influence of a strong wind it can bend to the ground. And when the weather passes, it returns to a vertical position again. That is why many Chinese learn from him to overcome life's difficulties and not cheat on themselves.

decoration with bamboo
decoration with bamboo

Many artists and sages are inspired by this wonderful metaphor of human life and nature. Artists paint bamboo next to other Chinese symbols: chrysanthemums, plum blossoms, pine trees. The bamboo depicted in the picture is associated with summer, strength and sincerity.

Chinese often tell the same story aboutbamboo. One woman wanted to cook soup from green leaves of reed grass in winter. She asked her son to look for them. The son searched for bamboo for so long that he even began to cry out of desperation. His tears dripped onto the cold earth, and when it thawed in the spring, young green shoots sprouted in that place. The Chinese believe that this was God's payment for the son's love for his mother. This is how the Chinese endow this plant with such power.

Japanese interpretation of bamboo symbolism

Japanese associate young bamboo shoots breaking out of the ground with eternal youth and indomitable strength. It also brings with it truthfulness and devotion. The Japanese deliberately put pieces of bamboo in the fire so that they would crack with a sound and expel evil spirits.

bamboo in a pot
bamboo in a pot

Also, flutes were made from bamboo wood to invoke good spirits. It was enough to carve the name of a good spirit on a pipe and play an impromptu melody on it. For the Japanese, bamboo is the most powerful divine tree, strengthening the spiritual connection with nature. Amulets are made from it, protecting their owner from natural disasters and bad incidents.

Fengshui Bamboo

Today, many people know how bamboo grows, because the plant is revered not only in Japan and China, but also by Feng Shui supporters in other countries. This cane is placed in pots at home to attract good luck and happiness. After all, with all its appearance, it symbolizes development, growth and disclosure of potential. That is why this oriental grass is called "bamboo of happiness." But on this the magical properties of the reed do notare running out. It perfectly harmonizes the space, gives the household peace, a peaceful state of mind, relaxes.

According to Feng Shui, with the help of bamboo, you can attract male energy, correct its flows, direct them in the right direction. A potted plant is also used to protect the home from negative energy. Products made from bamboo stems have the same properties: flutes, tubes.


Many in their dachas or household plots plant several types of plants, and then watch the beautiful sound of bamboo in the wind, reminiscent of an orchestral performance. To activate the zone of we alth, feng shui advises planting an oriental bamboo symbol on the southeast side of the site. Some varieties of bamboo feel comfortable not only in the ground, but also in water, which needs to be changed periodically.

It is believed that three stalks of bamboo bring harmony and harmony to family life. Seven stalks of cane will improve he alth. Good luck in business and all sorts of benefits will bring eight stems of the plant. Nine stems are responsible for luck and success. 20 plants will become a symbol of friendship and fidelity. 21 stems are considered to be the activator of success in any area of life. It is believed that four bamboos should not be planted side by side, since this figure among the Chinese means death.

Fengshui says that bamboo is a great gift for good luck, because it is not only a symbol of perseverance. It is useful for both men and women. This reed grass gives everyone energy, strength, endurance, confidence.

How does tropical reed grow?

And now a little about how it growsbamboo and its external features. The plant consists of woody, knotty stems that can reach a height of up to 25 meters. Only at the top of the grass are lanceolate leaves and flowers in the form of simple and branched panicles. In some varieties of reeds, the diameter of the stem can reach 30 cm, and the height of the trunk is 40 m. There are 600 varieties of bamboo in total.

feng shui bamboo
feng shui bamboo

The plant is very hardy, not afraid of water, sun and temperature changes. The growth of bamboo is very rapid - up to 40 cm per day. But the stem begins to stiffen only after three years. Some varieties bloom only once every hundred years, others - once in a lifetime, after which they die.

Using bamboo

The use of bamboo is quite wide. Its light, strong stems are used to make furniture. Baskets, mats, toys are also made from young wood. The plant is used to make special brown bamboo paper, brushes, and pencils.

bamboo cultivation
bamboo cultivation

Seeds, stems, young shoots of bamboo are widely used in medicine. Thus, the inner part of the cortex helps to eliminate inflammation in the respiratory system. The juice of young bamboo is widely used. It is taken to dissolve kidney and gallbladder stones. Bamboo essential oils are often used in cosmetology.

Indoor bamboo: home care, features

Decorative or indoor bamboo is often planted as a symbol of prosperity. There are many subspecies of ornamental plants, differing in size and shades. Importantnote that this plant does not like the sun, diffused light is enough for it. To keep it in the shade, it is better to place it on the floor. Decorative bamboo is afraid of drafts. A comfortable temperature for him will be from +17 to +30 °С.

decorative bamboo
decorative bamboo

Very often, a certain type of decorative bamboo is grown in water that is constantly changed (once a week). Only melt or rain water is suitable for its development. To do this, it is pre-frozen in the freezer, pouring into plastic bottles. Bamboo also does well in soil for ornamental plants.

Giant panda in bamboo thickets

In the bamboo thickets there is a very interesting animal of the bear family - the bamboo bear. Its distribution area is the forests of southern China. These are very beautiful giant pandas. The name of this animal is not accidental, because it loves to feast on bamboo stems and leaves. A bamboo bear can eat up to 40 kg of a plant per day. In addition, it also feeds on small animals and bird eggs.

bamboo bears
bamboo bears

In nature, the giant panda is a small animal, there are about 100 individuals in total. The Chinese have created special reserves to protect this species. The bamboo bear is listed in the Red Book.
