Confusion - what is it?

Confusion - what is it?
Confusion - what is it?

All words can be divided into simple and complex. The latter include terms whose etymology is not clear at first glance. For example, many give in before answering the question: "Confusion - what is it?" Let's figure it out.

confusion is
confusion is

What is

In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, it is clearly stated: "Confusion is confusion, an unexpected violation of order or confusion." An authoritative scientific manual should be taken as a foundation for explaining various terms.

In other dictionaries, you can read that confusion is some kind of bewilderment, embarrassment, embarrassment and anxiety at the same time.

Manifestations of confusion are as follows:

  1. The person has a surprised, thoughtful and embarrassed face.
  2. The person fumbles with things that are at hand, scratches his head, looks at one point or to the side.

The "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy" provides a vivid literary example of this state in the novel "Crime and Punishment" (F. Dostoevsky), when the main character cannot find a place for himself, being in confusion.

leads toconfusion
leads toconfusion

Words similar in meaning

The best way to understand any term is to learn its synonyms. In the word "confusion" they are: confusion, disorder, bewilderment, inconvenience, embarrassment, stupidity, confusion, awkwardness, perplexity, embarrassment, shame, embarrassment, confusion, stunned, bewildered, shame, panic.

Examples of confusion in literature

  1. Although the terrorists who were standing by the fireplace were most likely puzzled by surprise and were in some kind of stupefaction, one of them, a beautifully built man, still managed to get out of his stupor and was now aiming at Jacques, leading the muzzle of a revolver after his dancing silhouette.
  2. Prince squinted and looked around, seeing the true reason for the confusion that had happened, nodded indifferently, as if he said: is it worth getting carried away with nonsense!
  3. Subsequent generations of him kept the flame in the lamp in the same way and were perplexed at the sight of that girl in strange skirts, white shoes and a bow on her head: it was difficult for them to combine what they saw with their ideas about their grandmother.
  4. She immediately turned around and left the room, and Christian, completely confused, only followed her with his eyes.
  5. For long minutes there was such a strange confusion around that Justin could even be run over.
  6. Look: on the right, about a hundred meters from us, the "spirits", taking advantage of our confusion, are taking recoilless weapons to the enemy.

As you can see, the word "confusion" is primarily a stupor and surprise. This isa phenomenon that can stop time for a few seconds for those who are in a similar state. What causes confusion? Some situation, the outcome of an event, a surprise - everything that we could not have imagined.