Social institutions of society: role and functions

Social institutions of society: role and functions
Social institutions of society: role and functions

The concept of "social institution" has different meanings depending on the context of interpretation and the science that defines it. In this article, the emphasis will be on the sociological view. Despite, again, the existence of various definitions, it is generally believed that the social institutions of society are relatively stable sets of norms, beliefs, values, statuses and roles that govern any spheres of public life.

social institutions of society
social institutions of society

It's not just the meaning of a term that is indefinite. The role of social institutions in society is different in each case. The following is a list of the main institutions and their functions. In general, scientists note that the social institutions of society are a replacement for instincts in human society, created in the course of cultural development. They satisfy the various essential needs of society, and without the main ones, life in society becomes extremely difficult at all.

Let's move on to the classification. The main social institutions of society include economic, political, spiritual, family groups.

the role of social institutionsin society
the role of social institutionsin society

The role of economic institutions is to ensure the organization of the economy, management and effective development. Ownership relationships attach some value (mostly material) to a specific person or organization, allowing them to receive income. Wages as a social institution - remuneration to the worker for the work done. This group also includes money, the market and much more.

Political institutions (army, parties, court, state, media, etc.) regulate any relations of political power in society.

Spiritual institutions (education, science, religion, etc.) support moral values in society and contribute to their further development.

The family and marriage group is the most important link in the structure of society in general, educating and supporting each individual.

All groups and social institutions of society are closely interconnected and constantly intertwined, thus influencing each other. For example, the state performs not only political functions, but also regulates economic relations, intervenes in the spiritual spheres of society.

groups and social institutions of society
groups and social institutions of society

The social institutions of society are not strictly fixed permanent phenomena: they develop over time in the same way as relationships between people, culture and other factors.

Let's get back to the question of the role and functions of social institutions. Scientists distinguish four (in addition to the above) their main tasks. First of all, it is the reproduction of memberssociety, the preservation of the quantitative and qualitative constancy of society. The second is the preservation of the cultural, spiritual, intellectual, industrial and other heritage accumulated throughout the existence of society. The third function, rather, is noted by economists - the social institutions of society are responsible for the production, distribution and exchange of material and other benefits. The last one is the management and control of society, as well as of each of its individual members (political formulation).

It is important to note that there is such a thing as dysfunction of a social institution. It comes as a result of changing social needs and the loss of the significance of the institution in society.